If you haven't already done so, please take a moment to let your voice be heard in opposition to the Keystone Pipeline. This pipeline is an illbegotten idea that hurts Gaia and the people whose land it would run through, while having little economic value to the United States.
The "Dark Hats" have figured out that people freely communicating with each other, is crimping their style. So they are getting together to put a monkey wrench into that vehicle, namely the internet. It's up to us to let them know, that that isn't going to fly!
Please read this communication and sign the petition! Let them know, what you think of their little scheme! What they are scheming would affect all of us. Even the Galactic Free Press could come under scrutiny. No one would be exempt!
As the light increases, so does the strangle hold on our rights as human beings. Those who own Google and Facebook are showing where their loyalties lie. Obviously, they don't think much about humanity. Let them know what you think about that.
What these workers are being exposed to is criminal and outrageous. If this happened to American Workers, lawsuits would be flying like flocks of birds. Instead, these workers are being cowed into submission, because they come from dire circumstances. We are talking mistreatment, coercion, threats to their lives, and exposing workers to unhealthy conditions. Please read this article, and let your voices be heard for your brothers and sisters! Love and justice for all!
I was shocked to find out what they did to fruit trees. While I appreciate the farmers need to keep their trees healthy, this is not the way to do it. Please take a moment to read the blurb and sign the petition to keep our food supply safe!
There's a reason why many consumers like to purchase fruit with an organic label on it: these foods are supposed to be healthier, tastier and free of nasty chemicals and antibiotics.
This film shows the devastating effects the flood has had on Colorado's "fracking" operations. There are more than 20,000 fracking wells in one area alone. You will not see this on the idiot box. Earth First filmed the disaster areas from above, and it isn't pretty. It is important that all of us stand up to this wasteful resource extraction process and let our elected officials know how we feel about it. Please pass this on!