Ra-Raela's blog

Tell The Islanders To Stop Whaling Endangered Whales! Sign The Petition

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Dear Reader-

Over 100 endangered fin whales have been slaughtered by Iceland's whaling industry this summer. 

Help stop whaling in Iceland.

Help stop Iceland's whalers for good. Tell President Obama to place economic sanctions on commercial whaling supporters.

take action today

In the frigid waters off the coast of Iceland, over 100 fin whales have been slaughtered this summer.

But these grim numbers don’t tell the whole story. Iceland’s whaling industry is really on the brink of collapse.

This July, Greenpeace and coalition partners took action to stop shipping companies from transporting whale meat. So many shipping companies pledged not to carry whale meat cargo that not one ounce of whale meat has left Iceland for over a month.

But that’s not enough to stop Kristján Loftsson – the CEO of Iceland’s only whaling company. In order to end whaling for good, we must convince President Obama to target the whaling industry’s remaining allies with economic sanctions.Only then – when Loftsson has no financial support – will the slaughter finally stop.

Is Big Brother Hiding The Truth About Merpeople To Cover Up Their Sonar Killings?

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What you are about to see, is an amazing film. I was riveted, angry, and sad, about the waste of precious life by the naval experiments. But it uncovered a mystery, that humans, in particular fishermen, have talked about for centuries. It also shows the frustration, scientist go through when they want to uncover the truth, and are stymied every step of the way.


Another Wonderful Success Story From Avaaz! Your Voices Count!

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Check it out!

Dear friends, 


Ingrid, an Avaaz member, helped save a Norwegian woman from being jailed for being raped in Dubai -- she started a petition on Avaaz and the social media storm it created kept pressure up on governments to act. Now the woman is free! And it all started with one simple step: click below to start a campaign on an issue you care about, it's incredibly quick and easy! 

Support Independent Journalists and Bloggers!

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Please Read and click on the highlighted sections to find out more!


free press action fund


This is for all those of you who have lend their voice:

Thanks for speaking out last week to protect journalists like Glenn Greenwald and their families from government intimidation.

The fight for true press freedom is long from over. Right now Congress is debating a bill designed to strengthen protections for journalists. But here’s the problem: Congress wants to decide who counts as a “real” journalist.

Help Us Ensure That Congress Protects All Journalists. Donate $20 to the Free Press Action Fund Today.

The Free Flow of Information Act, which is moving through the House and Senate, defines the term “journalist” so narrowly that it excludes many bloggers, freelancers and citizen journalists. This includes many independent journalists we depend on to ask the hard questions, get at the truth and deepen debate.

We have bloggers covering trials like the Manning case, citizen journalists covering disasters like Hurricane Sandy and freelancers covering wars and statehouses. It’s outrageous that Congress could take steps to shut out so many powerful voices.

Help Us Protect the Watchdogs Who Hold Power Accountable.

Let's Help End Child Slave Labor In India! ONLY HOURS LEFT TO AD!D YOUR VOICE

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URGENT!  Please click on the link!



 Time is running out. The Indian Parliament is going to adjourn on Friday so we are in Delhi and planning to deliver the petition TOMORROW calling on the Indian Parliament to abolish child slavery in India by passing the "Child and Adolescent Labour Abolition Bill”.


Urgent Appeal For Prayer To Save Giant Sequoias!

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A Call to Prayers ! We ask each of you to pray for highest good, and it is our prayer that the majestic trees and living cathedrals of Yosemite and the Sierra Nevada's be preserved in highest good for humanity and for the planet.  Please say prayers for the winds to stop, and the fires to diminish.

Tuolumne and Merced Sequoia groves. About forty of the Giant Sequoia trees are affected.   "All of the plants and trees in Yosemite are important, but the Giant Sequoias are incredibly important both for what they are and as symbols of the National Park System," park spokesman Scott Gediman said Saturday. "These trees are over 2500 -3000 years old and are the largest most magnificent trees on the planet. They cannot be lost, it would be an unspeakable tragedy."


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