The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 4/14/2014

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Today's writing is, "What You're Searching For Has Always Been Here":

What could be more amazing than experiencing the whole Universe as God, Yourself included? What's stopping you from doing that right now? Probably a whole lot of attachments and desires that you've made more important that God. You may deny this, you may believe its not true, but do your actions say the same thing as your mind? Do you actually trust God more than your own fears? If you do, you will let go of them, as well as your attachments to the past and desires for the future.

This is not just a mental release either, you don't just say in your mind, "I release my desires". Do you understand what that would do? You'd just be creating another desire in your mind! True surrender is a function of the Soul, you're not going to fix a limited mind with a limited mind, you will just be an imitation of whatever you believe "Higher Consciousness" is supposed to look like. If you want that go join a religion.

Real Truth can only be realized through the Soul, you feel it directly. It's not something you figure out, not something you read in a book. You're already completely immersed in Truth, which is God, which is Higher Consciousness. Truth never left your life, it's simply that your own vision became clouded and confused. You stopped seeing through the Eyes of Love, and started perceiving things through your mind. From a higher perspective, it's such a minor detail, just a flaw in perception, but for the being caught up in the illusion it's the difference between Heaven and hell. You make a molehill into a mountain and wonder why the path is so hard to walk.

GFP Newsletter - 4/13/2014

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Today's writing is, "The Lies of Capitalism":

Capitalism is something that you might think is totally separate from spirituality, and while that would be nice, it doesn't seem to be the case at all. Capitalist belief systems have become so embedded in people's psyches that it bleeds into all the other aspects of their lives. There's people who even delay and retard their own spiritual growth because of financial concerns. This is not something to ignore.

There's a lot of spiritual messages that say money is just an exchange of energy, let's look at that more deeply. Is this an equal exchange? Who gets more of the money, the people or the elite? Seeing money as an exchange of energy is an accurate way of looking at it, but it doesn't paint a very pretty picture. It certainly doesn't make money seem innocent or harmless. It means that money is one of the major tools the elite use to drain energy from the people. It's used to create a system of economic slavery and exploitation.

It's not money that's evil though, I don't recommend thinking in such dualistic terms. It's the way the money is used to allow a whole class of ridiculously rich parasites to exist that makes me wonder how useful money is. Probably the biggest lie of capitalism is that unchecked greed would somehow create a fair system on it's own. What a ridiculous myth that is. Even religion warns us about greed, so how incredibly ignorant is it to base our whole society upon a system of greed? You have a whole system that was rigged from the very beginning, yet the people who the system abuses the most are often the ones aggressively defending it.

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Donation total: $412 out of $3,000 monthly goal

GFP Newsletter - 4/13/2014

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Listening to me THROUGH the mind is bound to create more problems for you rather than solving them, because whatsoever I say will be heard with so many prejudices that by the time it reaches to you it is no more the thing that was said.

A little boy and his father are in front of the lion’s cage at the zoo. Suddenly the little boy comes too close to the cage and the lion is almost on the boy.

A man standing by with a swift movement grabs the boy and saves him.

A journalist happens to be among the crowd, so he decides to write an article about it. Among other questions he asks the man, ”What party do you belong to?”

”I am a Nazi,” replies the man.

The next day the newspaper carries the following headline: ”A dirty Nazi snatches the lunch of a hungry African immigrant.”

That’s the way how prejudices function. Prejudices create immediate interpretations in you, and they are so quick, they don’t give you any time to ponder over. You understand only that which you CAN understand, but that is not understanding at all; you are moving in circles.


GFP Newsletter - 4/12/2014

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Today's writing is, "Transcending Duality | How To Read Our Messages":

With everything I write, I try to go beyond dualistic thought altogether. It's a rather challenging thing to do, as I'm limited by a dualistic language. It seems I'm doing a decent job at this though, because I've noticed an interesting thing with people's reactions to my writings. Some people believe I'm being negative, while others see my writings as positive. Let me go into an example:

I wrote about forgiveness previously, and while I mentioned how wonderfully healing forgiveness is and encouraged it, I also mentioned it's an illusion (if you don't judge someone as having wronged you, what is there to forgive?). Well some people took this as me saying forgiveness is a "bad thing", which is not what I said, nor is it how I view forgiveness.

It seems people want to define the things in their life as either being "good" or "bad", and  they're looking for spiritual messages to assist with this. Yikes! Reality doesn't fit very well into the narrow confines of duality. We certainly don't encourage people to judge everything in their lives as either "good or bad". I posted this story a few days ago on our site, and it directly applies to what I'm talking about here:

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Donation total: $412 out of $3,000 monthly goal

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GFP Newsletter - 4/12/2014

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Hence for centuries the mystics have said that man is a bridge between two eternities: the eternity of the unconscious and the eternity of the conscious, and man is always moving between these two polarities. He is like a tightrope walker. Each moment is full of danger, but full of possibilities too. No possibility comes alone; it has its own danger. You can miss – you can fall from the rope into the abyss.

Man has been called by the mystics a ladder. Now, the ladder can do two things: you can use it to go upwards, and the same ladder can be used to go downwards. You use the same ladder for both the purposes, just your direction changes. When you are moving upwards your direction is different; when you are moving downwards your direction is just the opposite of it. But the ladder is the same, the result will be totally different. Man is a ladder between heaven and hell.

That’s why it is only human beings who repress, who manipulate, who kill, who try to conquer the natural flow in nature, who are stupid – because they can be Buddhas. Because man has intelligence, that’s why he can be stupid. Stupidity simply means you have not used your intelligence; it does not mean absence of intelligence. If there is no presence of intelligence you cannot call man stupid. You cannot call a rock stupid; a rock is a rock – no question of stupidity.

But you can call man stupid because with man there is hope, a ray of great light. With man, a door opens towards the beyond. He can transcend himself and he is not transcending – that’s his stupidity. He can grow and he is not growing, he is clinging to all kinds of immaturity – that is his stupidity. He goes on and on living in the past, which is no more – that is his stupidity. Or he starts projecting in the future, which is not yet – that is his stupidity.

He should live in the present with deep passion, with great love, with intensity, with awareness, and that will become his intelligence. It is the same energy: upside down it is stupidity; put it right, rearrange it, and it becomes intelligence.


GFP Newsletter - 4/11/2014

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Today's writing is an updated version of one of our older articles, "Thoughts on Channeling":

I'd like to share my observations about channelers and channeling, as there has been much controversy surrounding them. Channeling allows for some very wonderful information to come through, and it has assisted millions of people with their own evolution. For many readers, and the channelers themselves, it is the easiest way they have to connect in with the Higher Realms. It gives people inspiration, drive and direction and encourages people to go beyond their boundaries. While channeling has many beautiful aspects, it also has some limitations I recommend being aware of.

Authentic channeled information doesn't come through in English, Spanish, or any other language spoken on Earth. It comes through telepathically as Pure Thought, the Universal Language, and it's the channeler that translates it into English. For most channelers it seems this happens automatically, the channeler isn't even aware of it. Their brain takes the thought of a tree and turns it into the word "tree", so it appears that the Being they are channeling is communicating in their language. This works quite well to convey certain understandings, but 5D Thought is notoriously difficult to express in a language that revolves around a 3d experience. Things can very easily get mixed up, both on the part of the channeler, and on the part of the reader.

GFP Newsletter - 4/11/2014

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It is wonderful how much time good people spend fighting the devil. If they would only expend the same amount of energy loving their fellow men, the devil would die in his own tracks of [boredom].
-Helen Keller

GFP Newsletter - 4/10/2014

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Today's writing is, "Everyone Is A Piece Of The Puzzle":

Everyone is a part of God, everyone. Not a single person is separate, so what does this mean when you reject or hate another? If your goal is the realization of the Divine Mystery, then every Human Being, every single part of your life is a piece of that Puzzle. I highly recommend embracing it all, not ignoring any tiny bit. If you do that, you'll have an incomplete picture, a limited vision.

Everyone in your life has a gift for you, and you have a gift for them. More accurately, you are the gift, and you can also get to know yourself more deeply through your interactions with others. What we need the most now is for people to come together, not united through some belief, but out of Love for themselves and each other. We have so much division at the moment when we could instead be learning so much from each other.

Many spiritual communities form cliques, which means "a narrow exclusive circle or group of persons held together by common interests or views". This is not a very helpful thing, it just creates more division and separation, which is something the world does not need any more of. Exclusive groups with exclusive teachings, is this what it means to be spiritual? If it is, perhaps we should toss out the whole concept of spirituality and just focus upon being Human Beings.

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Donation total: $287 out of $3,000 monthly goal


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