august 2013

FDA Knows Nothing About Most Chemical Food Additives Used In the U.S.

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Realfarmacy, By: Justin Gardener, 08/19/2013


About 10,000 chemicals are added to Americans’ food to make it taste better or look better, to thicken it, preserve it, or otherwise improve it. That’s an awful lot of chemicals for the federal Food and Drug Administration to monitor. How do they do it? It turns out that, often, they don’t. According to the authors of a study published in JAMA Internal Medicine this month, the agency doesn’t even know what all the food additive chemicals are.


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China Floods: Death Toll Rises to 43 as Landslides Snarl Travel

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Theweatherchannel, By: Associated Press, 08/19/2013

BEIJING -- A government news agency says the death toll in flooding in China's northeast and southeast has risen to 43 and landslides blocked a major train line. The Xinhua News Agency said 12 deaths were reported Sunday in Liaoning province. That added to a total of 25 deaths reported earlier in Heilongjiang and Jilin, the other two provinces in China's northeast.


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Russia’s Far East hit by the worst floods in 120 years

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By:, 08/19/2013

August 19, 2013 – RUSSIA – Up to 100,000 people may be evacuated from flood-hit regions in Russia’s Far East. Water levels at local reservoirs have already reached historic highs, and officials say the floods raging in the area are expected to continue rising even further. Floods are currently affecting over 32,500 locals living in over 5,000 homes. Over 17,000 residents have already left the area over the disaster. Viktor Ishayev, Russia’s Minister for the Far East, said that “in the worst-case scenario up to 100,000 people could be evacuated” from the Amur, Khabarovsk and Jewish Autonomous Regions.


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Indian Farmers Growing Record Yields With No GMO Crops or Pesticides

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Realfarmacy, By: Justin Gardener, 08/18/2013


Contrary to claims by Monsanto and government conspirators, we can indeed meet the world’s hunger without the use of genetically modified seed and manufactured chemicals. Bumper crops of rice, potatoes, and wheat are being grown in India using methods of Agroecology.


Agroecology is a dynamic agricultural approach that uses scientific information and local knowledge to produce practical methods that are low-cost and ecologically sound. This is quite a contrast to the “one size fits all” approach of GMO crops and chemical inputs being peddled by Monsanto and friends.


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Six Easy Steps To Avoid Common Genetically Modified Foods

Silver's picture, By: Jonathan Benson (Naturalnews), 08/11/2013

Awareness about the presence of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in the food supply is at an all-time high throughout America, thanks in large part to the Proposition 37 ballot initiative in California. But many people are now asking the question, “If GMOs aren’t labeled, how can I know whether or not the foods I buy contain them?” To help you make the best effort at avoiding GMOs while shopping at the grocery store, here are six recommendations on what to look for and what to avoid.


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10 Reasons you should Drink Lemon Water in the Mornings

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By:, 08/12/2013

I start out each day with a large glass of room temperature lemon water. Lemons are rich in vitamins and minerals, particularly vitamin C, an antioxidant that boosts the immune system, protects against cardiovascular disease and even has cancer-fighting properties. Incorporating warm water with lemon juice into your diet is an easy way to meet the daily recommended allowance for vitamin C and keep your body functioning smoothly.


According to Ayurvedic philosophy, choices that you make regarding your daily routine either build up resistance to disease or tear it down.


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How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Dogs

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By:, 08/11/2013

Apple cider vinegar is an excellent item to keep in your pet supplies. It can help improve health, control pests, and ensure general well-being of your dog. It doesn't cost a lot and it works well, so it is definitely worth giving it a try if you need to find something that works for any of the problems or needs outlined in this article.


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Thousands Demand GMO Corporations 'Quit India'

Silver's picture, By: Sarah Lazare, 08/09/2013

Thousands of farmers and their allies gathered in New Delhi from 20 states across India on Thursday to demand that multinational corporations that make genetically modified organisms (GMOs) 'Quit India.' The reference to India's historic 'Quit India' civil disobedience movements for independence from Britain charged the thousands-strong day-long sit-in at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi, followed by a large march to parliament demanding an end to dependence on GMO corporations.


Protesters handed an Indian flag made of organic, non-GMO cotton to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Thursday to protest a new Biotech Regulatory Authority of India (BRAI) bill to fast-track GMO clearance in a country already dominated by GMO corporate giants. "We request the PM to hoist an organic, Indian cotton flag because it will be symbolic of seed sovereignty," declared Pankaj Bhushan, co-convener of GM-Free India Coalition, urging the prime minister not to fly the flag of U.S. multinationals that corner 93 percent of the country's cotton seed industry.


Biotech ambassadors in Africa

Silver's picture, By: Jonathan Matthews, 08/06/2013

Jonathan Matthews of GMWatch lifts the lid on the US-and-industry-backed lobbyists driving the latest wave of corporate colonialism in Africa. Back in May 2013, a controversial PR operative headed for Africa. He even tweeted a picture of the hotel where he was staying in Dar es Salaam.


Credited with running some of Monsanto's most dubious PR operations, Jay Byrne was in Tanzania to attend a regional planning meeting of the Open Forum on Agricultural Biotechnology in Africa (OFAB). The OFAB is a collaboration between two of the key lobby groups promoting GM in Africa - the International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA) and the African Agricultural Technology Foundation (AATF).


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The GMO health study they don’t want you to know about

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By:, 08/09/2013

Claire Robinson is editor of, a public information website to counter misleading spin about the Séralini study. She is an editor at GMWatch and research director at Earth Open Source.


The most detailed scientific study ever conducted on the health effects of a genetically modified (GM) food was published last year. The findings of the study, led by Prof Gilles-Eric Séralini at the University of Caen in France, were shocking. Rats fed over a two-year period with two Monsanto products, a GM maize and tiny amounts of the Roundup herbicide that the maize is engineered to tolerate being sprayed with, had increased rates of severe organ damage, tumours, and premature death.


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