august 2013

Health Benefits of Cloves: The Super Spice for Healing

Silver's picture, By: Christina Sarich, 08/08/2013

cloves pile 263x164 Health Benefits of Cloves: The Super Spice for Healing

The super spice, cloves, comes from a dried bud on the Myrtaceae tree that grows in tropical climates throughout the world, but that originated in Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and Southern India. The health benefits of cloves are so great that the spice is harvested profusely in Zanzibar and is used in folk-remedies around the world – including Chinese medicine. Over 1000 tons of cloves are imported to the US ever year.


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7 Home Remedies for Kidney Stones – Natural Foods & Herbs for Kidney Health

Silver's picture, By: Christina Sarich, 08/08/2013

lemons in tree 263x164 7 Home Remedies for Kidney Stones   Natural Foods & Herbs for Kidney Health

Have you ever experienced kidney stones, or are you experiencing them right now? While these stones generally don’t cause any permanent damage, they can cause some of the most sharp and intense pain you’ve ever felt. You may want nothing more than painkillers while you guzzle down water to help the stones pass, but know this – they aren’t required, Actually, there are numerous home remedies for kidney stones that can hasten this uncomfortable and painful process.


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Colloidal Gold: Discover the Benefits and Wonders

Silver's picture, By: Paul Fassa, 08/06/2013

colloidal golds 263x174 Colloidal Gold: Discover the Benefits and Wonders

Much has been written or said about colloidal silver’s powerful antibiotic, antiviral, and anti-fungal properties. But do you know about colloidal gold? It is produced the same way as colloidal silver to create nano-particles of gold that are assimilated into a body’s cells. But for what purpose? Keep reading to discover which health benefits colloidal gold can provide for you.


Unlike colloidal silver, colloidal gold is not considered an antiseptic. Instead, nano-particles of gold offer protection against auto-immune disease and cancer rather than infectious disease. Despite the CDC publicly announcing flu scare tactics to encourage vaccinations every fall and winter, and despite the propaganda intended to force more childhood vaccinations that are more life threatening than the diseases they “protect against”, most infectious diseases have been declining throughout the industrial world.


The Apartment Harvest: 6 Vegetables to Grow Indoors

Silver's picture

By:, 08/08/2013

Let’s face it, not all of us have a lawn we can turn into food. Sometimes we just have to make do with what we can. Did you know that you can grow many different vegetables indoors? There are certain varieties that tend to flourish on windowsills or conservatories. So next time you may feel a bit defeated because you live in an apartment and cannot grow your own food, fret not, for there is a virtual cornucopia waiting to be grown right in your living room!


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Landmark Decision: American Farmers Attain Critical Legal Protection

Silver's picture

By:, 08/08/2013


“We are lead Plaintiff in OSGATA et al v. Monsanto, a landmark federal lawsuit filed in March 2011 which challenges the validity of Monsanto’s transgenic seed patents and seeks Court protection for family farmers who through no fault of their own may become contaminated by Monsanto’s patented seed technology and then – perversely – be accused of patent infringement.”


Justice Begins with Seeds: A letter from organic farmer Jim Gerritsen

Dear Friends Attending the Justice Begins with Seeds Conference,

The demands of our farming in Maine prevent me from being with you today. We do join you in the belief that justice is necessary for lasting change, most especially as it relates to seed. We make our living growing organic seed. We have been farming organically on our Wood Prairie Farm in Maine for 37 years. We live and follow the belief that everyone in the organic community has an obligation to help grow and protect our community.


China Food Conference Warns Against GMOs, New Zealand Takes Note of GMO Dangers

Silver's picture, By: Elizabeth Renter, 08/07/2013

gmo apple syringe 263x164 China Food Conference Warns Against GMOs, New Zealand Takes Note of GMO Dangers

At a recent conference in China, New Zealand officials took heed to warnings about the dangers of letting genetically modified crops take hold in their own country. The International Conference on Ethnic Food Cultures and Food Safety featured a broad range of topics, with much of the time spent on investigating and discussing the values and dangers of genetically modified crops.


It’s important that we keep watch of the global happenings surrounding genetically modified foods. While the U.S. is “leading” the way in using, commercializing, and supporting the corporations behind genetically modified crops, other countries seem to be taking a more cautious approach, an approach our leaders could certainly learn from. It seems nations are following Italy’s decision to ban at least some GMOs.


6 Easy Herbal Remedies For the Summer

Silver's picture, By: Justin Gardener, 08/06/2013


Summer is in full swing in the northern hemisphere. Nature abounds with plant and animal life. This is great for us outdoorsy folk but there is also the problem of heat, insects, sunburn, and poison ivy. Here are six herbal remedies that can be made with common plants and household items.  Just make sure that you make an absolute positive identification on plants collected for use.


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'The Tide Has Turned': NSA Protesters Back to the Streets for #1984Day, Rallies expected across US

Silver's picture, By: Jacob Chamberlain, 08/04/2013

Thousands of people are expected to rally in cities across the U.S. on Sunday in protest of the National Security Agency's recently exposed dragnet surveillance programs, in what organizers from the group Restore the Fourth are calling 1984 Day.

Protesters in San Francisco, New York, Boston, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Washington, St. Louis, Raleigh, Austin, and other cities have scheduled marches, rallies, and other events to "draw attention to the NSA’s unconstitutional surveillance programs," in the name of protecting the principles of the U.S. constitution's fourth amendment.



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Community Gardening: Mass Medication With Positive Side Effects

Silver's picture, By: Justin Gardener, 08/01/2013


In today’s world it is more difficult than ever to get the proper exercise and diet we need for healthy living. Gardening in our own yards meets both of these needs; we get the healthiest food and we have to put some work in to achieve this.


Community gardens can be a wonderful answer for those who don’t have their own space or resources to set up a personal garden. A community garden is basically a plot of land gardened by a group of people, whether it is urban, suburban, or rural.


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4 Benefits of Magnesium, Signs of Deficiency, and Food Sources

Silver's picture, By: Elizabeth Renter, 08/03/2013

vegetables collander 263x164 4 Benefits of Magnesium, Signs of Deficiency, and Food Sources

Magnesium is just one mineral offering numerous health benefits. But the average person likely couldn’t name two, let alone tell you which foods are good sources of the important nutrient. From reducing your risk of stroke to helping fight Type 2 diabetes, magnesium is something we should all know about and be sure we are getting enough. In addition to checking out an earlier post outlining 16 magnesium deficiency symptoms, read below to see what magnesium can do to improve your health.


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