august 2013

Butter vs Margarine: The Big Fat Butter Lie

Silver's picture, By: Paul Fassa, 08/05/2013

butter 263x164 Butter vs Margarine: The Big Fat Butter Lie

Is butter bad for you? For decades, the food processing industry has used advertising campaigns to successfully lie about the urgent and proven need to replace “unhealthy” butter with “healthy” margarine. But now we know that this teaching was nothing more than made-up. In the battle of margarine vs butter, you may now be surprised which comes out on top.


Even back in the 60s and 70s sufficient scientific evidence indicated that butter was far better than margarine for good health. Who knew? Nevertheless, the industrial fake food industry relentlessly convinced millions of us to eat margarine for health reasons. The commercial processed fake food industry merged with Madison Avenue, the AMA, and mainstream media to instill a whopper of a lie by reinforcing margarine as better for you. They claimed in unison that saturated fats made you fat and promoted cardiovascular disease.


12 Foods That Supercharge Your Brain

Silver's picture, By: Editor, 08/04/2013

Simply put, your brain likes to eat. And it likes powerful fuel: quality fats, antioxidants, and small, steady amounts of the best carbs. The path to a bigger, better brain is loaded with Omega-3 fats, antioxidants, and fiber. Give your brain a kick start: eat the following foods on a daily or weekly basis for results you will notice.


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10 Reasons To Love Your Tomatoes

Silver's picture, By: Karen Foster, 08/02/2013

Now that genetically-modified tomatoes are fairly common, the heirloom varieties have become more appealing. Lycopene in tomatoes can reduce heart disease by almost 30 percent and the phytochemical is as powerful as many classes of drugs commonly prescribed for cardiovascular disease. If you’re not already a tomato-lover, here are 10 reasons to start loving them now.


Recent evidence just two ounces of tomato paste or a pint of juice a day could be enough to help many patient avoid dangerous statins the class of drugs commonly prescribed for these conditions which can lead to heart problems. According to Tufts and Boston University researchers, the highest average intakes of lycopene were linked to almost a 30% reduction in the incidence of cardiovascular disease and coronary heart disease, respectively, according to findings published in the British Journal of Nutrition.


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Strong earthquake M 6.0 struck near crippled Fukushima Dai-ichi plant

Silver's picture

Thewatchers.adorraeli, By: Adonai, 08/04/13

A strong earthquake registered as M 6.0 (JMA) on Richter scale struck northeastern Japan on August 4, 2013 at 03:28 UTC. JMA reported depth of 50 km. This earthquake was 41 km away from March 11, 2011 devastating M 9.0 "Tohoku earthquake" and about 109 km away from crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant.


There was no risk of a tsunami, JMA said. Operator of crippled nuclear power plant Fukushima Dai-ichi said no problems were reported there or at another one of its nuclear plants in Fukushima. USGS measured magnitude 5.8 earthquake and depth of 46 km.


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