full moon workshop

Full Moon Workshop Announcement for 11.11.2019

Blue Diamon's picture

Beloved Readers,

Daniela and I are pleased to announce another Full Moon Workshop on 11.11.2019 in which we will be clearing huge amounts of dense energy for the Planet and its Collective Consciousness. A personal clearing will also take place to assist you in reaching ultimate heights in your awakening at this time.

With the 11.11. Gateway we are expecting another great expansion to take place, and in order to make way for these new Light Codes of Perfection to be integrated, it is imperative that we clear out as much of the old as possible.

As the Masters have said, “There are many layers to clearing away the effluent produced by the human psyche. Many layers, such as those of an onion, that lead to deeper and deeper discoveries of hidden fear. There are only two main emotions – that of Love and Fear – and all that is not love is borne out of some degree of fear based energy.”

In this Workshop we assist you in a wonderful clearing through the assistance of Lord Melchizidek, Metatron and Michael and with the assistance of the Ascended Masters of the Blue and Emerald Green Flames. This is to be a healing experience on all levels.

We  invite you to attend by visiting this link: https://www.archangelsanddevas.com/full-moon-workshop-11-11-2019/

If you would like to attend the Workshop but are unable to contribute to it financially, please do feel free to drop me an email to debbie@archangelsanddevas.com

Please take note of the new times as there seems to have been another shift in the time zones across the world.

8/8 Meditation Gift & 14/8 Full Moon Workshop Invitation

Blue Diamon's picture

Beloveds, the upcoming Full Moon on 14/15th August in Venus focuses its attention on our need for a deeper and more meaningful love relationship with ourselves, and others, especially those closest to us, and a deeper understanding of who we are.  Therefore in this workshop, we work towards bridging the gap in separation consciousness between who we see ourselves as as humans and we we truly are in the higher realms of Consciousness. You cannot fully love another until you love yourself. To love Oneself one has to know Oneself.

To read more and book your seat in this Full Moon Workshop – PLEASE CLICK HERE.

We use the Diamond Light because it is a very powerful energy and like the diamond gem itself, can cut through anything. This is why we use this powerful light in our energy work. The Diamond Heart energy is also associated with the First Ray, the Sapphire Blue Ray, which governs the throat chakra, one of the most heavily congested chakras in mankind today. The Throat plays a major role in acting as the bridge between the Sacred Heart and Solar Christ Consciousness. The Blue Ray is also associated with the Fire Element. Say no more…

18/2 Full Moon Workshop Invitation

Blue Diamon's picture

The Moon Goddess


Beloved Readers,

Next Week on Tuesday its the Full Moon! Before each new Full Moon Workshop Daniela and myself say "Wow this is amazing! How does it get any better than this?", and yet it does! Time and time again.
We have both been bowled over by what is coming through and it's as though the Masters converge on us with new ideas every month!

Energy Update and Feedback on Friday’s Full Moon Workshop

Blue Diamon's picture

Energy Update and Feedback on Friday’s Full Moon Workshop

Beloveds, what a wonderful experience our workshop turned out to be! We anchored Light! And we stretched our Light portal even wider than it was before! It matters not that we had some background noises – most of them we edited out anyway! The most important part is that we made a difference once more in the lives of others. If there is one thing we can do as humans it’s making choices that make a positive impact in the lives of others. These are the best choices!

Every little chance we get in life to make a more loving choice –go with that! Choose that! This is how we expand our Light and merge a lttle more with the Presence of the God I AM inside of us in that moment we CHOOSE Light and Love.

Friday’s workshop was phenomenal. Daniela’s work with the Elemental Realm has deepened and she is now working with Elemental Beings from the 9th Dimension. She is also channeling the Masters and she kindly did a channeled reading for each of us who attended the live call.

Daniela got the inspired idea to do a bonus recording for the workshop of the Ascension Chair Ceremony. So we have been gifted with this extra bonus Mp3 and she’s included her singing bowl in the recording. The energies that came through for me listening to it this morning were just phenomenal.

Feedback and News Update

Blue Diamon's picture


Last Wednesday’s workshop clearing & healing the Altantean and Lemurian trauma was incredibly powerful.  We were joined by so many Light Beings who wished to assist us in creating our portal of Light to clear these old records. We were guided into a beautiful healing meditation which led us to the Temple of Truth in the etheric realm over the Isle of Crete, where we were assisted by the powerful healing and uplifting Emerald Green Flame. Here Master Hilarion and the Brotherhood of that Temple, Archangel Raphael and other Light Healers were eager to assist in our healing & clearing. They also helped us to re-establish the Diamond codes of Prosperity and Abundance within our DNA, personally and collectively for humanity.

We were then guided over the oceans where the great continent of Lemuria once stood, and to the Atlantic where once stood Atlantis, and we established a great portal of Light through the waters and into the earth below. The dolphins, dragons and unicorns and many, many, Light Beings attended this event. What happened was nothing short of incredible. Hundreds, perhaps thousands of Souls and Soul fragments ascended through the portal of light into the awaiting arms of thousands of angels who were present. It was as if the angels already knew they were ready to be taken into the Light.

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