sept 2013

John Smallman ~ The Changes Have Been Planned Very Carefully And Wisely By The Upcoming Leaders

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By: John Smallman, September 1 2013


A major turning-point has been reached as it becomes apparent that the citizens of the industrialized world are not prepared to back the leaders who would take them into yet another senseless and utterly inappropriate military adventure.  Yes, there is suffering and heartbreak in Syria, caused by years of divisive attitudes and policies, and it needs urgent, thoughtful, and compassionate attention.  It does not, however, warrant armed intervention from nations whose government leaders believe themselves to be better able to resolve the issues than those who are directly involved: the Syrians themselves.  The arrogance that attitude demonstrates is truly mind-blowing.  It would also appear that other factors are at work here which no one is talking about, even at governmental levels, because they concern secret agendas that cannot be admitted to.  Those who wish to intervene militarily are not too seriously concerned with what is best for the Syrian people.


How Genetically Engineered Foods Will Be Eradicated

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By: Dr. Mercola, 09/01/2013

We’re in really exciting times with regards to shifting the tide against genetically engineered (GE) foods and genetically modified organisms (GMOs). As you know, I was a big supporter of the California GMO labeling campaign, and while we lost the vote by an incredibly narrow margin last November, Proposition 37 catalyzed an enormous amount of awareness across the US.


More people are now aware of GMO’s than we could possibly have ever reached through educational efforts alone, investing the same amount of money that we invested in Prop. 37. It really marked the beginning of the end for GM foods in the US. Jeffrey Smith, who is one of the leaders in educating people about the concerns and dangers of GMOs, has been at it for about 17 years. He believes we are now at the most critical stage in the history of GMO activism in the United States.


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