Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Monday May 7, 2018

Think of playing a game with a deck of cards. When there are no more moves to be made, you shuffle the cards. You know there would be no point in keeping the cards the way they are because they have nothing more to offer. You naturally embrace the change that comes from a freshly shuffled deck.

Dear Ones, there may be times when your life enters into a grand reshuffling. This occurs because you have reached the end of an energetic road and things need to shift into a new alignment to support you moving forward.

While it can seem chaotic at the time, it will always uncover new possibilities and potentials that much better match who you are and where you wish to go. Trust that the universe, and your soul, always know exactly what they are doing. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday May 6, 2018

Dear Ones, it is so important that you decide for yourselves what any element is like for you. What ease looks like for you might be something completely different for another person. What you consider support might be the last thing another person needs and vice versa. What is fun for you may be an awful time for others. Even your expressions of love can be vast and varied.

Most of your dissatisfaction comes from not even knowing your own preferences because you’ve been so conditioned and influenced by how society, your friends, and your families think things should be. How on earth can you create a life of comfort and ease that holds the perfect matches for you if you’ve never given yourself time to discover your true desires?

It is also important to understand that your needs and preferences will continue to shift as you continue to evolve. So we urge you to take the time to get to know yourselves and what works for you in your present moment. You are the empowered expert on you! Taking the time to explore, understand, and honour your needs is what will allow you to create much more satisfying experiences and conditions.

Taking the time to ask, “Is that what I really want or need, or is it what others say I should want or need?” before you make any choices is an empowered act of self love and self acceptance, that will bring you far greater clarity and thus transform all your creations into better feeling outcomes. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Saturday May 5, 2018

Dear Ones, we wish for you to understand that all things serve you and you are always being presented with the exact opportunities you need for your growth, healing, and expansion the moment you are ready for them.

Let us suppose you are flowing along nicely and something happens to trigger you and make you feel emotions and memories from an difficult time. Or perhaps you suddenly experience reactive emotions and have no idea what they are connected to but they come up strongly and unexpectedly.

This is not to make you feel that you are forever wounded despite the considerable work you have already done on your journey. Far from it! It is simply bringing into your awareness an aspect of yourself that is now ready to receive your love, support, and reassurance that you have grown into your own loving parent and guide because you now have the ability to give that part of you everything it needs in a safe environment.

It is letting you know that because of the work you have done this part of you is now ready to courageously step forward for your acknowledgment. It is an opportunity to integrate and reassure that part of you by demonstrating your true mastery and authentic power. It is a beautiful way to experience your own growth and divine capability by stepping forward in a new an empowered way for yourself.

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Daily Message ~ Friday May 4, 2018

Peace does not come from finally having the ideal external conditions. It is the elements of faith and trust, acceptance and allowing, that create the foundation for the internal experience of peace, which then ripples out into your experience of the external world. It all begins within. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday May 2, 2018

Don’t ever distrust your ability to guide yourself in your own life expression. If you are unsure of how to proceed, simply asking, “What would my inner wisdom advise?” will immediately connect you with the part of you that knows exactly what to do. This is an excellent practice to help you shift from the chatter of the mind to the knowingness of the heart. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday May 1, 2018

Many of you wonder if you are surrendered into the flow. There are a couple of ways to know.

The first is your intention. Have you intended to surrender? Are you in acceptance and following the signs and synchronicities? Are you trusting the process and allowing the unfoldment to lead you? If you know for a fact that your intention was to surrender and you are being non-resistant, you can rest easy that everything is unfolding in the way that is perfect for you.

Another way to know if you are surrendered is to check in with your body. If you are holding a lot of tension in your body, that is an indicator of resistance. You cannot be tense and surrendered at the same time. Letting go creates a state of comfort and flow in your body.

So if you check in with your body and you are tense, you may wish to explore what you are in resistance to, and what that stress in your body is connected to. Once you know, you may wish to surrender that issue specifically, or ask your guides and helpers to take that stress and lead you to the solutions you seek.

Surrender and flow are your natural states of being. It does not need to be a difficult process of trying or forcing, but rather a willingness to enter into and embrace the warm, comfortable, supportive, buoyant energy that is the love of Source. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Monday April 30, 2018

We cannot stress enough the immense power of experience in your lives. As you move forward as the empowered creator in your own life expression, you will support your freedom and expansion best by releasing the attachment to result and seeing that experience has immense value for you.

So if you try something and it turns out to be less than what you had hoped, rather than feeling like you have failed or feeling angry or resistant, we highly recommend you start to ask the following questions: “What value did I receive from this experience? What clarity do I now have that I didn’t have before? How did this further refine my preferences? What aspects will I take forward with me and what will I leave behind? How did this serve my expansion? How did this add to my wisdom?” These questions will very quickly allow you to see how your experience has served you well, both for your present and your future.

Playing in the energies of the unknown is much like being presented a platter of samples. You get to try whatever you think might appeal to you, decide what you like, what you would pass on next time, and what you absolutely love. If you can simply honour the purpose of experience, and anchor in what you would like to continue with the feedback tool of gratitude, you will move forward with far greater courage and curiosity which will allow you to make so many valuable discoveries. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Sunday April 29, 2018

There are many of you who seek to release darkness or density from your soul. Dear Ones, you are beings of love and light. Your soul is never dark, there are simply areas where experience has resulted in your forgetting that truth.

A better practice than looking for darkness would be looking for where you’ve forgotten your divine wholeness and who you really are. The darkness is never the problem, it is simply a symptom of a deeper need that is yearning to receive your own love and acceptance. It is indicative of a part of you that is begging, not for further judgment and rejection, but for your recognition and inclusion.

That is where true transformation comes from – the release of the illusion that you are ever anything less than whole at your core and assuming the role of your own wise and loving guide and parent who helps you remember and reconnect to the complete beauty that is your true divine essence. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


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