Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Sunday March 25, 2018

Do you find yourself getting offended when others tell you what to do? This is a sure sign of your own evolution.

You have worked hard to find your way to your own divinity and complete capability to step forward as the empowered creator of your life expression. You have shifted out of the illusion of powerlessness into your authentic power. You are now seeing yourself as a sovereign being that is not only completely capable of leading your own life expression, but of pioneering into brand new energies and unprecedented potentials. Your freedom of self expression is of paramount importance to honour your soul’s agenda.

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Daily Message ~ Saturday March 24, 2018

Dear Ones, do you have trouble accepting love because you fear it will come with strings attached? The core of this fear is that you will be beholden to another or be enslaved. This is based on the old model of conditional love which is a model of using love to control another. These are old energies which are looking to be released.

Understand that if you have these fears they are old experiences/energies that are looking for healing. The core of this is the idea that love means giving your power away. As power is a major theme on your planet right now, all the ways that power has been abused, misused, or misrepresented are up for review. This is a wonderful thing!

When you love with an attachment to what another may or may not do, you are still attempting to find success within a conditional love model. The love you seek exists on an entirely different vibrational layer.

Love, the unconditional love you know in your heart truly exists and is what you wish to experience, is an expression of self. It is love without attachment to outcome because you understand that the joy is in the giving of it, in the allowing of it to flow to you and through you. You know that love in its purest form is expansive, healing, supportive, and freeing.

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Daily Message ~ Friday March 23, 2018

Dear Ones, the people who push your energetic buttons are the very ones who are showing up to help you master your boundaries and get clear about what energy is in resonance with you or not. As the empowered leader of your own life expression, you are absolutely within your rights to say no to anything that is not empowering, uplifting, supportive, or honouring you and your sovereignty.

Just as a good parent will step in to keep their child protected from anything that isn’t appropriate, you get to do the same thing for yourself, as your own loving parent, guide, and best friend. Your own safe and nurturing environment is essential for your continued growth and expansion. The more someone activates you the more you are looking for your own love, protection, and guidance in that area of your life.

You don’t have to get upset or stay focused on what is unwanted. The fastest way to redirect is to simply say no thank you and move along. Much like the algorithms that are used on your internet to keep track of your preferences, your focus is what keeps something active in your reality. Being able to stay in a place of balance and move on past what doesn’t resonate or support you in being your best self without pushing against it is what keeps you refining your own sacred space. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Thursday March 22, 2018

One of the greatest things you can do to shift your satisfaction with your life experience and embrace your creator self is to re-examine the circumstances of your life with fresh eyes and start making choices based on preference.

So first we highly recommend you stop and ask yourself what you would do if you did not know one person in the world. What would you do if there was absolutely no fear of judgment? If you had no one you felt you needed to please? If you knew for sure everything would turn out fine?

Now that you have some clarity about how you are denying yourself or holding yourself back, decide which elements you wish to bring forward with you in your life expression. This is the critical part. Make sure if you are bringing something forward due to a sense of duty, responsibility, or personal integrity, that you are clear on the fact that you are now doing it because you choose to, not because you have to.

Recognizing that everything is a free will choice is how you heal resentment, Dear Ones. It is how you shift into self responsibility from victim consciousness and start to embrace your innate and authentic power as the creator of your life expression. It moves you from resistance to acceptance, which will create far more satisfaction in all your interactions with others. Choice is your empowerment in action. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday March 21, 2018

Your encouragement for however another human being wishes to express themselves is a powerful support to help people expand and discover their own gifts, preferences, purpose, and mastery. It is honouring another's free will and exploration of self. Your faith in their ability to guide themselves helps them deepen their own faith in their own divine capability. Doesn't that sound much more empowering than the old rescuing patterns you used to call love? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday March 20, 2018

On this day of your equinox, this day of joyful acknowledgment and attainment, we wish for you to take a moment to receive. To accept the beneficial energy of love and support, to celebrate your progress, to integrate the energetic gifts of the day, to allow yourself to be up-levelled and anchored in balance, to lock in the progress you have attained on your journey so far. Delight in the fact that you are ready to step up onto a new platform of possibilities that are open to you now that you have assimilated enough of the energies of your new year in order to start navigating and creating in earnest.

Most of all, we wish for you to stop and give yourself the love, gratitude, and congratulations you deserve from yourself for your consistency and tenacity and incredible forward movement. You are in energies that would have been unsustainable in your bodies just a short while ago, and you are not only integrating them with far greater skill than ever before, you are stepping into the fun of discovering what new opportunities they open for you and what you can achieve with them. This is where the second, very different phase of your incarnation truly begins. What glorious times! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Monday March 19, 2018

We wish to explain to you the mechanics of how surrender works. When you surrender, you are choosing to shift into empowered movement. Your act of surrender gives permission to your team of helpers to start to actively assist you. It is stepping out of separation into the whole. Surrender is a sacred act, and there is great rejoicing, both on a soul level and also from the universe when it happens, for you are choosing empowerment, inclusion, and a higher vibrational navigation system that can move you forward in your life expression in the most remarkable ways.

So what can often occur is shortly after you surrender is you find yourself coming up against what you perceive to be your biggest obstacle. This does not mean that it is not working! In fact, it is telling you that you are ready to move through that blockage with the most assistance possible in new ways that you may not have been aware of. This is your divine guidance leading you around, over, or through this challenge so you can move beyond it once and for all.

This is where most people panic and think surrender doesn't work, so they move back into resistance, creating a space of considerable discomfort for themselves. This amounts to staying behind your blockage, bumping into it continually, which only adds to how uncomfortable you are. Discomfort only occurs in order to get you to redirect. When circumstances become too uncomfortable, people surrender, which brings the change your soul is seeking.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday March 18, 2018

We understand that many of you have a fear of surrendering because you perceive it as careening about wildly with no control. Nothing could be further from the truth! Surrendering into the flow with your faith and trust is an empowered act of co-creation. It is activating the support and guidance of all of your guides and helpers, as well as giving your highest self a more active role in your life experience.

But this still in no way means you are abdicating your power to higher beings. Your free will is always honoured, and responded to. You communicate where you wish to go with your intention, and give clear feedback through your focus and gratitude. It is a completely cooperative effort directed by you, a member of the ground crew, supported by the members of your team on the other side of the veil. You are always honoured and sovereign in however you wish to steer your flow. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Saturday March 17, 2018

Human beings are so incredibly hard on themselves. You learn about something such as your thoughts, emotions, and focus being the basis for creation, and then put incredible pressure on yourselves to have 100% positive compliance. If you do not, you immediately berate yourself for your lack of mastery.

Dear Ones, if we had one wish for you it would be that you start to be loving and gentle with yourselves and to understand that big change does not require perfection to occur. This can be achieved by lovingly and patiently rerouting yourselves if something comes into your awareness other than what you wish to create. In fact, your own love and acceptance creates a profound energetic shift in itself!

So, for example, if you happened to catch yourself having a negative thought, and you didn't berate yourself but simply guided yourself into having gratitude for two things, you would tip your vibrational scales into what was preferred immediately and start creating positive change in your life, with the added bonus of anchoring the energy of loving and nurturing yourself.

There would be no need to panic or beat yourself up because you realize you could, with your awareness, make the empowered decision to choose preference in that right now moment. Perfection is not required because your life circumstances are a vibrational response to the energetics you hold and the majority of your focus and your positive feedback to the universe.


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