Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Friday March 16, 2018

Dear Ones, is your trust rusty? Do you struggle to stay in the flow long enough for the magic to happen? Do you start out great with surrender and soon fall into fear and doubt?

Moving into deep, unshakeable faith and trust is usually the most challenging thing for enlightening human beings. Most of you have incredibly well developed faith – you have an absolute belief and inner knowing of the divine that exists beyond your individualized experience of self. It is not the existence of something bigger than you that you struggle with, it is the idea that something bigger not only loves you, but will lovingly and consistently show up for you.

We understand it can be hard to trust in the unseen when you are in the realm of physicality. Consciously deciding to work with spirit creates the bridge to bring you the proof you need. Start asking you guides to lead you. Ask for signs and when you receive them honour them for what they are. Ask to be shown the next steps, or for spirit to lead the way.

Be willing to accept your own worthiness and be willing to receive. Be consistent in your surrender and be willing to stick with it long enough to see where it takes you. The more you choose to consciously work with your team of unseen helpers, the more results you will see. It is with those results that you will start to tangibly experience the love and support that is always there for you, which will further deepen your trust.

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Daily Message ~ Thursday March 15, 2018

Let us suppose that you have been yearning for delicious, succulent, nutritious fruit. Your body craves it, knows it exists, and you feel that it is incredibly important for your health and well being. Other people talk about how amazing the fruit is, in fact, it is so wonderful they have been writing songs and stories about it for centuries.

But what you have been given throughout your life has been sour and bitter. It hasn’t supported you in any way, in fact it makes you feel worse. You question it, but the people around you tell you it is the fruit you want, so you start to believe it. Deep down you know there is something wrong, but you are lost in your conditioning, so you carry on, either trying to hack it down or avoid it completely. In fact, throughout your life many other people have tried to give you fruit but you reject it immediately because it is so unpleasant to you. When people ask you for fruit, you give them the only fruit you know.

Until one day, you are old enough to venture out on your own, and through your own growth, your inner knowing, and your own explorations, you discover that you had never had the fruit you always knew existed! What you were given all this time was something entirely different. The real fruit IS delicious and wonderful! It’s completely satisfying, enjoyable, and sustaining. So the question is, now that you know what you were given all those years was not real fruit, do you continue to be afraid of and avoid the real thing?

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday March 14, 2018

Why not take one thing – one problem that you have – and give it UP. Give it to God to take care of for you. Hand it off to be resolved and don’t fall into the temptation to take it back before it is. Surrender it and truly let it go.

If you pay close attention when you do, you will find that you immediately feel lighter. You will feel the energy change around the issue right away. You will feel a lightening of the load, so to speak, which is your indicator that it has been handed off successfully, and already moving into the energies that can bring resolution. You have allowed it to be transferred into the realm where unseen divine solutions, also known as miracles, can occur.

There is never a reason to go it alone, Dear Ones. Isn’t it time for you to explore and utilize the endless supports you have available to you at all times? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday March 13, 2018

Many of you on your enlightenment journey have felt very alone. You may not have had like-minded people in your inner circle to connect with and due to this may have felt rather isolated, unsupported, or different than others. There was a reason for this.

Many of you came onto the planet with active service contracts. You agreed to not only support and transmute energies on the planet, but also to create the perfect conditions in order to remember and embody who you truly are. Many of your experiences with others have been difficult, and a great many of you experienced abuse in order to keep you energetic sensitivities on high and to have fully developed empathic and compassionate traits. All of this served you in your service contracts and soul agendas.

It was easiest for you to have all of the elements required to fully activate and succeed on your service missions to be spread out all over the world. It would make no sense to have the enlightening human beings all concentrated in one area. It served the planet, and your own self discovery, to be scattered throughout the globe. One of the many ways the internet has been integral to the ascension process has been to give you a sense of connection in the midst of your solitary service missions. The lack of others to connect with also encouraged seeking out your guides and helpers to find the support and assistance you needed.

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Daily Message ~ Monday March 12, 2018

Dear Ones, can you truly accept that you are part of a universe that is for you and adores you? Can you trust that any rerouting or delays that happen are always for your highest good? Can you believe that you are loved and guided always? The more you can move into your own unshakeable faith and trust that you are a divine and beloved part of the whole, the more you will infuse your life with the energies of peace, grace, ease and serenity. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Sunday March 11, 2018

Most people, at some stage of their enlightenment journey, need to examine their boundaries with others in order to support and move through their own healing processes. This is a vital part of stepping into your authentic power.

What we wish for people to know is there is not one static point in any of your evolution. You are creatures of flow, who are supported by flow, and part of a universe that works with ebb and flow. Your entire planet, your moon phases, your own body, all work with ebb and flow. So looking for one unmoveable point for anything is working against the natural rhythm of both you and the universe around you. It is, in effect, trying to use resistance as a healing tool, which will simply not be effective.

We urge you to release anything that is inflexible in your dealing with yourself and others. There will be times where others need more assistance and in order to be the loving being of service you are, you will wish to reach out and help until they can stand on their own again. There will be times when others need space and time and that is how you integrate and grow.

There will be times when you will need more connection and help, and other times when you will need solitude, as well. There may be times that you need to move someone way out to the edges of your inner circle if they are not safe for you, but if they heal and evolve you may wish to revisit that, too.

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Daily Message ~ Saturday March 10, 2018

Dear Ones, many of you are receiving an influx of energy. This energy is high vibrating and spiralling, a golden energy consisting of adamantine particles which you would identify as Christed energy. This is an up-levelling of energy, if you will, and profound not only because you are ready to receive it, but also due to the shift it creates within you.

Because this energetic shift is so transformative and sacred, it takes precedence over all other things. This particular energy requires you to be awake but still in order to receive and integrate it. This is what has created the experience of the flu or other ailments that require you to rest for those who have been very busy and unlikely to take the time for stillness for themselves.

For those who do make a point of practicing stillness, it may show up as simply more fatigue. (If you feel like you have the flu, please be responsible and see your health care provider and don’t just put it off as an energetic shift! It is loving to give yourself good care in all ways.)

Different energy shifts have different energetic stamps, if you will. Some require you to be still and aware. Others require you to be still and unaware as in deep sleep. And others will quite easily integrate as you go about the business of your daily life.

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Daily Message ~ Friday March 9, 2018

Never underestimate the power of the smallest acts of kindness for they are an opportunity for you to express the love that you are and support others in ways that will be willingly received. It provides simple heart-centred connection that is lovely for all to experience because it is pure in its intention and expression. It is entering the flow of love that is easiest given and accepted for the highest good of all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Thursday March 8, 2018

Dear Ones, following your heart is absolutely essential as you move forward in these unprecedented times. It is the only way you can navigate higher vibrational relationships, honour your own soul agenda and offerings, and move into the highest potentials even if you cannot see how they could possibly come together from where you are. It is embodying the energies of faith and trust both within yourself and as an outward expression, which allows your divinity to take the lead in the most authentically powerful and beautiful ways. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday March 7, 2018

It is quite common for enlightening human beings to think that they aren’t doing enough in terms of their service. This is due to having a high level of diligence and commitment, but also from old conditioning that is based on the martyred service paradigm.

We understand it can be difficult to understand from your perspective, but your greatest contributing service occurs from your own growth and evolution. As you enlighten you shift, transmute, and anchor energy. You assist the planet and the energetic grids in so many ways. As you move forward in your own process, you access new and inspired ways you can be of service to others, as well.

Further, because you have been self responsible, you become far more balanced and actuated, which allows you to be of the greatest assistance to others, both by being a powerful teacher by example, but also by being able to assume the role of guide on earth through your love, wisdom, and compassion.

One of the biggest challenges for those who are on the planet to be of service (this means everyone on their own enlightenment journey) is to shift from martyred service to joyful service. This means releasing the idea of having to carry the weight of the world on your own shoulders, or that service is hard and requires great sacrifice, and moving into the new model of it being comfortable, joyful, and a beautiful cooperative effort of many souls, all with the same heart-centred agenda.


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