Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Monday July 6, 2015

We understand that many of you consider patterns in your life as indicators that you are unhealed in some way. But what if they also happen to show you how far you have come? There is no greater way to gauge your growth than to be presented with a situation and handle it in a new, authentic and empowered way.

Dear Ones, it is difficult for you to see how far you have evolved without the perspective of experience, so rather than being afraid of past events reoccurring, understand that their looping back around is simply an opportunity for you to do things in a different way that reflects your growth. Once you see that you can do that, they lose their charge forever, and whether they happen again or not becomes irrelevant. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Sunday July 5, 2015

Freedom is expansion and flow, and your ability to express yourself exactly as you wish. As you are on the planet to experience and grow, it is an essential element to the human being. We find it interesting that people will fight to have their freedom, and yet keep themselves constrained in so many other ways – through fear, doubt, separation, and all the other excuses they invent to prevent themselves from experiencing their highest expression of self.

Embrace your freedom, Dear Ones – the freedom to be who you really are, to honour your passions and purpose, and to share with the world your unique expression of self. Love and encourage yourselves enough to take the gift of the freedom you have to step into your truth and magnificence. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Saturday July 4, 2015

Dear Ones, the enlightenment process is more about being than doing. More about flowing than forcing. More about joy than struggle. More about embracing the light than fighting the darkness. It is about discovering the truth of who you are, and who you have always been. It is about seeing love as the great expander, magnifier, healer, unifier and connector. It is about being a willing dance partner with a universe that has always been there to support and assist you in this magnificent process of coming home to yourself. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Friday July 3, 2015

We understand that many of you are weary of what seems to be an endless releasing process. But what if you let go of the idea of releasing as a chore, and started to look at it as delicious unfoldment? What if you saw it as unwrapping a beautiful present, savouring each layer as part of the fun of discovering what glory lies underneath? Because that is truly what you are all doing – after centuries of anticipation, you are delightedly peeling back everything that was hiding the truth and beauty of your own divinity so you can finally express it in human form. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Thursday July 2, 2015

Your soul is, by nature, expansive. It wishes to grow, flow, and experience. Your mind, naturally, seeks to constrain into categories and predictability. It wishes to put things into the context of what it already knows. This is where much of the discomfort of the human experience comes from – the tug of war between the desire for freedom and movement from the soul, and the desire for control and containment from the mind.

The comfort that you seek comes from honouring both. If you understand that freedom and love are the greatest joys of the soul, you can meet that need by allowing the heart to lead the way. Since the mind likes to catalogue information, you can get it involved by asking it to track the successes of heart-centered living. By employing both, you have found a balance that satisfies the integral parts of the human experience, and will be moving forward with far greater ease and cooperation from all vital aspects of self. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday June 30, 2015

Surrender and flow, with faith and trust, activates your team of highest advisors to, in the most direct way possible, lead you to your highest experiences. By getting out of your own way, out of the agonizing and trying, worrying and overthinking, you are immediately able to enter into empowered, co-creative movement.

If you have a blockage, surrender and flow may bring you right to it. This is a good thing! If you don’t panic, you will be able to resolve that issue once and for all, and finally flow beyond it. In fact, we would say surrender and flow is the most efficient way to find the resolution you seek.

Most of you are willing to surrender into the flow but resist the second you bump up against an old issue. Dear Ones, it is your faith and trust that will allow you to resolve it once and for all, and get to the sweet spot your soul has been trying to lead you to all along. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Monday June 29, 2015

Think of young children stood in front of an easel, given paints, brushes and a blank paper to create on. They immediately think what they wish to create, grab the brush and start to paint with abandon. They do not worry about getting it wrong. They simply enter into the flow of what they would like to express, and go with it. They also know that if they do not like what they have created, they can simply get a new paper and create again. There is no hesitation, no agonizing about getting it wrong, just pure expression, and every person who looks at their creation praises what they have done and accepts it.

You could learn much from your children! Joyfully create with abandon! Know that whatever you have made, if it is displeasing to you in any way, can be discarded and you can create again. Embrace experience and self expression. Give yourself permission to be the creative genius of your life and know that whatever you decide to do with it is perfect for you. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Sunday June 28, 2015

It is your deep faith and trust in your highest self, in your guides and helpers, and in Source, that will allow you to find peace and acceptance on every step of your ascension journey. It is also the lubricant that keeps you moving forward in surrender and flow, willingly embracing the unfoldment of your life expression. Faith and trust keep you out of resistance, which creates greater comfort and satisfaction in your life, which leads to appreciation. Appreciation and gratitude pave the way for your even greater tomorrows. Do you see? Faith and trust are the foundation for it all. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Saturday June 27, 2015

What is love? Love is flow, openness, acceptance, inclusion. It is what energizes, expands, encourages and uplifts. It is the essence of your beingness, your highest expression of truth and self. It is your innate goodness and God-ness, gloriously expressed. ~Archangel Gabriel

Shelley’s note: I usually spend some time checking emails and fb before I write the daily message. Today’s insisted on being written as I was in the middle of doing that. I can’t help but feel that it is special response to the Supreme Court legalizing gay marriage in the United States yesterday. Love IS leading the way!


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