Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Monday February 16, 2015

If you have lost the ability to have fun in your life, it is because your inner child is looking for unconditional love, nurturing and integration. Connect with that innocent, trusting you. Vow to keep it safe so it will want to come forward. Include your beloved inner child in your day to day life. The more you care for and protect that aspect of yourself, the more you will feel secure and open enough to be silly, to play, to have fun, to imagine, and to find and follow that path of joy that your soul wishes to embrace. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Sunday February 15, 2015

We are your cosmic entourage, always at your beck and call to assist, to support, to encourage, to wrap you up in unconditional love, as you move through your life experiences. Did you really think we would allow you to move into a life expression without all the supports you needed? You, Dear Ones, are the superstars of the universe, being in the body and driving such amazing and profound changes on your planet. You are the ground crew, the pioneers, the courageous change makers, so never hesitate to ask for our help, because it is our complete honour and pleasure to serve you however we can. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Saturday February 14, 2015

On this day that is focused on love, whether you are in a relationship or not, we encourage you to shine brightly as the amazing being of love you truly are.

If you are in a relationship, intend to show your love and appreciation for your partner more than once a year! If you have not yet met someone you wish to celebrate life with, remember, your life can change in the most miraculous ways at any point, if you are open to love. That is one of the greatest aspects of being human – one divinely orchestrated meeting can change your life forever, and can come at any time. Never forget that.

But above all, remember to love and nurture yourself, and your connection to Source, because that is the centre from which all things are possible. You were born from the energies of unconditional love. Do you see? That means love – giving love, receiving love, embodying love – is your natural state of being. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Friday February 13, 2015

What if you knew with absolute certainty that your next great love was on their way to you? What would you do in the meantime? You would spend your days in delicious anticipation and preparation, all with a focus on the love that is surely coming. Do you see? You can find joy and excitement in the aligning process, as well as the actual manifestation of whatever you desire, because both are part of the delight of creation. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Thursday February 12, 2015

Do you doubt you can find love? Let us assure you that the universe is very adept at lining up people, especially if they are in an open state of surrender and flow. Fill yourself up with love until it is overflowing and know that will make you an irresistible beacon to love. To do so turns on your light of availability to your divine other! Know your beloved will respond to that clarion call. Make room in your life for love, embody love, and love will surely come. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday February 11, 2015

During this week leading up to your day that celebrates love, some people find it difficult if they are not in a relationship. If you are finding yourself feeling sad or upset, we would like to point out to you that it is likely due to the fact that you are focused on what you consider to be an absence of love.

Dear Ones, do not get tripped up over perceived lack this week! There is an abundance of love all around you. Use this week to see the endless potential the universe holds! See all the hearts, the chocolates, the roses, as a love letter to you from Source. Fill yourself up with love. See all the evidence of love as a sure sign it is making its way to you. Take a moment to commune with your future love, sending that person affection, encouragement and appreciation, and feeling the connection that already exists between your souls.

If you embrace the love that flows to you and through you from Source, if you fill yourself up with unconditional love and feel all the love you are ready to share, you can see this Valentine’s Day as wonderful preparation for the love that is sure to find you, whenever the timing is perfect for you and your future beloved. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday February 10, 2015

We have spoken about the attributes to look for in new relationships, but what if you wish to improve a relationship you are already in? We would like to discuss that today.

Many people lose their balance in their relationship by placing all of their focus on what their partner is doing. We remind you that the only thing you ever have control over is yourself. By taking your focus back, you step back into your authentic power. Then, by practicing self love and concentrating on your own growth and evolution, your world will naturally shift to reflect those changes back to you.

Dear Ones, people do not fall out of love, they fall out of appreciation. Remember how much you loved every last thing about your partner when you first met? How wonderful that felt, and how things just kept getting better and better? You were positively focused, which got you even more of what you loved! You can move back into that loving, appreciative place toward your partner whenever you like, which would be energetically supporting what you would like more of.

The final element you may wish to use to transform your existing relationship is to be fully present with your loved one. Dismissiveness can be a very hurtful energy. Honour your loved one with your attention. It is how you show another how loved, accepted and valuable they are to you. By being fully present and accepting, you become a safe person to the other, and they will naturally wish to connect more with you.

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Daily Message ~ Monday February 9, 2015

Many of you, after years of disappointment and hurt, see relationships as being hard, frustrating and exhausting. Hear us when we say that your relationships do not need to be this way.

The most valuable thing you can do to shift your relationships into something that honours and uplifts all involved, is to make self love a priority. All great changes begin within, and having an unconditionally loving, supportive and accepting relationship with yourself is the best way to shift out of the unfulfilling pattern you’ve been in.

Once you’ve shored up your self love and acceptance, look for relationships that support you in being your best, most shining you. Does this relationship give you the freedom to follow your passions and thrive? Make sure your new partner has a matching level of integrity to yours – in the long run, differing levels of integrity will make a relationship unsustainable.

Choose your new partner based on the reality of how they behave right now, not their potential. Many loving souls get drawn into relationships to be of service, to rescue another, which, of course, is not a true, mutually supportive partnership, at all. Can you really accept this person as they really are? Does this relationship foster the growth and expansion of both people? Because if growth stops in either person, the relationship will no longer serve a purpose.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday February 8, 2015

Many of you have used struggle and effort as a means of self definition and navigating life. Finally getting beyond the struggle allowed you to accept whatever rewards you felt you were worthy of, and gave you a sense of satisfaction and appreciation. The struggle/reward way of living is like a relationship that is filled with drama. At some point most humans get tired of the effort that involves and choose something that is more consistently satisfying and easier. The same applies to walking a path of struggle.

What if it doesn’t need to be that hard? How do you feel when you consider living a life of ease? Does the idea of ease bring up negative connotations for you? Do you consider ease to be laziness? Do you think it would be boring? Do you think you would stop learning and growing if your life was easier? That you would lose your drive? Do you feel you would stop deserving things or appreciating things if you lived a life of ease?

Dear Ones, you will create the exact amount of struggle you require to get your attention and facilitate growth and expansion in your life. What if you made a sacred commitment to put your learning, experiences, evolution and appreciation for each Now moment your top priority? What purpose would struggle then serve you, if you were already willingly in that flow of expansion?

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Daily Message ~ Saturday February 7, 2015

Dear Ones, as you start to fully step into your authentic power and embrace your role as co-creator, we urge you to dream big but to also stay open to even more wonderful, because the universe often desires to bring you much more than you can even imagine possible. Give us the room to serve and delight you. ~Archangel Gabriel


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