Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Friday September 28, 2018

If you choose to stay in a space of openness and curiosity, your flow will be able to move at its optimal pace for you, unimpeded by any constraints or attempts at control your inner doubter may try to impose. A non-resistant human being is delightful to work with because they are so easily moved into the perfect right time/right place scenarios. We absolutely love orchestrating divine intersections. It is one of our favourite things to do, using our creativity and vantage point to set things up for you in ways that are sure to surprise and delight you, and then getting to watch your reactions. It is how we experience joyful service for it expands our hearts just as much as it expands yours. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Thursday September 27, 2018

There can be a tendency in enlightening human beings to think that if they have not reached a certain level of mastery, they cannot be of service. Your growth always serves the whole. Your experiences add to the expansion of both your soul and the planet. You will always be a little further along on the path than others who are just getting started, and have wisdom and encouragement to offer them along the way, just as there will be others to assist you on your journey, as well.

While your learning may be a long and winding road based on what knowledge your soul wishes to remind itself of during this incarnation, ultimately all the seeking will lead to the same place, that of love, compassion, peace, acceptance, and gratitude. It is when you choose to anchor and embody those basics that you shimmer and shine the brightest and contribute the most. Never, ever, underestimate the effect of your beingness, or your simple, loving acts of service, for they are far more powerful and transformative than you could ever imagine. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday September 26, 2018

Shelley’s note: I rarely repost daily messages but I was guided to share this one again today. It’s so important for supporting us in moving out of fear into giving ourselves permission to shine brightly in our highest expression of self.

Daily Message originally posted on November 16, 2017

There is an old pervasive belief that says the more light you shine the more the darkness is drawn to you. Please hear us when we say that belief was created out of fear, to create more fear, and to keep you from shining in your full glorious truth and authenticity. It was an untruth designed to keep you constrained and out of your authentic power.

Let’s think this through. Have you ever seen the dark corners of a room try to snuff out a candle? The darkness has no interest in the light as the light transforms darkness. If the darkness was invested in itself, would it choose to expose itself to the one element that could threaten it?

Dear Ones, you are all a piece of God. How could anything be stronger than that? The only way a lower vibrating energy can truly affect you is if you give your power away and allow it to do so.

So shine. Claim your glorious energetics and allow them to shine brightly, unimpeded, without fear or worry, for the entire world to see! Shine as the beacon you are, knowing that you are the master of your own unique energy as an individuated aspect of Source energy. Not only is it safe for you to do so, it is exactly what you are on the planet to do. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday September 25, 2018

For enlightening human beings, how you interact with your family members and significant others can be the most challenging area to transform.  This is because it is the area where your conditioning is greatest, and old habits can be well established, running automatically without your conscious awareness.

So how do you address this? Just like with any other area you wish to evolve, with intention, your true desire to change, and greater awareness. The key is to step out of automatic responses, into more conscious interaction. Try to be more aware. If you catch yourself reacting unconsciously, stop and feel into the situation. Is this an old pattern that doesn’t even match who you are anymore? How would you like to approach this now, based on your latest level of attainment?

If you have already reacted in an old way that doesn’t match how you would like to approach things now, simply address it in that moment. Apologize and readjust. This is a powerful act of shifting the energy.

Consciously practice empathy for your loved ones. Try to look at them with new eyes and feel into their perspective. Take an observant role. What are they afraid of? What are they struggling with? What do they need to feel safe and loved? What can you do to break the old pattern of interaction?

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Daily Message ~ Monday September 24, 2018

Every single energetic release, shift, or integration you go through allows new opportunities to become available to you that match your new lighter energetic state.  It is a process of internal expansion which is then reflected to you by external expansion. It is such an incredibly exciting process to behold because it is filled with ever evolving potentials and possibilities in response to you embodying more and more of the vastness of your soul. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Saturday September 22, 2018

If you have found yourself in profound resistance, rather than pushing against that resistance, we suggest you simply choose something that feels lighter to you. When you are in such a state, it can be difficult to know what you need in order to allow yourself to move forward with greater ease. While your brain may not know what you need, your body and spirit can easily identify what would feel lighter. So simply ask yourself, “What can I do that would feel lighter than I’m feeling right now?”

Resistance is heavy. Lightness is just that – light. Identifying what feels heavy or light is a skill set that every single human being on the planet has, so there is no special training, understanding of energetics, or enhanced sensitivity required. You can embrace that innate ability because it is impossible to get it wrong since the answer is always unique to you. It is something you will always know without doubt.

As you choose anything lighter you choose to disengage from resistance, which will naturally induce more flow, relief, and forward movement. This will allow you to incrementally move out of your discomfort, without pressuring yourself into any specific practice, since what feels lighter could be a myriad of things. Further, it is an empowering exercise that helps you gain confidence in your self awareness and ability to self direct from whatever energetic state you may find yourself in.

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Daily Message ~ Friday September 21, 2018

Being easy with yourself when things come up for healing allows you to shift with far greater ease with the assistance of your own love and nurturing. Every single time something comes into your awareness for healing or release, it is indicating that you are becoming lighter, more authentic, more aligned, more shifted. It is a wonderful thing to celebrate, that it is no longer a match for you to carry that old fear or wound and that you have worked and evolved to the point where it can now be let go. It is proof positive of your own evolution. Isn’t it time to be a loving guide and support to yourself through these moments of transformation that can often make you feel temporarily vulnerable by creating a space of safety with your own care and understanding until you reach a place of comfort with your new level of beingness? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Thursday September 20, 2018

As you continue to step into the new energies that mark the next phase of your incarnation, many of you will be drawn to different locales.  This always serves a purpose, both in support of you, and of the area you feel guided to.

One very common theme is that many enlightening human beings are being drawn to be closer to water. As water is a great magnifier of energy, this allows their energy to be magnified and support a greater area of the planet, as well as to enhance their own gifts and sensitivities. You can trust that your soul is always guiding you to the places where you can best serve and be served. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday September 19, 2018

As you continue to grow and expand into living your biggest, most beautiful life expression, old belief systems that stand in the way of where your soul wishes to go will come up for release. The one we would like to discuss today is, “Enjoy yourself while you are still young”.

While it may initially seem like good advice, it is filled with undercurrents that are extremely limiting. It plants and feeds the idea that you can only have fun or live an exciting life at one stage of your life, that enjoyment is fleeting and will slip away from you as you mature. We see so many of you reach adulthood and immediately relegate joy to the bottom of your list of priorities in order to step into what you think is the acceptable model of maturity.

Dear Ones, who ever said you couldn’t be responsible and diligent and still have a life expression filled with joy?  You can absolutely find employment you enjoy and embrace new experiences and adventures at any stage of life. In fact, that is what your soul is always calling you to do for it adds to your expansion.

We invite you to examine your beliefs about adulthood and fun. What haven’t you tried that you have always wanted to? How do you deny yourself to honour an old system that in no way supports you having your highest life experience? What can you do to acknowledge and bring forward the part of you that has been so desperately missing fun and allow it to shimmer and shine again, knowing it’s a vital aspect for you and your self expression? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


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