The Creator Writings

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Quiet Time

During the quiet between great waves of energy and change, rather than taking a moment to collect yourself, you may search for something to fill in the gaps.  Constantly being busy engages your time but may not always serve you.  There is a reason why The Universe provides reflection time…the body/mind/soul needs to release the ‘doing’ and relax into ‘be-ing’.  Joy is waiting for you in the quiet!  Do not get so caught up in the busyness of the journey that you forget the journey itself. ~ Creator

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Where has your play time gone?  My dearest, with all the hard work you have been putting in, there also needs to be an equal amount of play because it is vital to the health of your soul.  Instead of stuffing the playful you, let him/her out!  Sing, dance, draw, really laugh out loud, roll in the grass, blow bubbles, swim, enjoy your human body!  There is nothing childish about play…it is a part of your nature.  In denying play-time, you are denying a beautiful part of existence and why you chose to be here.  Give yourself this wonderful gift! ~ Creator

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Speaking Truth To Your Heart

There is a lot of information from many different sources in your world right now.  Some will resonate with you and others will have a dissonance.  Some will speak the truth to your heart and some will not.  In seeking your truest path, practice discernment.  It is best to listen to and ‘follow your gut’…move toward what feels right to you.  Accept or deny, it has always been your choice! ~ Creator

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With all the changes going on right now, you may feel weak and a little helpless.  Things that were solid and dependable feel as if they are falling away faster than you can count and it may make you feel lonely.  Never fear, my darling one!  Feelings such as these are temporary at best.  Allow The Universe to show you the way to safer, more peaceful ground.  Allow Unconditional Love to wrap you in its warm embrace and know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that all will be well if you choose to allow it.  Remember, you are never alone! ~ Creator

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Stepping Through

As you step through this most recently opened door, it is in your best interest to keep your wits about you.  Many distractions will present themselves in an attempt to draw you away from your path.  It is imperative to stay focused and grounded or, in other words, ‘keep your eyes on the prize’. (Smiling) The growth, learning and clarity coming to you now will be of great use in the coming months.  Be present, be real and keep an open heart to the amazing coming your way! ~ Creator

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In Flux…

The further along you move into this great shift, the more you will begin to see the falseness people have been using as protection is becoming less acceptable.  Those that continue to operate in this way may become angry or upset because this particular ‘tactic’ is no longer working and you no longer choose to ‘get with the program’.  If you are a human that has embraced honesty and integrity, it may be very frustrating when you encounter them.  Please, do not be dismayed or take this personally.  Rather than seeing you for who you are, they are receiving a direct reflection of what they need to release and who they need to become. (Smiling) The world is in flux, dear one!  Keep embracing who you are and know that, even though others may not ‘get it’ yet, they will.  Until then…carry on, you are doing fantastic work! ~ Creator

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Take a moment today and ask yourself this question; “Am I taking care of myself or am I caught up in the chaos (that may or may not exist) around me?”  When you are going through huge changes, it can be very tempting to focus on anything except what is internal.  You may find yourself distracted by things you have no control over or that frustrate you to the point of tears.

Please remember that to change your world, you must first start from within.  A wound does not heal on the outside first.  Instead, the body will begin to fill in the gap with new growth until it is completely healed.  It is the same way with the soul.  Allow yourself the time and space for this self-care and love.  The end result will always be rewarding. ~ Creator

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Back To Basics…

Beloved child; it is time to get back to the basics, keeping it sweet and simple.

  1. Remember to breathe! Being consciously aware of your breathing helps remind you that you are having a human experience.
  2. Listen! If you are questioning whether you are ‘doing right’ or do not know which way to go. Quiet yourself and listen. The voice of The Universe will always guide you in the proper direction.
  3. Whatever happens…know that you are in the exact right moment and place, doing what you are supposed to be doing.
  4. If you being to feel overwhelmed, give yourself a time-out. Go into nature, find your sacred space and remain there for as long as you need.
  5. Always remember…you are never alone, you are worthy of The Universe’s Unconditional Love and you are constantly supported by that Love.
  6. Even at your most unsettled, you are amazing, and The Universe loves you beyond measure.

~ Creator

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Oh, The Reality!

Some tough realities may be coming at you hard and fast.  What you thought would be or could be has changed in the blink of an eye, leaving you spinning and unable to find your center.  When you find yourself in the middle of one of these all-consuming experiences, please remember this; The Universe has always had a plan for you.  Yes, there is free will and the ability to choose an infinite number of paths, but there has always been an end result set up and waiting for you.  How you get there has always been up to you. Listening when you are in the throes of a trying time is not always easy, but it can be done.  Even though it may be challenging; ask for clarity, remember to breathe and know The Universe is there to support and love you while offering another perspective. ~ Creator


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