The Creator Writings

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The Intrepid Traveler

Some of you may have felt a bit uncomfortable when stepping out/up into your purpose and mission was mentioned.  The Universe knows and understands this!  It may have been dangerous for you ‘before’.  Whether it was your ancestors, previous generations with their radical ideas or memories from another time; you may have been wounded, persecuted or died for your beliefs.  Rest assured, my powerful one, there is no need to fear this anymore!  Pathways have been opened, blocks have been removed and your personal roads are clear for you to move forward.  Take that first step forward, intrepid traveler!  The world is waiting for you! ~ Creator

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Withdraw Or Advance?

One of the things that you forget as human is how easy everything can be.  In preparation for this next ‘uphill climb’, you may find yourself creating your safe spaces, meditation areas or planning on retreating into your own homes or nature.  The Universe is here to tell you that, although this can be comforting and safe, it is not really necessary.  Everything you need is combined into one nice, neat little package called…you! (Smiling)

Yes, withdrawing is safe and easy, however, how many other will you be able to assist?  It is time to ‘put yourself out there’, to make contact, to exchange love and compassion with each other.  This may very well be one of the few ways you can change the course of your Earth plane existence.  Do not be afraid, dear one, you are more powerful than you will ever know! ~ Creator

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Dearest Infinite Being…

Self-discovery is one of the most beautiful things you can do for yourself.  Learning your ins and outs, your rough edges and your smooth surfaces can be a tremendous relief and an interesting challenge.  As this shift continues, use the knowledge of Self you have gained and will continue to learn help yourself and others along the way.  Search for and establish your boundaries.  They will be meaningful in the coming weeks and months.  Know that you are an infinite being capable of endless growth within.  In other words…you are stunning and The Universe loves you! ~ Creator

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Your Life…

Lest you forget darling one; your life is beautiful and so are you.  Your life is amazing and so are you!  The world is a wonderful place and you are as well.  You may not see these things all the time but, The Universe does and reminds you every day.  It is just a matter of listening.  Are you listening? ~ Creator

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Quiet…For Now

The peace and quiet you have been longing for has arrived…for the time being.  As the next stage of the shift is being set up to be put into action, take some time to ponder which direction you will choose.  Will you get involved or stand by watching until you feel the time is right to jump in?  Remember, there is no right/wrong way to move through the coming time.  Whatever you choose will be best for you.  Follow your heart, dear one, The Universe is always there to guide and support you on your journey. ~ Creator

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Now that the energy rush of the past few days has lessened a bit, it is time to begin practicing with your new ‘wings’. (Smiling) It is not important how you do this…just that it be done.  Sight, sound, color, touch and smell have all be enhanced for a purpose.  For those of you already sensitive to these things; there will be depth rather than more intensity.  Your entire world is remembering the gifts they possessed eons ago and it is a beautiful thing.  The Universe loves to see you grow! ~ Creator

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You Are…

With all this light and love, why are you not using it?!  Your human existence and the reason you chose to be here for this auspicious event may still be somewhat unknown to you, however, the light and love at your command is there to help you through.  You are enough, you always have been.  It is time for you to begin feeling it! ~ Creator

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The Ancestors

There is an amazing thing going on in this moment; the ancestors of your Earth plane have moved closer to support and love you through the changes you are going through now.  Each one of those that loved you unconditionally while they were with you are reaching across the veil to offer their assistance in your growth and learning.  The wisdom and knowledge of the ages is available and at your fingertips.  Ask and it is yours! ~ Creator

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Revving Up…

Can you feel it?  Like an older vehicle revving its engine, with low bass reverberating through the air, the energy is ramping up to a whole new level.  This may be overwhelming and exciting at the same time so, it is important to ‘keep your wits about you’.  Allow The Universe to show you how this new shift will best fit with your current paradigm.  There is no need to rush, dear one, take your time…everything has been arranged to be in your highest and best for the highest and best. ~ Creator

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A thought to ponder today…

You have your beliefs, others have theirs.  You can debate all day long, there still may be no resolution to conflicting ideals and that is perfectly okay. (Smiling) What feels true and just to the heart will always differ from person to person.  It is important to remember to keep respect in the equation.  You may not agree on a particular point but listening and understanding is key.  This is respect!  Allowing yourself to maintain your beliefs, whatever they may be, and letting others have theirs is fundamental in communication.  If you are not hearing, you are not communicating. ~ Creator


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