Ground Crew Updates

Messages from the First Contact Ground Crew Team from Galactic Center

Equinox Frequency Report; plus combined report with Full Moon

Lia's picture

The energies and frequencies of this Equinox are varied and powerful, with many frequency strands woven into its make-up and what it is radiating and reflecting into our reality.

This Equinox is giving us, as a Collective Consciousness, our first taste of true Multi-dimensionality. Within the frequencies of this Equinox there are multiple layers of frequency combinations at work. So many it would take too long to write about and explain them all, so I am only going to share information about the two strongest.

The first layer, or dimension, is really aimed at; let’s just use the term, the everyday reality of our physical world and the “unawakened” portion of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity.

This Frequency combination is that of the numbers 11 and 44.

The I AM Keyword phrases for these numbers are:
11 – I Am Truth Illumined through Spiritual Revelation
44 – I Am Structured Power and Metamorphosis

Just by looking at the Keyword phrases we see this energy is about assistance being given to the everyday reality mindset of humanity to help them/us through this time of birthing and transition as we move into the expanded reality of Multi-dimensionality.

The Creator Writings - The Plateau

Doreen Smith's picture


The Creator Writings


When you reach a plateau, you often become impatient with the pause and push, push, push for the next step. But if you remain calm,serene and peaceful, knowing the next step you take will be theright one, you will be able to enjoy the view and the company that decided to join you on your journey. ~ Creator

Kp Message 9-21-13 One Moment at a Time

Lia's picture

20130916-021812.jpgSo I’m reading a few things around the internet, and lots of them are about this period of time, let’s say 9-19 to 9-22, and then there’s the ones that say 9-21 is the equinox (although my link says it’s 9-22-13 at 2044 UTC, which, even in Hawaii is still 10:44 AM, still on 9-22…).

Then there’s one article that says 9-21 is a special day, and it’s a nine month extension of the 12-21-12 Ascension date, and all this and all that. And by the way, I loved reading that article, and have no issues with it at all.

My deal is, after going out and returning back from multiple missions on multiple days in multiple locations around this planet and particularly, the last three months, Turtle Island, I’m not paying attention to any dates. None. At all. Period.

By Earth Ally Will Harader ~ Real Meditation

Lia's picture

I'm going to tell you something that runs counter to most ideas of what spiritual means. You've been given these images of “spiritual people” who meditate most of the day, and spend their time with eyes half-opened, completely sedated. They have renounced the world, and don't really participate in Life anymore. They speak softly and slowly, and don't really have much passion for anything. This image people are given is one of only numbness, not True Spirituality, which is Passion for Everything.

What's the point of meditation? To calm oneself down enough for self-contemplation? It's useful to a point, but eventually a person is going to have to directly confront what's stressing them out in the first place. Meditation just numbs the mind to the point a little bit of intelligence sometimes pops out, yet it's mostly an avoidance mechanism. It's like what most channelers do, they set their ego aside for a moment, and then pick it up again when done. It's something to numb the pain of their ego/mind, without having to do any real work on themselves. You can't go through you emotional attachments without feeling the emotions. The sense of peace people get from meditation is often an illusion to mask the emotional turmoil beneath the surface.

The Plateau

MomT's picture

The Creator Writings September 21, 2013


When you reach a plateau, you often become impatient with the pause and push, push, push for the next step. But if you remain calm, serene and peaceful, knowing the next step you take will be the right one, you will be able to enjoy the view and the company that decided to join you on your journey. ~ Creator

I am with you – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn September 21, 2013

MomT's picture

Sirian Heaven Posted on by Sirian Heaven



(Translated from original language german)

My child, the energies of the equinox will be very strong. You may feel them already. Accept them and let go all that doesn’t serve you anymore. This will help you to integrate the energies so that they can work in you. Rest much and drink lots of clear clean water. I can’t stress that often enough. Ground yourself, go out into nature if it is possible for you and look for a nice quiet place where you will be safe for that what will happen in yourself. Meditate and connect with me, my child. I am with you, as your Divine Father, all Angels and Archangels, the Ascended Masters and your spiritual guides are with you. You are never alone and especially now countless helpers stand ready for you to assist you at your calling them. I envelop you in my infinite deep love for you. ~

Elizabeth~ Opening to Love ~ 21 Sept 2013

Lia's picture


How is everyone doing with the energies? Right now, I’m feeling particularly squashed or at least my body is – the typical sore throat, exhaustion cycle that my body undergoes after a BIG influx of light. Can you feel it? The light, I mean… and, oh my gosh, the LOVE!

This past week my heart has FELT the love being sent my way or generally as people read the blog… or I’m just becoming sensitized to the general outpouring of love from HUMANITY. It is amazing and yet, it feels like coming HOME.

Last night, I was listening to an older presentation given by Blossom Goodchild and White Cloud. In the delivery, White Cloud told the audience that love is our home, not some little cottage, but LOVE. And he told them that we are love. Did we believe it then? Do we believe it now? And what does it mean – you ARE love? Does that mean you have to let go your irritation with your neighbor’s dog? Let go of your judgment of a murderer as being a wicked, evil person? Let go of your judgment of the Pope, of politicians, of the Power Elite, of your ex-spouse… or, gasp, of yourself?


Cobra and Alexandra Meadors Transcription and Listener’s Q & A for September 17, 2013

Rain's picture


Galactic Connection - September, 2013

microphone 1 199x300 Cobra and Alexandra Meadors Transcription and Listeners Q & A for September 17, 2013 Alexandra:  Good Afternoon everybody.  Today is September 17, 2013.  This is Alexandra Meadors of  I have a very special call today because we will be reviewing all the questions that have been submitted for Cobra to give us his very eloquent perspective on things.

Chatauqua ~ Birthing New Realities

Lia's picture

AugureyeExpress September 20 2013

It certainly seems to be the way of things that when it comes to the concept of change; the good variety takes forever while the more negative kind can and does happen over night. Change, and more importantly rebirthare the key concepts of our emergence into the Aquarian age and a new evolution for humanity. Few of us expected earth shattering events on a massive scale lastDecember 21st when the long count Mayan calendar ended, instead we saw it for what it was, the moment of conception for the rebirth of humanity.

This week marks the ninth month since that ominous date, and common consensus is that this gestation period is over. Not everyone agreeson just what this means or what may happen (of course) but most do agree we are about to witness an event of magnitude and importance. The universe rearranges itself to match our picture of reality. By example; people who are always upbeat, positive, and believe in themselves experience a much different reality than those who have poor self esteem and believe only bad things happen to them. It’s the old law of attraction at work – energy flows where thought goes.


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