Higher Perspective

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Dr. Sanjay Gupta On The Healing Potential Of Psychedelics

You have to give him credit. Dr. Sanjay Gupta deserves the respect of the medicinal cannabis and psychedelic community for openly admitting that he was wrong about the ‘uselessness’ of cannabis as medicine. Now, he’s taking on the world of psychedelic medicine.

In this video, he chats with Rick Doblin and Tom Shroder, the author of Acid Test: LSD, Ecstacy and the Power to Heal. They discuss the potential uses of psychedelics as assisted therapy for people with a number of mental ailments.

As they put it, the psychedelics aren’t exactly the culprit for healing you, but they allow you to enter a state where you can heal yourself.

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How Raising The Minimum Wage Would Increase Economic Activity And Create Jobs

Nick Hanauer is rich. He’s an unrepentant capitalist and he’s not ashamed to tell you so. But at the same time, he has unconventional opinions for a rich guy: he wants to raise the minimum wage.

Hanauer argues that growing inequality is pushing our society to the brink, and the conditions resemble pre-revolutionary France. I don’t think his assessment is incorrect. In Los Angeles, the minimum wage is $9. Anyone in LA can tell you that $9 an hour is absolutely nowhere near enough to get by. And what our economy needs isn’t just more people who are able to get by, but more people who can get by and buy.

We can argue all day about what type of economy would best serve the people; all people, wealthy, middle class, and poor. But when it comes to the economic system we have now, consumer spending is what powers this system. If the consumers can’t spend, producers can’t produce. It’s as easy as that.

As Hanauer says in Robert Reich’s documentary, Inequality for All, a billionaire will only go out to eat so many times. He only owns so many pillows. So many pairs of jeans. Consolidating wealth doesn’t create jobs and it doesn’t power economic activity.

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4 Proven Positive Health Benefits Of Meditation


In the past, we’ve talked about some of the physiological effects of meditation, like how our bodies change on a cellular level during and after meditation. We’ve also written about how meditation can lead you to harmony and inner peace. And it’s not just a bunch of malarkey! There are four scientifically proven health benefits.

1. Meditating improves your ability to recall memories. New research has indicated that meditation enhances our ability to recall memories. Catherine Kerr, a researcher at the Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging and the Osher Research Center found that those who practice meditation routinely could adjust their brainwaves and allow themselves to be less distracted and increase productivity and the integration of new information.

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We Hear About It In The News All The Time, But What Is A GMO?

We’ve begun to hear so much about GMO foods in the news. Some people want to use them, others want to ban them. But in both camps, there are folks who aren’t totally sure what a GMO crop is.

By definition, a GMO, or genetically modified organism, is the result of a laboratory process where genes from the DNA of one species are extracted and artificially forced into the genes of an unrelated plant or animal. The foreign genes may come from bacteria, viruses, insects, and even humans in some cases.

The debate rages on about whether or not these genetically modified ingredients should appear in our food. All we can do is be educated about it and make the right choices.

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Wow! Coconut Oil Has Some Pretty Amazing Uses

Coconut oil is proving to be something of a major superfood for healthy-minded people these days. We’ve written a number of articles you should check out on how to use coconut oil, as well as its numerous purposes. Onward to better health!

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Try This Awesome Detox Tea Recipe. Only 3 Ingredients!


Detoxing your body is an incredibly important thing to do. It’s not a once in a while thing to do, though. This is something we should be doing over the course of our lives to help continue good health through all of our days. In addition to regular detoxes, eating well and exercising are critical to overall good health. But let’s get into this super easy detox tea:

You will need:

  • 1/4 cup of cloves
  • 2 organic lemons, sliced finely
  • 6 thumbs of organic ginger, or a piece about the size of your palm


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Let’s Do A Quick, 5 Minute Yoga Session To Boost Our Mood Today

I love doing yoga. I’ve never been one of those people who liked going to a yoga studio and doing it with a bunch of other people. I like doing it more on my own, which is fortunate because there are a lot of tutorials on the web. I can do a variety of different routines to keep it interesting.

Yoga is great as a form of meditation, it’s a wonderful mood enhancer, it’s great for your body, it helps keep us strong and limber, and really is one of my favorite things to do partway through the day. Of course, remember to go at your own pace and listen to your body!! If it seems like you’re struggling with something or that you can’t stretch as far as the instructor, don’t sweat it! You just do you. Definitely don’t want you hurting yourself.


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DIY: How To Raise Chickens. It’s Easy!

I’ve had chickens for years and argue that they’re easier to take care of than cats, though like with any animal, pet or livestock, there’s some work that goes into making sure they’re set up and have a safe living arrangement. Chickens are low on the food chain, and some local predators might try to get at them. I actually had a falcon attempt to catch one of mine last week. Thwarted, naturally.

When it comes down to it, a lot of store-bought eggs don’t come from farms like this:


But from farms like this...

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Schools Kill Creativity And Critical Thinking In Children

This is one of the more interesting TED Talks out there. Sir Ken Robinson shares uplifting ideas and stories that support his movement for a drastic change in educational methodology for all children. He notes that intelligence is a diverse thing, and that people aren’t all the same. So a one-size-fits-all approach to education is one that fails many students.

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Joe Rogan: Cannabis Takes Away Your Motivation To Do Things That Suck

This video was a lot of fun to watch. In it, Joe Rogan talks with Eddie Bravo about the common misconceptions people have about cannabis.

Back in Boston, the real problem was I hung out with a bunch of fuckin’ idiots. The people that I knew that smoked pot were idiots and pot wasn’t helping them. If you got a little low watt brain and you super charge it with fuckin’ jet fuel, you still got a low watt brain. So I associated pot with stupid people but then I meet this genius (Eddie Bravo) and he smokes pot all the time. I’m an open-minded person, and I’m willing to drop all preconceived notions that I have and go “Ok, I’ll try it”. I remember very clearly the day I got high with him. I remember that day going , “Fuuucck!!!” It was like I shot through a cannon and all of a sudden I was on the other side. He was like “Dude, glad to have you over here”. And I’m like “Glad to be over here. I can’t believe I was over there!” Shit, we had ice cream sundaes, I couldn’t believe how good it taste! Millions of new thoughts were just flooding my brain, it was like I was ripping down walls and shit was just flowing in.


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