Notes on Bliss

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27 Common Things That Prevent Our Happiness

The poet Rumi once said, “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it”.

The same thing could be said of happiness. Instead of looking outwards for happiness, simply look within at all the ways you are preventing yourself from being happy in this very moment — and work on letting them go.

To get you started, here are 27 common things that prevent our happiness.

1. Forgetting our inherent worth.

Your worth is not contingent on external factors like your titles, relationship status, financial situation or career. These are just roles you play in life. As a human being, you are inherently worthwhile and whole.

2. Worrying about the future.

When you worry about what might go wrong in your life, you’re creating your own personal hell in an otherwise peaceful and beautiful present moment.

3. Comparison.

Mark Twain once said, “Comparison is the death of joy”...

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How To Deal With Negative Thoughts

The primary cause of our unhappiness is never the situation we’re in, but our thoughts about it.

We spend so much time working on our external world, but nothing will transform your life more than working on your internal world – making positive shifts in your perception, thought patterns and attitude.

If you feel trapped by negative thinking, here are five effective ways to deal with negative thoughts:

1. Question the truth of your thoughts.

Humans are meaning making machines, so it’s useful to question your interpretation of events and see if you’re creating stories which may not necessarily be true.

Next time something happens and you start jumping to conclusions, pause and ask yourself: Is this really true? Can I know for sure? Could I be reading meaning into the situation which isn’t really there? Could I see things differently?

2. Question the permanence of the situation.

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10 Things Happy People Do Differently To Achieve Their Goals

things happy people do

Setting regular goals is an empowering way to proactively create the life of your dreams, rather than floating along at the mercy of external events and circumstances.

Here are 10 key things happy people understand when it comes to setting goals and achieving their dreams.

1. They don’t put their happiness on hold until their goal is achieved.

Happy people know that life is a journey, not a destination. While they may have ambition and big plans in the works, they also pause to soak up and appreciate the present moment and all of the good things already in their lives.

This appreciation for life in turn gives them the inspiration and positive energy to continue achieving their goals. As the saying goes, success does not bring happiness; happiness brings success.

2. They don’t see success and failure as black and white.

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10 Ways to Get More In Touch With Your Soul

in touch with your soul

There is a difference between your ego and your soul. Your ego is the image you have of yourself and your social mask, whereas your soul is who you truly are deep down below all the labels and titles. It’s eternal, divine and inherently worthwhile.

When you learn to align more with your soul each day, life seems to flow more naturally and taking action is less of a struggle.

You feel a greater sense of freedom, joy, satisfaction, empowerment and inner peace. You love and accept yourself deeply, even when things aren’t going perfectly to plan.

Unfortunately we’re not taught how to align with our soul, and after years of being controlled by the fears, worries and constant chatter of our ego, it can take a little patience to find our way to this place of safety and strength within us.

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Quotes On Your Soul and Inner Spirit

quotes about your soul

A collection of the best quotes on your soul and inner spirit, to remind you of Who You Really Are.

(For other quote collections, click here.)

“You are the Universe expressing itself as a human for a little while.” ~ Eckhart Tolle

“You don’t have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body.”  ~ C.S. Lewis

“Find yourself, and be that.” ~ Anon

“Stop acting so small. You are the Universe in ecstatic motion.” ~ Rumi

“If you don’t take risks, you’ll have a wasted soul.” ~ Drew Barrymore

“Listen to your own voice, your own soul. Too many people listen to the noise of the world, instead of themselves.” ~ Anon

“It is the soul’s duty to be loyal to its own desires. It must abandon itself to its master passion.” ~ Dame Rebecca West

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3 Simple Questions To Help You Let Go Of The Year That Was

year in review

If you feel the desire to reflect on the year that was, here is my simple ten-minute way of celebrating and releasing 2014. Three simple questions for you to answer.

You can grab a pen and paper right now and play along as you read, or if you enjoy the ambience of rituals, find a quiet spot at the beach, take a picnic rug to the park or light some candles at home. The setting is up to you.

But remember: It’s better done than perfect.

1. What can I thank the Universe for?

This is your chance to go on a rampage of appreciation, and list everything that made your heart dance this year. It’s a gratitude-fest and all of your best memories are invited.

Why does it matter? 

Because no matter how many goals you kick, goods you acquire, riches you amass or lovers you meet, you will never feel true and sustainable happiness until you master the art of pausing to soak up and appreciate all of your blessings, gifts and successes.

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21 Habits of Happy People You Can Adopt in 2015

habits of happy people

It’s the perfect time of year to reflect on everything learned and experienced in 2014, and to set new beautiful goals and inspiring intentions for the next twelve months (and beyond).

If you’re looking for ideas, here are 21 habits of happy people you can adopt in 2015. Discover how they can transform your soul and life.

1. Forgive more.

The Buddha once said, “Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.” Remember that everyone is fighting their own battle, and everyone is trying their best. Learn to forgive other people and set yourself free.

2. Meditate.

Meditation has been shown to improve your sleep, memory, focus, health and stress-levels. It also boosts your creativity and compassion. Start with two minutes a day and build yourself up to longer sittings.

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15 Myths About Life We Should All Stop Believing

myths about life

1. There is a single definition of success.

And it involves an established career, large house, acceptable body shape, marriage and annual holidays.

Everyone has their own path to walk in this life, and what brings true meaning and deep fulfilment differs for all of us.

Let go of your need to fit to the status quo. Live, work, date, play, create, travel, eat, drink, move, laugh and sing in ways that feel right with your soul. That is true success.

2. Life is meant to be hard work.

Life is meant to be easy, beautiful and overflowing with moments of joy and bliss.

The more you listen to your soul and build a life that’s true to you, the more your actions will feel completely natural and effortless.

If life is a constant struggle, you’re running on empty and you dread Mondays, it’s time to take an honest look at your life – in a loving way.

3. Life happens to us...

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12 Beautiful Truths About You and the World

truths about you

Understanding these beautiful truths about you and the world can transform your life.

1. Your purpose in life is to be you

In every way possible. Eat the foods you like, dance to your favourite tunes, read your favorite books, make your jokes, laugh your laugh, smile your smile.

2. All the answers are within

We have been taught to look outward for the answers to our problems. But the truth is, your soul knows what to do. Trust that you have everything you’ll ever need inside of you right in this moment.

3. Words are powerful

The word love produces an energy which ripples out into the world, as do the words “I can’t do this, I’m hopeless, I’m not beautiful, I’m not good enough.” Watch your words – they can cement your current reality or spark big changes.

4. You are a prisoner of your beliefs

Realise that you see the world through the lens of your dominant beliefs. And realise you can change your dominant beliefs, thereby changing the world you see.

5. You have a unique gift to bring to the world

You are a once-in-a-humankind blend of passions, desires, talents, quirks and magic. If you don’t give your gifts to the world, no one else can, and the world will be a poorer place.

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10 Reasons Why You Should Go After Your Dreams

Steve Jobs once said, “Your time is limited so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” Unfortunately, too many of us do, trapped in a life that isn’t right for us by fear and inertia.

Here are 10 compelling reasons why you should go after your dreams – it’s never too late.

1. The time will pass anyway

Have you ever thought there’s no point launching a business, pursuing a project or studying for a new qualification because it will take four years before you’ve made it, or you’ll be such-and-such age by the time you finish?

These five words may change your perspective: The time will pass anyway.

Four years are going to pass. You are going to turn such-and-such age. And either you’ll have a rewarding business, flourishing project and life that you love by then – or you won’t.


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