Notes on Bliss

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7 Ways To Overcome Fear and Live Your Dreams

Anais Nin once wrote, “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage”.

If you’re longing to expand your life by going after your dreams, here are 7 ways to overcome fear which may be keeping you stuck.

1. Shine the light on your fear.

Pinpoint the fear that’s plaguing you the most — about your body, finances, love life, career, dreams or yourself — and hold it up to the light of your awareness.

Ask yourself honestly: Is this thought really true? Can I know for sure? Is there another way of looking at this? What would the highest version of me say about this?

Remember, the word thought is not synonymous with the word truth. Your thoughts are not necessarily true or important and you don’t have to take them so seriously.

Think of them like passing clouds in the sky — they come and they go. Your true self is the ever-present observer who watches your fear-based thoughts as they pass by.

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12 Commandments For A Happy Life And Soul

An invaluable list of principles to live by daily for a happy life and soul.

1. Choose happiness. Radiate it.

Happiness is a choice and an energy you can cultivate on a daily basis. Do your best to live in high vibration energy like love, peace, fun and joy — for your own wellbeing and fulfillment, and for the positive ripple effect it has on those around you and the entire world.

Bring a sense of play, delight, awe and enthusiasm to your daily life and tasks. Decide that no matter what happens, you will keep your heart open.

2. Enjoy the pleasures of life.

You are the Universe experiencing itself through you. Show it a good time. Give it to yourself to enjoy earthly pleasures. Get up early and watch a sunrise, swim in the ocean, devour fresh salads and juices, put on your favorite tunes, throw a dinner party, try a new recipe, relax in the park with a great book, have a second coffee, and do the things that make you feel fully alive.

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10 Qualities of Your Inner Spirit

You are not your body. You have a body, which houses your soul.

You are not your thoughts, worries or fears. You can control your thoughts or observe them as they come and go, which shows that you are something separate to and greater than them.

You are not your titles or roles, like mother, son, employee, writer or friend. They are simply your social masks which you need to wear from time to time.

So then, what are you? You are the deeper essence beneath all of these transient parts of you. You are your soul — your inner spirit.

Here are 10 qualities of your inner spirit which you may not be aware of:

1. You are energy.

At a very fundamental level, everything we see as solid is made up of energy particles, including you.

2. You are divine.

There is something pretty magical about the Universe, right? The stars, planets, ocean, rainbows and trees. Well, you are made of the same basic energy particles. So in effect, you are stardust!

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One Life-Changing Goal You’ve Forgotten to Set

life-changing goal

Eckhart Tolle once pointed out something quite profound — that we are not just humans; we are human beings.

But most of us forget this. We focus solely on our human side — on being a human doing.

We’re taught that we must study, get a stable job, work hard, have a family, buy a house, travel twice a year, and tick off a suitable number of acceptable human accomplishments before we can conclude we are enough and our life is worthwhile.

When we run into old friends or family members and they ask how we’re doing, by default we talk about what’s going on in our external world — our travel plans, work projects or renovations. We may even feel awkward or a little embarrassed if we’ve not been ‘doing’ enough to keep busy and have no new concrete ‘activity’ to report.

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The Little Known Secret To Real Self Love

self love

Self-love can sound a little cheesy or even egotistical, right? The truth is, it’s a hugely underrated key to finding long-term happiness, inner peace and living a full life.

Self-love is crucial because your external world will reflect how you feel about yourself.

Self-love also gives you a safety net to take risks and go after your dreams, because you know that no matter what the outcome, you’ll be OK — your self-worth is not on the line.

The problem is, many of the teachings on self-love can be surface-level only. Yes, it’s great to be able to look in the mirror and embrace your flaws, but real self-love is about so much more than that.

So what is the secret to real self-love?

Real self-love is about recognizing that your true identity is your inner spirit — you are a soul, not just a body. You simply have a body to carry your soul from place to place.

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15 Essential Keys To True Happiness

true happiness

Happiness is an art that can be learned. Instead of sitting around waiting for joy to descend upon you or searching for fulfillment in all the wrong places, consider how you can incorporate these keys to true sustainable happiness into your life.

1. Authenticity.

You are a once-in-humankind event. Your soul is a unique blend of passions, gifts and quirks. If you’re not showing up to the world as your true self or living in a way that feels right to you, you feel out of alignment and your happiness levels will suffer.

2. Giving.

When you give from a place of love without expecting anything in return, you are nourished and fulfilled as much as the receiver of your gift. Giving doesn’t have to be grandiose — you can give a silent blessing in your heart, a kind word of support, or a helping hand whenever you spot an opportunity.

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8 Crucial Mistakes To Avoid When Going After Your Goals

going after your goals

Achieving goals with ease is an art that many people are yet to master. If you are one of these people, you could be making one of these crucial mistakes. Take note.

1. Don’t take score too often.

Dreams and projects can take time to grow. If you’re constantly and obsessively checking for evidence that your desires are on their way to you and everything is going precisely to plan, you may end up feeling impatient and frustrated, which will in turn mean you are not in a good emotional place to continue taking action with enjoyment and ease.

Of course you may need to check-in with your progress towards your goals and revise your plan every now and then, but do it purposefully and spaced at healthy intervals.

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12 Truths You May Not Remember About Who You Really Are

You are so much more than you know. Here are 12 truths you may not remember about who you really are:

1. You are ever-expanding.

The Universe is always expanding and as a piece of the Universe, you are also ever-expanding, giving birth to new ideas, desires and dreams.

The problem is you are taught from a young age to squash your desires and conform to the status quo and the expectations of others.

The gap between what your soul really wants and the conformist way you are living your life creates huge internal unrest and unhappiness.

2. Your purpose is to be you.

You are not here simply to buy a large house, get in shape, get to the top of a career ladder and pull together a wedding. While accomplishing your goals and dreams can be a rewarding and beautiful part of your life, it is just the icing on the cake.

Your true purpose is to be you – your own unique blend of passions, interests, ideas, quirks and gifts. Your mission is to discover more about who you are, to love yourself and others at the deepest level, to experience joy and happiness, and to learn and grow into the highest embodiment of you. Mission accepted?

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21 Positive Morning Thoughts

When Ricky Gervais was eight years old, he woke up every day going:

Wow! I’m alive! Yes! I’ve got to eat! I’ve got to take a clock apart to see how that works! There’s an ant! I’m going to follow that ant! Let’s go to the library! What, sausages? Oh my god, I can’t believe my luck!

We could still retain this sense of awe and wonder at life as adults — but so few of us do.

We’re too lost in circling thoughts, remembering the past or worrying about the future, to notice the many magical things going on around us. We’re too focused on counting all the things we don’t have yet, to notice the beauty, love and abundance that is already ours.

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12 Ways to Live a Happier Life

how to be happier

1. Spend time with your soul.

There is a difference between your ego and your soul. Get in touch with your true divine self through meditation, yoga, spending time in nature, soul journaling, and getting lost in the things that you love – like cooking, creating, writing or dancing.

2. Forgive.

The Buddha once said, “Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned”. Holding a grudge keeps you trapped. Forgive other people and set yourself free.

3. Shift your energy.

Sometimes you wake up and you’re just not feeling it – and no amount of positive affirmations will help. That’s when you need to shift your energy through physical activity – throw on an upbeat tune and dance around your lounge room, get outside and feel the sun on your skin, or go for a long run.

4. Remember every day is a new beginning...


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