The Unbounded Spirit

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15 Life Changing Lessons to Learn from Wayne Dyer

“We are not our bodies, our possessions, or our career. Who we are is Divine Love and that is Infinite.” ~ Dr. Wayne W. Dyer ​(1940-2015)

There are people in this world who can touch our hearts in really profound and meaningful ways, and that’s exactly the impact Wayne Dyer had on me.

Wayne W. Dyer, you were one of the most beautiful, humble and authentic people who ever walked on this Earth. And I learned so much from you. You taught me how to be humble, how to live in love and truth, and how to always honor who I truly am underneath it all. You taught me how to be better than I used to be and I will always be thankful for this. Thank you for sharing your love, your knowledge and your wisdom with all of us.

The world was, is, and will be a better place just because you have lived. You will be greatly missed.

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See What Happens to Your Body When You Eat 3 Dates Daily

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you started eating dates? Probably not. Most people don’t think about dates very much and particularly about the health benefits. But dates are pretty amazing and this little fruit can provide some excellent health benefits. If you start eating three dates a day, here is what you will start to see.

The Nutrient-Rich Date

The first thing you’ll notice is that dates have some great nutritional benefits. You don’t need to take all those vitamins when you are eating three dates a day. They contain copper, potassium, fiber, manganese, vitamin B-6 and magnesium.

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It’s Science: The Weirder You Are, The More Likely You Are To Find Love

Sometimes it feels like we’re all trying to uncover some perfect secret formula that we think will help us find love.

We believe there’s something wrong with us. We tell ourselves if we just lost this much weight, if we just liked this kind of music or if we just stopped behaving in this way, we’d find “The One.”

We pick ourselves apart, treating all of our unconventional qualities like flaws that need to be changed. It’s as if the formula lies within us, and we just have to hate ourselves a little bit in order to uncover it.

But we’ve been doing it wrong all along. There’s no magic secret formula to finding our soulmate.

In fact, if there’s any secret formula at all, it actually involves embracing those unconventional qualities we keep trying to hide.

Scientific American reports a recent uplifting study from Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin that shows that both men and women prefer to date nonconformist people — people whose clothes, opinions and life decisions don’t follow the “norm.”

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Korean Artist Beautifully Illustrates What Real Love Looks Like

We’re all so used to the grandiose tales of love in the movies — running through a crowded airport, sending love letters every single day for ten years, leaving one’s entire life behind — that anything less than trial by combat just seems lazy.

But Korean artist “Puuung” is intent on changing that narrative. “Love is something that everybody can relate to. And Love comes in ways that we can easily overlook in our daily lives. So, I try to find the meaning of love in our daily lives and make it into artwork,” she writes.

With her beautifully-drawn illustrations, Puuung reminds us that when it comes to love, it’s the little things that matter.

Puuung’s works can be found on her grafolio, but here are some of our favorites:

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7 Harsh Truths That Will Make You A More Powerful Person

1. Nobody is actually too busy to respond to you.

That guy or girl isn’t too busy to answer your text. That employer isn’t too busy to answer your email. If you’re not hearing back from someone, it’s because they have deliberately chosen not to answer you. And the sooner you stop making excuses for the people who don’t make you a priority, the sooner you can move on to the people and situations that do.

2. Everyone has his or her own best interests at heart.

No matter how genuine, kindhearted or caring a particular person is, they’re always going to be more aware of their own needs than they are of yours. Even the most attentive lover may not realize they’re pushing your buttons if you never tell them they’re doing so. Even the most honest employer may not be aware that they’re working you into the ground if you just keep accepting more work.

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15 Powerful Insights from the Mind of Friedrich Nietzsche

The German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche was one of the greatest minds that have ever walked on our planet. His philosophical insights transformed the world of philosophy and took it to the next level.

Here you will read for yourself some of Friedrich Nietzsche’s most powerful quotes that will open your mind and help you see things from a whole different perspective:

1. “We should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once.”

2. “It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.”

3. “There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.”

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3 “Food Rules” to Eat Well, Lose Weight, and Stay Healthy


All human beings love eating food, but most of us are unaware of how to eat in a healthy way so we can get the most out of our eating. In fact, the majority of people have forgotten to listen to their body’s wisdom and they have developed habits that are quite detrimental to their health. For this reason, you’ll read here about 3 “food rules” that you should follow if you want to eat well, lose weight, and stay healthy.

1. Eat nutritious food.

In order to be eat well and stay healthy, our body needs to eat real, nutritious food — a “food rule” that most of us don’t seem to follow...

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25 of the Most Powerful Quotes of All Time – They Can Transform Your Entire Life!

Here we have hand-picked some of the most powerful quotes of all time that can help transform your entire life. These quotes have the power to change the way you perceive yourself and the world, and inspire you to become the better version of yourself, by making you a wiser, open-minded, and compassionate human being.

1. “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” – Albert Einstein

2. “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” – Viktor Frankl

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3 Things You Need to Accept About Yourself (Even if You Think You Shouldn’t)

There are some things about ourselves that we find very difficult to accept, believing that they are bad, negative, and harmful. However, there are aspects of our personality which, although apparently might look bad, they are actually good, both for ourselves and our relationships with other people. Here are three main things you definitely need to accept about yourself, even if deep down you think you shouldn’t:

Being Honest.

Many of us feel guilty when we are being honest, becomes, living in a dishonest world, to be honest means to shatter people from their illusions. No matter what your thoughts and opinions are, be courageous enough to openly express them, even if they might go against the thoughts and opinions of others. This way you can stay true to yourself and others and this will relieve your soul from a lot of necessary burden caused by the emotional suppression most people are experiencing.

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6 Signs You Have No Regrets in Life

It is very difficult not to have regrets in life, and only very few people can achieve having no regrets. In order to have no regrets, you need to be courageous enough to make mistakes, learn from them, and accept that you are an imperfect being, learning and evolving each and every day to become the better version of yourself. Here are 7 signs showing that you are the type of person that definitely has no regrets in life:

1. You don’t hold grudges to people who might have behaved in a bad manner toward you. You realize that holding grudges are just bitter regrets and prefer to forgive people and move forward in life with compassion and kindness to all beings.

2. You love openly. You don’t hide your feelings or emotions to people, and you are ready to give a big hug to anyone that truly needs it. You realize that life is not meaningful without love, and you are open to give and receive love, even if sometimes this might cause you pain.


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