Wes Annac

~ Wes Annac ~ Understanding Spiritual Evolution – Part 5 - 12 November

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Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm.

Continued from part 4

Speaking from my own experience  – one of the biggest things that opened me up to perceptions greater than I’d ever expected is meditation. Meditation is the standard and almost-stereotypical recommendation amongst usually every spiritual circle, and this is because meditation provides us with a direct and uninhibited spiritual connection, depending on how deep we can get.

How deep into a greater spiritual perception we can get when meditating depends on how much experience we’ve had meditating, which goes back to the importance of practice and understanding that you’re not meant to be perfect at it instantly.

To be honest, meditation could challenge you in the beginning and the biggest problem any new meditator has is getting to a place beyond the constant, unending chatter of the mind.

This obstacle deters many potential new meditators who could really make something out of their ability and the connection they can find, and I, like many others, experienced this initial difficulty when first attempting to meditate.

Having also experienced incredible deepened perceptions upon understanding what I’m about to share, which is the standard advice in regards to this hurdle, I can say that the result is well worth getting past the initial difficulty.

~ Wes Annac ~ The Iron Divinity of the Awakening Human - 12 November

Eddie1177's picture

Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm.

The recommended audio version of this article can be found here.

Personal empowerment and an unhindered understanding of our incredible power and ability can help fuel humanity as we look toward a new paradigm that we’re tasked with building. It doesn’t matter who you are or where you perceive yourself to be in terms of “fame” or “status” – you’re a unique and valuable asset to humanity’s awakening and evolution.

In this evolving day and age, we’re learning that some of the greatest actions we can take to build a new paradigm are rooted in the spiritual realms. Some of the greatest efforts you can make require an uninhibited understanding of your spiritual ability, and our physical and spiritual efforts can merge when we understand everything we’re capable of doing and being.

You can consciously lift yourself out of the difficulty plaguing your Life, and I’m learning that the extent to which I let things bring me down determines how unhappy they make me. I can’t speak for everybody, but in my experience I’ve been able to breeze through some situations or circumstances that could’ve otherwise brought me down tremendously.

Knowing that I possess deeply rooted strength and the ability to navigate through an existence I Create in a detached manner, many situations that could otherwise drag me down are easier to handle.

~ Wes Annac ~ Understanding Spiritual Evolution – Part 4 - 9 November

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Written by Wes Annac for the Aquarius Paradigm, continued from Part 3

Just how much we understand, know and can feel about the spiritual realms will determine the progress we make in growing back toward them, and in regards to gaining metaphysical perception, I can say that practice makes perfect.

Practice the newfound abilities you discover, and understand that you’re not meant to perfect them instantly. Understanding that you’re a Divine being who’s coming to practice and understand your links to the higher dimensions can help you deepen your metaphysical perception immensely over a steady period of time.

Depending on the specifics of your Life path, a few short months could see you beginning to grasp many aspects of energy work and metaphysical perception, and you can take the understanding you gain and work to uplift the collective.

We each have the ability to help our collective understand the spiritual realms and the importance of disconnecting from physical distraction and connecting within to gain full-on perception of these realms. Upon deepening our level of interest and activity with the spiritual realms, we’ll perceive of them in greater ways and help the collective to do the same.

It’s been said that when our populace is opened up to the existence of the spiritual realms and the souls in them, Lightwork and other forms of interaction with the higher dimensions will be practiced actively, openly and with interest by every person.

~ Wes Annac ~ Our Universal Family: Sharing and Spreading the Love of Spirit - 8 November

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A Fall Day Walk - Photo by PocahontasBrandy.Channeled through Wes Annac, The Aquarius Paradigm

The evolution of humanity has been on a full course to manifest for centuries of your time, but has been accelerated in the last century as more souls are led to understand things they would’ve previously been closed-off to.

We note the deepening spiritual searches many of you find yourselves embarking on, and we can only encourage your quests and remind you that we’re forever here with you and that it’s only the extent to which you convince yourselves we’re not that determines your experience of us.

If you can allow yourselves to believe and know, truly know, that we’re real and with you, walking by your side in every moment, then you’ll experience a strong and constantly replenished connection with us.

If you let yourselves stray away from the belief that we’re real and with you, then you’ll naturally experience what you’ve sewn for yourselves. The point we wish to drive home is that you’re forever the Creators of your experience and just where you choose to go from here will be decided not by us, but by you.

Expanding Horizons

We note with Love and joy the progress being made on your spiritual paths as many of you seek to deepen your understanding of everything based in the spiritual, and as you deepen your searches your horizons expand in every sense.

~ Wes Annac ~ Planetary Healing: GMOs – What’s the Big Deal? – Part 3/3

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The following was written for the ongoing “planetary healing” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter, which is being offered for $11.11 a month. Income from the newsletter helps my family and I get by, and the option to subscribe will be given below.

(Concluded from our GMO discussion.)

So now we know a little bit about the hazardous health effects of GMOs and why they’re still allowed to be used in the United States. Armed with this knowledge, we should perhaps ask ourselves just which crops are the highest risk of being genetically modified.

Again – if you’re in one of the many countries that have outright banned GMOs, you likely don’t have to worry about your food being contaminated with what seems like a gross cabal experiment on the populace.

For those of us in the United States and the few other countries who allow GMO products, the Non-GMO Project gives us a list of “at-risk” crops and crops that are less at risk of being contaminated. I’ll quote that list here, and when reading it, keep in mind what I said before about 80% of processed foods here in the US containing GMO.

The most at-risk crops that are most likely genetically modified in the US are:

“•Alfalfa (first planting 2011)

•Canola (approx. 90% of U.S. crop)

•Corn (approx. 88% of U.S. crop in 2011)

•Cotton (approx. 90% of U.S. crop in 2011)

~ Wes Annac ~ Breaking Tradition in a Spiritual Revolution - 6 November

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Written by Wes Annac, The Aquarius Paradigm

In the new era we’re rapidly entering and building, I think humanity will benefit from letting ourselves break tradition and go against the curve.

Our current ways of running our planet and interacting with each other haven’t worked, and I think that an aspect of changing our deeply rooted ways will be going against the established norm and expressing our unique perspectives instead of hiding them away.

Humanity has been entering an era of spiritual revolution for centuries, and concepts that could be seen as “out there” right now may very well be accepted and understood by the general public in our future.

While certain elements in our society have worked actively to suppress knowledge of our true history, the real suppression that’s taken place has been self-instated in the minds and hearts of every unaware person.

I’m not going to say Western society isn’t focused purely on distraction and complacency toward anything above a certain spectrum of intelligence, but the forces cultivating such distraction can’t stop you or anyone else from regaining access to our inner-held spiritual realms.

We’re infinite beings with the potential and ability to do and be anything we want, and I’ve come to learn that every bit of perceived limitation is a fabricated product of the ego.

Wes Annac~ Who am I? I am a Child of the Universe

Lia's picture


Written by Wes Annac, The Aquarius Paradigm

At one time, you might have read a writing from me that boasted “Incarnate Representative of the Galactic Federation and the Pleiadian High Council” at the end.

Having awakened in so many ways and opened up to channeling the energy and guidance of our Universal Family, I subtly rooted my perception of my identity in what I perceived was a higher place.

This wasn’t something I did intentionally; I embraced the idea of actively representing the Pleiadians in what I felt was a positive move, but looking back on it, I see that I was really aggrandizing myself and presenting myself in a light that didn’t match me as much as I thought it did.

Reading about walk-ins and noting the parallels between events in my Life and those in the Lives of people who were said to have experienced them, saw me genuinely believe that I had experienced a braided walk-in and that the “former” part of me was steadily exiting as the “newer” walk-in soul came to the forefront of my perception.

Feeling less inclined to spend time with family and friends led to isolation that convinced me our drifting-away was less because of me and more because of them.

~ Wes Annac ~ :Understanding Spiritual Evolution – Part 3 ~ 2 November

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Written by Wes Annac, The Aquarius Paradigm

Continued from Part 2

Both science and religion have done large injustices to our understanding of the realms of spirit – as religion misinforms us about heaven and our Creator (Source) and science is quick to proclaim heaven can’t possibly exist because it hasn’t been physically seen.

Despite this, there are a plethora of individuals working diligently to merge humanity’s understanding of science and spirit in ways that allow for the existence of spirit as well as greater scientific understandings of it. Scientists who’d mock the existence of the spiritual realms today will find themselves vastly interested in the new paradigm of merged science and spirituality that’s being brought about and expanded upon as you read this.

People who’ll be very valuable to the expansion of humanity’s scientific and spiritual understanding will become open to these topics in sensible and levelheaded ways, and they too will contribute much to the field.

Ultimately, all of humanity will open up to the spiritual realms in the ways that best work for each of us, and humanity as a whole will find ourselves progressing with startling rapidity when we can come to believe in the spiritual realms and work from there to know as much as we can about them.


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