Wes Annac

Wayshowing and Vasanas Continued

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The following is a “response” or “follow-up” to Steve Beckow’s “Wayshowing and Vasanas”.

Vasana: A complex of traumatic memories that upset us, triggered by an event in the present that resembles one in the past. (1)

Throughout the past few days, the message has gradually sunk in that every bit of change we wish to see must first come from within. I’ve always known this on a mental level, though I haven’t quite applied it and I’ve instead been focused on helping galvanize the masses to Create outward change in our society.

That outward change is certainly important, but even more important is the inner-change we can each cultivate at this time. Take those things about yourself that you’d rather hide away from or keep away from others, and give them the most scrupulous examination you can.

Put them under the biggest mental microscope you can, and work through any issues that may hold you back from attaining a constant pure vibration.

What is a New Paradigm? Part 3 ~ Conclusion

Lia's picture



Concluded from Part 2

There’s another aspect of building a new paradigm I’d like to address, which falls in line with refraining from completely hinging oneself on outside sources.

The few have been able to run our world basically unchallenged, and they’ve been able to do so because, for the most part, the general public has allotted our world and the places we live to be ruled by another.

We’ve been programmed to focus on keeping ourselves and our family ahead by working away at a job that sometimes contributes very little to the running of society, as we’re taught to allow the important decisions regarding us and our planet to be made by elected officials.

The idea that the system as it stands at present is purposely broken and rigged in favor of the few with money and power isn’t picked up on in a distracted reality filled with survival, which is why we’ve been kept unaware and uncaring about how our world is run.

This is Our Planet ~ It’s Time to Take it Back

Lia's picture



Are you aware of just how infinite you are in your ability to create widespread, positive change? Do you understand the power that you as an individual possess to help mend everything about our reality clearly in need of mending?

We’ve long recognized many things about our planet that are clearly in need of healing or uplifting, and if brought together on a mass level and in an uninhibited way, we can and will bring about every bit of change needed for this planet to move into a new paradigm.

As we continue to galvanize and create change, the forces we’re working to expose are fighting to maintain their last grips on our reality and collective influence. They’ve been able to steadily manipulate humanity’s perceptions from beyond a veil of their own design that we’re either taught to believe doesn’t exist, or we simply don’t think about.

Carefully orchestrated illusions have been built up around our mainstream society, and the politics we see in play have been set up to distract humanity from the decisions being made behind this aforementioned cloak. If there’s any compliment that can be paid to the powers that were, it’s that they quite cleverly orchestrated a society of mass distraction that keeps our attention away from issues of importance.

What is a New Paradigm? ~ Part 2

Lia's picture





Continued from Part 1

There are individuals and groups already working very actively on helping bring our planet into the new paradigm, a paradigm we could’ve welcomed by the 1940s, and if they were given the abundance a few single millionaires have they’d spread it and see as many people as possible able to benefit. (1)

The idea of sharing abundance with every person on this planet is one that, in my opinion, will have to be brought about by the people as a whole.

It’s been said that there are people and groups “behind the scenes” working to introduce prosperity and abundance programs that go very far back in time, and that things such as currency revaluations will largely introduce a paradigm of abundance for all. (2)

What is a New Paradigm? ~ Part 1

Lia's picture




The following was written for The Aquarius Paradigm blog site.

What is a New Paradigm?

A new paradigm is essentially what the name suggests: breaking away from our old and instated ways of living and being, in favor of a societal standard that works for every person on this planet. The new paradigm is being brought about in various different ways, even as we speak.

Individuals are working to merge science and spirituality, laying rest to dogmatic religion and un-allowing evolution-based science.

Millions of people are awakening in every moment to the reality of deeper realms of consciousness beyond our physical understanding, and there are devoted people at the forefront of our collective helping show us the way and lead us into a successful future as a species.

A new paradigm is brought about with the active focus and intent of every person who grows to resonate with the ideals of exiting the societal norm.


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