Wes Annac

~ Wes Annac ~ Who is Our Universal Family? – Part 2

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Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm, Continued from Part 1

I haven’t yet discussed channeling or channeled messages in depth, but they’re believed to be one potent way our Universal Family communicates with humanity.

As we expand our perception and begin to evolve, so does our ability to pick up on and bring through energy from the higher dimensions expand. We become able to maintain an active and fruitful link with the higher dimensions if we let ourselves believe such a link is real, and as a part of this process, some people will open up to what’s been called “channeling”.

“Channeling” is a term for connecting with an individual or collective of entities from the higher dimensions or the planes of nirvana and communicating with them. It’s believed that we can open up to the higher dimensions and specific individuals and collectives comprising our Universal Family as we open our heart and third eye chakras, though of course, we should focus on the development of every chakra.

There are many different types of channeling, and one of the most popular methods is “automatic writing”.

Automatic writing sees the channel reach a state of connection with the entity/collective they intend to bring through, usually with affirmation, and have the entity convey a message through them with writing. Channeling via automatic writing has caught on quite a bit, though admittedly, it’s not as direct of a method as vocally bringing an entity through.

~ Wes Annac ~ Driven and Heart-Centered Expression

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Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm

In everything you do, remember that love is with you and that you can access and feel it, even when it seems as if your burning flame has all but gone out. Remember that the pain and stress of this experience, however strong it seems, doesn’t have to make you forget about love or your infinite ability to feel it.

Accessing the love of the sacred heart space can breed unending inspiration to work away for the betterment of the planet, and knowing that you’re contributing to the planetary evolution in a big way will help you feel better about being here.

I can say from experience that it’s easy to let pain convince you that limitation and lower-dimensionality are reality, when in fact, they’re illusion.

I speak from personal experience with much of what I say, because like all of you, I’m in the middle of a potent process of personal transformation, the results of which will see me (and all of us) far more aware and enlightened than ever before.

Remembering and feeling love in the intensified ways we can now feel it is rewarding to say the least. When doing so, you can discover your ability to be a force of balance that others can benefit from, and when coupled with the discovery of the role we’ll each play in awakening the world, that love and balance will see you soar beyond your wildest dreams.

~ Wes Annac ~ Who is Our Universal Family? – Part 1

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Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm

Our Universal Family is a general label for the souls and collectives comprising the higher dimensions who actively communicate with humanity and have assisted in our evolution for centuries.

A lot of material about and from them is available these days, and a lot of people believe that they speak with humanity regularly through channeled messages.

Our Universal Family is comprised of every evolved collective who’s grown to understand themselves and each other as aspects of the Creator. Souls from the higher dimensions have been identified and given all types of labels on our planet – angels; archangels; galactics; I could go on.

It’s generally believed by those who endorse the idea of our Universal Family that spiritually evolved galactic and angelic deities have actively visited our world and tried to help us along our evolution many times in the past.

It’s believed that their existence and presence has been largely misconstrued by religion and deemed fantasy by science, and that they continue to assist humanity to this day.

As I’ve mentioned in other writings, humanity’s freewill sees us create our reality and enforce whatever veil or limitation we desire. Ultimately, claims of galactic and angelic deities existing and communicating openly with anyone who can open up will sound crazy to some, and if we can’t or won’t open up to the possibility that this could be real, we won’t be overwhelmed with its reality.

~ Wes Annac ~ Walking Our Talk: Unity and Division

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Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm

As citizens of this evolving planet, we have both the right and responsibility to have a say in the decisions that are made and everything that happens.

We’re tasked with speaking up and offering our perspective on every aspect of our society, but complacency has driven most people to focus primarily on themselves and their family instead of what’s happening on the world stage.

We’ve forgotten about our oneness and continue to perceive and express division, but we’ll benefit greatly when remembering our sacred connection with each other and working together to solve our biggest social and environmental problems.

I think that instilled separation from one another has taken our society down a bad path. If we perceive ourselves as separate from one another and let ourselves hate any of our fellow humans instead of respecting and loving them for their individuality, we won’t be able to really act upon the unity so many people wholeheartedly believe in.

Working against each other because of our perceived differences seems counterproductive, and if we can lay down the need to put ourselves “above” another, we can diminish a powerful aspect of the divisive mindset.

Respect, encouragement and support of one another will be and are important, in my opinion, because if we can encourage each other to be creative and productive then we’ll have an entire planet of conscious, motivated people bent on welcoming a new paradigm with the effort we make.

~ Wes Annac ~ Music, Simplicity and True Abundance

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The following was written for the conclusion of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter, which is being offered for $11.11 a month.

Income from the newsletter helps my family and I get by (and I really enjoy writing it) and the option to subscribe will be given below.

This has been an interesting week to say the least. I feel more inspired than ever to express myself and give material that reflects my personal evolution process, but this inspiration is coming about in a different way than I expected.

I’ve been producing music in a very flowing way lately, and I’ve happily pursued this avenue of creative expression because music feels great to write and play. It’s wonderful to be able to sing the song of the heart and express the deepened consciousness so many of us are beginning to feel, and I’ll admit that even writing hasn’t been as prolific for me as music.

Don’t get me wrong – when I find a subject to get excited to write about I can happily work away, but in terms of what I enjoy doing in this moment, I have to admit that music takes the cake. I have a feeling that this is an aspect of the ongoing inner-expansion taking place in each of us, and it’s being expressed through me in this manner for a specific reason.

~ Wes Annac ~ Reader’s Question: Are We Creating Change?

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The following was written by Wes Annac for the “reader’s question” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter, which is being offered for $11.11 a month. Income from the newsletter helps my family and I get by, and the option to subscribe will be given below.

Our question this week comes from a reader who wants to know if our presence on this planet is heralding change.

“Is our consciousness actually now creating the changes we are seeing and feeling?”

Another great question that I’ll be happy to provide my perspective on.

It’s been said that our presence on this planet is helping Create massive change, and I can imagine this is because those of us who chose to come here from the higher realms to participate in the collective awakening have come with a naturally strong spiritual connection that’s reflected energetically in the collective consciousness.

Of course, to discuss this is to get into tricky territory, because I don’t want to paint those who’ve come here to help uplift the collective as somehow “better” than those who’ve come here to experiment in the low vibrations.

In my opinion, we all maintain a constant and strong spiritual connection – it’s simply that our readiness and willingness to realize it exists and tap into it determines the strength of its expression in this reality.

~ Wes Annac ~ You Carry the Love of Source at all Times

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IMG_3633Message from my higher self, conveyed through Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm

Your society has been taught to believe that an embrace of inner and outer liberation is impossible, and this is reflected with the manner in which many go about daily jobs and experience ways of Living and being that don’t resonate with the experiences they’d really like to have.

The idea is taught that you must accept your fate instead of looking beyond your current experience into something much more expanded and infinite.

You no longer have to believe in illusory limitation or lack, because you possess the ordained ability to transcend it. You can transcend every aspect of the lower-vibrational experience that no longer works for you, and in doing so, you’ll find that you are and have always been eternal spiritual beings.

So much awaits you when you can reach the heightened perception many of you are just beginning to reach. Though what many of you have perceived already has been great, it’s only a preview of what you’re going to experience when reaching certain strides along your growth.

You’ve only just begun to feel the greatest feelings Creation has for you, and you’ve only just glimpsed into the spiritual realms many of you now work actively to help others glimpse.

~ Wes Annac ~ Other Humans on Other Planets

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Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm

When really thinking about it, the stereotype that depicts off-world beings as ravenous insect-people or monsters with the destruction of humanity in mind seems a little silly.

I know that we haven’t “officially” discovered Life on other planets yet (wink wink) and I’m well aware of the media’s considerable role in painting our perception of extraterrestrials, but how have we become so complacent with accepting that image?

I guess it comes down to the fact that most people still don’t question things like Life on other planets or the strangely unfavorable light it’s presented in. The stereotypical image we’re given of an extraterrestrial is either a “little grey” or a monstrous being, and if you think about it, those aren’t very flattering portrayals.

The prevailing factor in these depictions is usually always that they seek to invade the Earth and destroy our favorite cities in graphic ways that make movie buffs proud of the progress we’ve made in the last three decades in creating destructive sequences. Even Marvin the Martian always wanted to destroy the Earth.

I once read an article about the large number of alien invasion films that were being released at the time, and it spelled out the fact that “evil alien invaders” are among the only enemies you can all-out attack in a film without coming across as politically incorrect.

Look Up – A Song by Wes Annac

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The following is a song written by me, a beginner musician, called Look Up. Lyrics are given below, and if you like the song, feel free to share it far and wide!


The love in your heart will see you onward

When you look up toward heaven from the ground

Jah will forever flow with you in all endeavors

As you remember all of this, you’ll admire the lights and sounds

For everything’s eternal and limitation is illusion

Use your power of transmutation to see beyond all your pain

For you’re beginning to learn that you are deeply rooted

In realms beyond your conscious understanding

The growth and learning you’ll receive will be as infinite as your eternal spirit

When understanding and embarking on your inner journey

I can’t express enough how liberating it feels

To kick my feet back and watch all the pain and strife and stress and fear and know that they have no power over me

~ Wes Annac ~ Weekly News: A Week of Protests - 9 December

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The following was written by Wes Annac for the “weekly news” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter, which is being offered for $11.11 a month. Income from the newsletter helps my family and I get by, and the option to subscribe will be given below.

Hello dear friends, and welcome to the seventy-second issue of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter

This week, I’ll discuss the Liberian president’s participation in a protest against violence against women that took place there, as well as the national protests that took place in the US against low fast food wages.

Our Universal Family will also discuss connecting with the heart space and the growing number of emerging channels; we’ll funnel our inner-held Light to representations of large crowds of people during our planetary healing; and I’ll answer a reader’s question about our consciousness Creating the change we’ve wished to see.

To begin for this week – The president of Liberia, a West African country, took to the streets with protesters this week to demonstrate against rape and violence against women in general. (1)

In an act of solidarity with the people, Liberian president Ellen Johnson Sirleaf joined an anti-rape protest in Monrovia to help highlight this important issue.

I’ll post a snippet from the referenced news source that explains Sirleaf’s participation in the protest.


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