I am inspirerd to post this for the ones that are on the edge and still have the chance of making it to the fifth dimension (Heaven) by end year. For those who don’t make this level, 3D will be better than now, and if you are content here, no worries mates the opt will come again for you, but if you have contemplated taking your self out, then here’s a much, much better way than slapping the Giver of your life in His Face for His gift of life to you.
Bible, Qur’an (Koran), Yahweh, tawrat, Zabur, Injel, Torah, Bhgavad Gita’, Urantia, Hindu Vedas, Book of Morman, Talmud,,,this list is very long, there are hundreds if not thousands so who’s is right?
So what makes the Bible so popular in the west? The west does because that’s where you were born. Now why should it go viral and you recruit ALL the other humans under its fold? That is what you were taught to do by those who wanted all the members, and they blessed you with the title, “missionary.” Boy is the Lord gonna be proud of you, after the wars that you caused are all over anyway.
More members equals more money, more money, more power, more power also derives from more control.
You say the Bible cannot be altered from its original version given to you by God Him Self. Protected by Him so if any man attempts to alter it, it’s the elevator going down, that fiery pit of hell for that one. Revelations right, they placed this one at the end to wrap you up in it for future teaching of it to you the listening audience.
What better way to control people than through where their very nature comes from, the heart, how do they get in there? Similar as the pedophile with a child, come to my van, pet my puppy dog and I will give you candy. I use this analogy due to the vast information about the largest of all human institution, bar none, the Vatican. Recall The Green Mile, “He killed them with their own love boss.”
Now let’s play fair here, some have never heard the term God or have a different reference for our Creator, one more title, then there is Allah, Buddha, Lord, Father, Creation, Father-Mother- God, Almighty I AM Presence, I AM, Prime Creator, Supreme Creator, Creation, Source Energy, All That Is, Alpha-Omega, Divine Mother,,,OH BOY!! that hit a cord huh, She, Her? You see if God is a woman you know good and well She better not be wrathful or you ass is grass, if happen to be a woman beater, OJ best stay where he is, no offence OJ you likely thought she deserved it and fell out of balance those moments like we have all done in the many visits here.
Okay, let’s give it the benefit rather than the doubt. That it was all in tact after being altered, excuse me, translated from its original languages of Sanskrit, Aramaic, Arabic, Hebrew, Greek, Latin and this list also is long.
What matters most is that you can clearly see that when the English “control freaks” for the most fitting term for them that came to a continent and literally took it from the ones that were care taking it very well and replenishing all they used it for and not polluting it or destroying it in any way, and the cowboy and Indian movies that show them as warring, more media infiltration to condition corral and confuse you.
What did they place in the book and why? I won’t go into all the details it would literally take a book to do that. They place “hell fire and brimstone” and blame that one on God also, because they made it to be Him that said, “I am a vengeful ol’ cus and I will see to it that you burn if you don’t go by John 3:16 that you will be dumped into the pits of hell fire where I will watch you burn for ever and ever and ever.” “I just love “child” burning ya know.”
“The devil lurks in the heart of man.” My good Christian dad used to rub this one in our face as he turned red doing it.
They developed many tools and they continue to keep up with the times in the development of more fear invoking tools, like war etc to appease them in their basic goals. Witch are, oh did I get the wrong “which” there? Maybe not, war, confusion, money control for up then down markets as to reposes the peoples properties, and then media, education systems, legal systems, medical monopolies filled with all kinds of scare tactic and even the cause of disorders in your health to create more need to pay them more, transportation, energy, the food industry, GMO is just a part of their poison in this, and this list as well goes on.
These are ancestors of the same blood lines that hundreds then thousands of years ago were editing the scrolls that became bibles to the peoples, and manipulating every conceivable detail of anything that needed to keep us asleep, unconscious and as much as they can, non-curious. And for all the hundreds and thousands that did get to curious, may they rest in peace, unless they didn’t get “saved” in time, ouch!!! Its The long-term burn for those little baggers.
To paraphrase for simplicity, you may read the entire book if you like, I already have.
“All these things I have done, you shall do even greater things than these”
“Has it not been written in your laws, I have said ye are all Gods”
“It is My Father’s great pleasure to give you His Kingdom”
“In My Father’s House are many Mansions”
Seek ye first this Kingdom, why? Because that’s where from, ye create
“The Light of the body is the Eye”
Come to Me in your closet (private, not to boast to the audience about your personal relationship with Me) your heart is that path.
As you think’eth in your heart, so are you.
“I AM the Door which no man can shut”
“I have come that you may have life more abundantly”
As He and They explained it to you then, He and They are still attempting to get through the veils that have been made around you as to gift you with these truths. But only the ones with and ear will heed these Higher messages, and these will have to be discerned by the one that does through the heart.
You know the ones that know and use these, their Godly powers? The cabal/Illuminati/Elite. You need not be a “Christian” to acquire the Higher Powers, you just need to know the keys and codes and apply them. And if you wish to be over others, you must keep these formulas a secret from them. Lucifer is not a wimp you know, he was the Highest of the Archangels.
The end of time is here. We are in the last play of the Awakening, the Second Coming, the time of Heaven on Earth, 5th dimension.
You’ve been asking for it your whole lives. “Our Father Who art in Heaven, Hollowed be Thy Name, Thy Kingdome come, Thy Will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.” And this is exactly what is taking place right now and it’s coming rapidly now more so than last century, decade, year and month, and linear time as we know it to be is nearly up. This timeline is gradually but now rapidly collapsing.
If you want to live in a country foreign to you and don’t know the language there, to fit in you need to learn it. Well in “Heaven” what we call telepathy here is the common language and not to worry, you will have assistance with that. But that is not the concern in quest here, but “vibrational harmony” is. Are you in vibrational harmony with “Heaven?” If you’re not a vibrational match to the frequency of Heaven, how can you fit there?
Sorry if not, you’re goin’ down “dog.” Oh wait, let’s give you one more chance for them Pearly Gates. Let’s spell that backwards. “DOG”,,,GOD. Okay if I get this right, and you best hope I do, then God is mans best friend just spelled from the other side of the paper, yea, had to flip it over to see this confusion.
There is another biblical reference that many a preacher didn’t give as much attention to as the one that says God is a wrathful ol’ bagger.
God is love, God is love, God is Love, GOD IS LOVE,,,GOD!!! IS!!! LOVE!!! Can you hear me now? What part of this sentence in the “scripture” do you not understand or believe. The “Spark” of God that most of you will own, is Pure God, not a mixed breed, not hybrid, not GMO, OMG no! See what happens when ya get things backwards?
There is no Part of This Spark that You are not, You are all of It, It is all of You. You did not, nor could you ever become separate from this Spark of from whence It came as this is what You are and always have been and always will be, so you cannot leave Your Self to go to a place the humans taught you is away from You to burn in forever.
So ease up a bit, have a glass of fluoride water and don’t worry about the side effects of that. Place your mind in your heart ever day every moment in the day that you can recall to do so as time is nearly complete, gone, finished. Get your bank acct in order, not the one with dollar bills, the one that you can bank on rising your consciousness enough to accept these above mentioned facts to a level High enough by 12/12/12 (the initiation of a nine day cycle within this cycle) to “KNOW” that by 12/21/12 the end of said cycle you will be with “The Chosen,” the ones that choose to elevate to the next phase of existence, ~Heaven~
To be a vibrational match you need only release, judgment, condemnation and ill feelings toward any and all human beings and forgive them all, love Self, and love all, fall in love with all that God created, which is ALL. Give thanks in all things, start now, don’t waver on this one, not this time or I will spew you out, don’t be luke-warm. Become on fire for God and you will feel His Love for you. God Loves you beyond measure and if you don’t believe me, just ask Her, then be still long enough for it to seat in (5 minutes) then go about your business when done and expect and answer because it will be forthcoming. And it will feel real good.
Make yourself a vibrational match to God, God is Love, so be Love and you’re in.
According to PBellringer,
According to PBellringer, the bible is Satan's book.
he seems to know.
I have no need to question it.
if you really really want to wake up
to who you truly are....
When you talk to your Spirit, ask her to
remove all programs concerning the
'holy book". I have been deprogrmmed
oh...about 20 years ago. I do not carry that baggage
of making the bible my source of truth.
I get the truth from the horse's mouth.
just kidding...! I ask for the highest truth.
No in-between.
I talked about talking to your Spirit
in sure-fire way. You have to go into deep
meditation. Into Theta-Alpha range of
brain frequency. Ask for your Source-Self
to talk to you. I make appointments. Only your
Source-Self has no inner agenda. In fact, She is
here now to ascend you and the whole 3D.
Awaiting your command.Like a Genie released from
its slumber.When you are almost asleep, Source will
wake you up, and will jerk you around until you tell
her what you need.
Have fun,
Thank you J
The reason I start this with those on the edge, is due to some that have question the main stream religions, the ones that are fixed into the pits of those teachings don't seem at all likely to be awkening any 'time' soon.
I am simply speaking the only language the religious west knows.
and do find if fun,,,,,,,,,,,blessings to you
David Porter
Author of the series