After years of questing, I pushed-pulled my way down deeper into the rabbit hole. By the time 2012 arrived I was a different human...So many feelings and no time to "mental think" them all through. The highs are very and the lows are so mucky now that I work hard not to go "there."
Being a long time sci-fi lover and always believed in life out was unsettling and exciting to see my clear UFO's around my house to see orbs almost daily since 2010. To learn the "Truth" about the Illumaniti and how far and deep we have all been enslaved took my breath away... But the kicker for me the one where I cried heavily for three days: The moon is fake. Yeah that one unpeeled layers like no one's business for me...It left me raw and naked and unraveled so much of my personal beliefs that for about 24 hours I did not know who the fuck I was or who I was becoming and all I could think about is what is everyone else gonna do when they find out about the Moon all the bases there, the Nasa cover up the whole pie?
Now when I look up at the moon I do not greet her. I do not do full moon incantations. I do not light my candles for her. I have been betrayed and cheated and led to believe in something that is hollow full of aliens and their bases along with now captured human bases. Look at the know that what we view is a hologram and what is really going on there and how it got there in the first just makes a woman's knees go weak.
So now I Am on the other side of this and I feel hollow myself. The lies and deceit go so far and on and on...Personally I want to see the whites of the Bushes eyes. I want to hear them try to make excuses or plead for their lives...I want to see them shake and quiver has the roar of anger from eons of slavery hit their ears like rockets being shot off near them. I want to see Mitt Romeny try to explain where he got all his money. I want to get the facts all of them about 9-11 and make sure there is a court hearing just for that. I want us all to be able to tune in and roar when we want to...
The only way peace is going to really be here is if humans get to let out their anger,fear, hatred, and frustrations out....all to clear all to heal all to move on...The aliens have sent us messages how we should act, what we should be eating, no smoking weed. Priming us to be forgiving to the Cabal all before we even get to witness this said event...Well I have something to say to the Aliens: "You don't know jack about humanity. You don't know jack about what it feels like to wake up everyday and know that hell is here pinning you down in all the ways, no work, no money, no food no fresh water no housing and even if you do have these things it is never enough because just as you get ahead or caught up then the rug gets pulled out again and we start over from underneath....I have stopped reading channels for now. I am looking for facts and events. What will be will be. I have no fear. I am tired and angry and fucking fed up. I hold the light for all those around me. I breathe, I commune with myself, I eat right, I am in Nature all the time. My 11 year relationship has never been smooth so whatever we have love for each other..I will take that. I do not believe in God any longer. I believe in Prime Creator. I do believe in Angels and Masters. I know the Bible is 65% false and about 45% true...the Bible is not from Prime Creator. It is man made. All the stuff that made up what we all thought was real is wrong and we have alot of work to do to set it all right.
I am a goddess for Gaia. I love her and I believe in her. So far as of April 12,2012 that is all I got. I love life, I love humanity, I love nature.
Hanging on by a thread too....
I hear you, and feel the same way. I've also been hanging by a thread for most of my life, just to stay sane enough to function in this fucked-up world. But there is hope, and this is good that you are moving into your rage, grief, fear and disgust. In fact, it's exactly what needs to happen in order for us to get our power back. By holding these emotions inside all this long eon of time, we gave our power away, and now it's time to take it back. So go somewhere....I usually get in my car, as it's the only private place, and scream and yell and cry and rage. This energy will "stand up for us".... It's what we need to do to take back our right place. It's the emotional body that's been held down for so long, that has given these crooks the upper hand. Now it's time to VIBRATE.... Moving emotion is the final move to our great healing, and it "will" happen. It will. So just tell yourself for now, THAT THE WORSE YOU FEEL, AND EXPRESS, THE BETTER THINGS ARE GOING TO BE. Because for now in this moment, that is the exact truth. Let yourself rip. Ask for God's loving light to be present, and as you open your pain, know that this time, the light that comes to fill the space you are now opening, will not be Luciferian, but the Loving Light of the true God. I don't know anything about the moon being fake.....there's alot of information floating around out there.....but just go into your heart and stay there, move your emotions in a safe place, and ask for God to come to you, and we will all make it through this. Somedays I don't even know who I am..... but one thing I do know, is that we are changing, our bodies are transforming....a high amount of energy is coming in and out of us..... So hang on dear friend. We are going to make it. All these criminals are about to be arrested. It will happen. Your rage and anger is divine. Do not deny it. I love you. Kathy xx
Aloha Kathy
Blessings and Love to you. Your words were a comfort to me. Yeah I don't have any problem moving into my rage....I have had to put my swords down for a long time and I have a plastic swords that I can blow huge bubbles with....It's gold too...true...I guess what was getting to me was the things no one was saying but thinking.
Women have been getting it again big time and I just am so close to shoving back....hard....I sign all the pettions, keep up on the civil drama because the girls today should have to go through this none of us should. But as I see life now, I believe that Love is our greatest power and it can mellt it all we just have to learn how to center, aim and send Love first to ourselves and then each I will hang in there and you too. Have a great weekend. Love, Mjackson
The Real Moon
Your ceremonies have not gone unnoticed, nor unappreciated.... there is a REAL moon, and SHE IS COMING BACK SOON. When Gaia is glistening with gossamer breath, when love abounds, the surroundings of YOU, ANGEL, you will very much see that glorious feminine moon. She sequestered herself away, much as our own human female power, like the Japanese goddess, Amaterasu... who now is slowly, peacefully charged coming out of her cave.
I very much honor your strength - look at how strong you are! All you "negative" emotions which are not negative at all are giving you the spiritual power to go on - as the Bast Beautiful Warrior you really are!!
You are an inspiration today to all women who have been hiding in the masks of sweetness, niceness, martyrdom, politeness, taking the back seat woman, squashed beauty... and we are standing up saying .... "WE ARE THE GODDESS!" ALL that phoney shit stops NOW!!! You cannot hide us behind those masks anymore!!
M, Making things Right
What a wonderful, uplifting, encouraging message. Thank you!!
What a wonderful, uplifting, encouraging message of hope. Thanks for posting. Strength is coming everyday. In the midst of hardship, the harder things get, the better we heal. So yes, we do not judge the "negative" emotions, as they are the fuel that vibrates and propels to open the space to let the light into the darkness. Embrace them, worship and adore them, for they are how we tell God and ourselves that this is not where we want to be, that we desire a higher kind of love and expression and a lighter body with which to express. Helen Keller once said, and I can't quote her exactly, but she said something like....."You can't walk around a problem, jump over a problem, deny or turn your back on a problem. The only way to solve a problem, is to go through (work through) the problem. So when I see all this pain and horror moving right in plain sight, I know that this time things are different. Everything is coming up for a healing. A Buddist master once said....."There is a suffering that leads to more suffering, and there is a suffering that leads to freedom." So this time, we are CONSCIOUSLY suffering,......we know WHY we are suffering....and so for that I rejoice that all ye who are weary and heavy laden are coming up and out of the graves of your despair to receive eternal life. Yes, it is the judgement day, when the dead are rising. It's happening now. those who have eyes, let them see, and those who have ears let them hear. Yes, many with eyes and ears will neither see nor hear, but this is as they have chosen, and all will be going to their right places soon. God Speed loving, precious Gaia. May you have a smooth and safe and joyful ascension!
And thanks again for this wonderful reply.
I had no idea that I would get any response for my blithering. I woke up and felt like I needed to get this stuff out of me. Your words were soothing so thank-you. Perhaps if you have time you could share with me about the return of our moon.
Mahalo and Love,
M Jackson