GFP Newsletter - 10/4/2016

will's picture

These are the two ways: either run away from it as everybody else is doing, or run into it. Reach to its very center howsoever painful, fearful - but reach to the center, because that is you. And it is good at least one time to be at the very exact center of your being.

The moment you reach that center then the second word becomes significant: ecstasy.

Ecstasy is the flower of agony.

Agony is not against ecstasy.

Agony is the way to ecstasy.

You just have to accept it - what else can one do? It is there. You can close your eyes - that does not mean that the sun has disappeared; it is still there. And everybody is trying to close his eyes; the sun is too glaring. Close your eyes, completely close your eyes. Forget about it, don't look at it ... as if it is not there. Believe it is not there.

These pseudo-religions are trying to teach you exactly that:

Try to reach to God, try to reach heaven, follow Jesus Christ.

But none of them says don't follow anybody and don't look for any paradise or heaven because this is all trying to deceive yourself.

Encounter yourself, face yourself.

Have a one hundred and eighty-degree turn.



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