GFP Newsletter - 11/28/2016

will's picture

My own feeling is, if you dissolve all your courts, all your advocates, even if a few thefts happen, a few murders happen, it will be less costly than this whole business of courts, advocates, juries. It will be less costly just in terms of pure economics.

And I don't see that if people have a little understanding there will be stealing. Stealing is there because people are not helping each other, people are not sharing with each other. People go on living as if the whole world is against them and they are against the whole world. Once this attitude is dissolved and you start feeling more in tune with people around you, crime will disappear. And the greatest crime, war, will disappear. All other crimes are so tiny, not worth mentioning. If wars disappear, we will have arrived at a certain stage of maturity, responsibility.



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