The very fact that there are so many religions makes it so clear that they all cannot be true. They all can be false, but they all cannot be true.
I have looked into all those religions and I don't see that any of them is true, because they are based on premises which they cannot prove.
They ask you to believe.
The moment somebody asks you to believe in something, that means he has no reason, logic, no existential support for what he is saying.
A man of truth never asks you to believe.
He asks you to experiment, to experience.
He says, "I have come to a point, you can also come to the same point. But you will have to travel, my reaching is not enough for you to believe. You will have to know it yourself, I can only show you the way."
The man of truth always shows the way but never asks you to believe.
He inspires you to walk on the path but he never says that before you have experienced, your faith, your belief is needed. This is something to be understood.
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