I was just looking at a few cartoons on Charlie Brown. In one cartoon he is playing with blocks, making a house out of children's blocks. He is sitting in the middle of the blocks building the walls.
Then a moment comes when he is enclosed; all around he has made a wall. Then he cries: Help, help! He has done the whole thing. Now he is enclosed, imprisoned. This is childish, but this is all that you have done also. You have made a house all around you, and now you are crying: Help, help! And the misery becomes millionfold - because there are helpers who are also in the same boat.
- A Secret to Living Life - Heavenletters
Sunday, August 6, 2017 - 22:18 - After Years of Decline, Finally Some Good News About America's Honey Bees - Inspirational
Sunday, August 6, 2017 - 11:19 - Daily Message ~ Sunday August 6, 2017 - Trinity Esoterics
Sunday, August 6, 2017 - 11:14 - Balance - The Creator Writings
Sunday, August 6, 2017 - 07:00