~ Love Leads the Way ~ To Be In Unity

OdiStar's picture


Greetings Love Beings!

Here is a beautiful Poem from Earth Ally Chellea

To be in Unity
to be at peace, with your brother
to reach out your hand, to another
to bring freedom, to all the lands
to be the ones, to take a stand
to be one humanity, joined by heart
to give the child, a brand new start
to live in harmony, with the land and sea
to connect with all, every animal, every tree
to be one earth, brought together as one
to love each other, for war is done
to rise above, all hate and greed
to be in unity, we must lead

We Love You,

The Earth Allies

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Table of Contents

~ Andrew Martin ~ Channel, changed.


archangel-michael.jpgSeveral days ago, I awoke from a very intense dream where I was handed an 8 sided figure. It was made of some sort of stone or crystal that I had never seen before. The next night I dreamt that there was all of this stuff being pulled from my ears. It was yards and yards of cotton or fabric of some sort. I could literally feel the stuff being pulled out of my ears and I was watching as it came out. 


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~ Ron Head ~ Archangel Michael: Everything gives you the opportunity to choose between fear and love. What if you choose love this time?



Michael and Company

We begin today by once again offering our congratulations on your continuing progress.  You perhaps see nothing, although you are beginning to feel much, but we see amazing changes in the field of energy surrounding you.  A great deal of beneficial change has been initiated and is having lasting effects which are, perhaps just peeking into your awareness.  Think of it as the plantings in your winter greenhouses.  They shall be well along by the time your new season of growth arrives, able to be transplanted from your inner to your outer lives.  That season may occur sooner than you imagine.


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New Island Near Japan




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'Monster' Cosmic Blast Zips by Earth


Wunderground  Seth Borenstein November 22, 2013



This image provided by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center shows an artist's rendering of how a gamma ray burst occurs—when a massive star collapses and creates a black hole that beams out focused deadly light and radiation bursts.


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~ Carl Boudreau ~ The Astrology of December 2013 - A Threshold


December's chart empowers and enables us to overcome two of the most difficult challenges of our time: realigning our world view with spiritual, moral and factual realities and overcoming the extreme polarities holding back social, economic and political progress.


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~ AdaptingToGrace ~ – Eileen Meyer – Beyond Words


Beyond Words by Stephen Linsteadt
oil and mixed media on paper 2010
“The feminine is now calling from behind the veil of our senses and our thinking. She is attempting to go beyond words of mere lip service to how to solve the problems of our time. She urgently seeks positive action towards global unification and a sincere reconnection to what it means to be human: compassionate, tolerant, mindful, heartfull, and connected to the deeper wisdom of spirit.”





The one you knew

Hasn’t been visible of late


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Volcanic activity worldwide 22 Nov 2013: Fuego, Chaitén, Santa María / Santiaguito, Colima, Popoca...


VolcanoDiscovery Nov 21 2013


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Heavenletter #4746 ~ You are Stars God Has Sent to Earth


By: Heavenletters.org, 11/22/2013

God said:


Serve Me. Serve All. As you serve Me, you serve All. As you serve All, you serve Me.


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~ Terri Newlon ~ Djwhal Khul – Patterns Are Changing


(Channeling begins)

DjwhalKhulDjwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. The patterns are changing again as always. In fact we’re in quite a state of fluctuation, generally speaking. We have the Sun entering Sagittarius, which is a nice fire sign. It can bring more focus or more drive and more energy into your life and I would say use focus: think of the archer aiming at the bull’s eye and achieving that goal.


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The Oracle Report for Friday, November 22, 2013


By: Oraclereport.com, 11/22/2013

Disseminating Moon Phase: share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences since the New Moon


Moon: Cancer/Leo



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Philippine Typhoon Update: Death Toll Rises Above 5,000


By: Wunderground.com, 11/22/2013


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~ TheOne-DreamDreamer ~ The Silence Of LOVE – 22 November 2013


The best distinction I can think of that describes LOVE vs ego is the Silence the first one brings and the noise the second one creates.

LOVE is Silent! And so is anything done out of LOVE, or with LOVE, or In LOVE. For LOVE does not need explanations, it needs no one to validate it or believe in it and is not done out of expectations as LOVE IS. It needs no one to congratulate or to write about it, nor does it talk about itself. It IS. And that for LOVE is ALL that counts. To BE.  And let all that is LOVE BE!


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Communities in WA's far north are preparing for a possible cyclone


By: ABC, 11/22/2013

ABC image


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Tropical Cyclone Helen Makes Landfall in India


Accuweather.com by Kristina Pydynowski

This satellite image of Helen, courtesy of NOAA, was taken late Thursday, local time.

Tropical Cyclone Helen, accompanied by strong winds and heavy rain, has made landfall across the east-central coastline of India.


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4MIN News November 22, 2013: Highest Energy Gamma Analysis, Volcano Eruption

Video Link


Published on Nov 22, 2013


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