The SNOWGLOBE All Shaken UP~ Love Wins

Lia's picture

Sun fires 'Strange Beam of Light' ?!!!


Published on Nov 13, 2012 by MrMBB333

Strange beam of light with M2 flare 11/13/12.
SDO AIA 171/193/211/304



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Frequency Update ~ November 12th through 18th, 2012


The Frequency Updates are brought to you to assist in balancing your four-body system with the energies that are occurring presently.  Walking within the Mastership Pathway can be challenging and it is important to work through your Soul’s Psychological Balance.  They are shared in a very easy and explicit way from the perspective of an Ascended Master and what he/she faces Walking Into the New Earth. The channeled information comes from the Cosmic frequency of the Unified Whole at the 144th dimensional level.




We have just passed through the gateway of 11:11 which represents “AWAKENING” for every living being upon this planet.  So this week is the beginning of an upsurge of energies to prepare us for the final entrance of the Christ Consciousness on December 21st.


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~Sheldon Nidle Update~ We are a step closer



2 Ik, 10 Xul, 9 Eb

Selamat Jarin! We return with some interesting news. Recently, a flurry of legal activity and agreements concerning the new governance has set the stage for asking our heavenly advisers for a final go-ahead to start manifesting your new reality. Those who have run your world for so long continue to lead your realm toward a series of massive economic and diplomatic disasters. To us, this inevitability is a sure sign that the moment has come for more significant intercession on our part. To this end we have instructed our liaison teams to inform their earthly counterparts about the amount of time remaining before we are compelled to engage extensively with your global situation to prevent a meltdown. Your forms of government and the characteristics of your economic and financial systems lie at the heart of your overwhelming difficulties, and it is clear that these spheres of activity need to be upgraded in a hurry. Europe is near the point of a collapse that is to take down most of the First and Second World's economies. There is no answer to this prospect, as things now stand, except an unspeakable worldwide economic disaster. This alone validates our direct intervention.


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The Heart~Soul; the Little Dancer Within by Elizabeth


The Heart-Soul; The Little Dancer Within – 11/11/12, by Elizabeth

This next article starts as an email exchange between my soul brother, Eric, who lives in England and me. It is typical of one of our many “conversations” that we have been carrying on for nearly three years. The italicized text is from Eric:

I must admit that I’ve been struggling with a strong influx of energy over the past few days. It expresses itself as a crisis of trust and self-doubt. I’ve been doing what I usually do with stuff like this; letting it be so that it works itself out. I’m not sure how effective a strategy it has been but I have no doubt that the energy has continue to ‘build’, as it were.”

It seems likely that it is simply the energy building until it has enough ‘momentum’ to release – a bit like a pressure valve which can only operate when pressure has built up to the required level. Whatever, it ain’t too comfortable.


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Archangel Metatron Channel
via James Tyberonn


Greetings Dear Ones ! I am Metatron Lord of Light. And so we speak of the energies about you. We speak of the windows of the Eclipses in your linear time of November 2012.

The remaining energies of 2012 will be extremely powerful. It is important to maintain your balance. Myriad complex energies are bombarding the Earth and humanity are feeling the effects. These are taking place with Divine purpose, and although it is a period of great intensity, it is requisite and in that sense is very benevolent, quite necessary for the Ascension.

In truth what is occurring in your present is the continuation of the cleansing, the removal of imbalance. It is the upshift, and all forces of the planet, all elements, earth, wind, fire and water are an essential part of it. And so it is also Cosmic celestial energies that move them.


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TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE, Cairns, Queensland Australia (14th Nov 2012)


Footage taken from Kuranda on the ranges near Cairns, Qld Australia.


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Spheres of Influence: How the Solar Eclipse Charts Future Change and Transformation



Many are feeling the intensity of today's solar eclipse at 22 degrees Scorpio. Those who have planets "in orb" with the eclipse will be feeling the effects and influences more powerfully than others. The effects of today's eclipse are more far-reaching than today, however. In fact, the location in your chart where 22° Scorpio falls will give you a good idea what areas of your life are likely to experience change and transformation in days, weeks and months to come.

Finding 22 Degrees Scorpio in Your Astrology Chart

In order to find the area of your life most influenced by today's solar eclipse, get a copy of your astrology chart and find what house and planet 22° Scorpio falls in. Once you find 22° Scorpio in your chart, check and see if you have any planets "in orb" with 22 degrees Scorpio. Anything within 9° in either direction is considered within orb. Some will feel the influence more intensively. For example, if you have a natal planet within a degree or so of any eclipse, that area of your life will undergo awakening and transformation in the near future.


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WOW~ Humanity is really Awakening~Security Camera Video Captures Good Too

Changing the world one moment at a time


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Best Crystals For Grounding


Best Crystals For Grounding


To ground with crystals all we need to do is have them around us.  They can be worn as jewelry, carried in a pocket or handbag, be placed around our home or office, in our cars and other places we frequent, and can be applied (or layered) upon the body during meditation.  There are a variety of crystals for grounding.



Black Obsidian increases awareness and dispels illusions so that we are able to be more grounded in day to day reality.  Black Obsidians are excellent grounding crystals.



Hermatite is a stone of iron ore and generally presents as black or red.  Hermatite invokes emotional grounding and balances oposing energies.  Hermatite assists with focusing the mind and brings peace and balance, enabling one to deal effectively with emotional situations. Hermatite dissolves negativity and has powerful balancing qualities making them excellent crystals for grounding.



Onyx provides inner strength in times of emotional turmoil and assist with standing your ground, particularly when personal principles are being threatened or challenged.



Smoky Quartz aids with grounding and allows one to see past the material and physical in order to focus upon spiritual aspects.



Black Kyanite is a excellent crystal for grounding as it resonates with the higher frequencies.  Black Kyanite can also be used for attunng the chakras and repairing the aura.




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Heavenletter #4373 The Last Piece of Pie, November 14, 2012


Heavenletter #4373 The Last Piece of Pie, November 14, 2012 

God said: 


Closing your heart is how to become selfish. Keep yourself in, and someone else out. This may be the motto of those who, every time, proclaim themselves first. They may have taken selfishness as equivalent to survival. What can protecting your solitary heart be but a kinder light to put selfishness in?

Beloveds, when you protect your heart, you are protecting yourself from your own love.

Love yourself, yet not squander love on yourself. Take care of yourself. Live in the world, and make it a world of love. Never mind excuses. There are a million excuses. Every minute of the day you are choosing selfishness or love. Let’s admit it. Selfishness is not love. Selfishness comes from an outburst of need. When you no longer see yourself as needy, you won’t act in what is seen as a selfish way. We are talking about you now and not someone else.


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SophiaLove - It's two for one day! "The Present"




Today in Australia, (tomorrow in the USA), is the birthday of an angel and we are getting the present!  My first born son, who is older and oh so much wiser than I was when he was born, has written a love letter to the world.  

Enjoy this, share this and send some of your own love light “down under”.  He would like that.  

it's after midnight, i'm 28 now, and i love you. i don't care who you are. i don't care what your name is, what you look like, where you live, or what you've done with your life so far. i love you because it's a choice, because it's my god-given right to do so, because it's up to me to decide to exercise the power of my heart, or not. 


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Morning Blessing: 11.14.12 Divine Heritage



Morning Blessing: 11.14.12

Divine Heritage 


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~ We are Rising~ You can Join us LIVE~ AS Love is In Unifying~



We are Live at This Link:




Love The Earth Allies


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December 21, 2012 ~ What will happen


Published on Nov 13, 2012 by TolecfromDakote

November 12, 2012
The electromagnetic particles that will be flowing & interchanging between the planets during the 12.21.12 alignment will be highly magnified and highly supercharged when they reach Earth. They will penetrate the crust, through the Earth and down into its core. At the actual moment of alignment it will cause the Earth to pause, and this process will completely transform the core of our planet to a completely new kind of energy source. This will be the first time cosmic transformational event of this type ever... for a planet. Time will begin to go away, and Earth will continue her evolution & transformation process into becoming a higher dimensional world.


Commentary from the Galactic Free Press: This video explains perfectly what is going to occur with the Energy on the Planet on this Date of the Galactic Alignment. The Only Commentary we would like to add is that, we are not moving into 4d, we are moving into 5d! 5D Is Love Everywhere Present!


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Advice on focusing on breathing


Hey, I've been trying to focus on my breathing for a little while now and can't seem to figure it out. I'm really just looking to focus on the breath in its most natural state but I ususally end up forcing the breath and it creates tension. Any advice on on what I should i be doing mentally or physically before doing this and others ways to attain this? I'm hoping to use it to be in moment more often and to help minimize stress to keep me going throughout the day. 


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Applebee's Backlash Sparked By Zane Tankel's Obamacare Slam


Huffington Post Posted: 11/13/2012 8:52 am EST Updated: 11/13/2012 4:22 pm EST


Heated comments from an Applebee's franchise owner sparked viral outrage against the giant restaurant chain, marking a new phase in the war over Obamacare.


Over the weekend and on Monday, Applebee's employees and customers expressed their anger over comments made on the Fox Business Network last week by Apple-Metro CEO Zane Tankel, who owns 40 Applebee's franchises in the New York metropolitan area. Tankel said he would not hire any more workers and was considering cutting the hours of current employees because of the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare.


The rest of the story may be viewed at Huffington Post


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The Galactic Free Press Update: The Charade is Over, The New to Begin!



Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~



Greetings Love Beings, WOW! We have been rocking and rolling since our Powerful 1111 portal opening which Brings Us Closer to the Event for The Return to Oneness for All Planet Earth=Heart. This is an Inevitable Event Called forth By The Creators Of this Planet and all Her Inhabitants. Humanity is to Become a Blue Star Seed Nation and We are Well on Our way into this Manifestation and indeed its already unfolding. All the Prayers of Love for The Physcial Manifestation of Heaven On Earth=Heart have been Heard Loudly NOW and this Energy Is Spiraling Around the Grid Surrounding this Planet, magnified in intensity with today's eclipse and New Moon Energy in Intense Scorpio which Represents TRUTH . All Eyes are On Planet Earth=Heart Assisting In this Energy Infusion. A Planetary Awakening is Underway and a Living Planet Unified in Complete Love Is Our Outcome! ENJOY This DAY!


The Charade is Over Video



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Total Solar Eclipse in Scorpio: TODAY! November 13-14, 2012



Total Solar Eclipse in Scorpio: TODAY! November 13-14, 2012

Posted on November 13, 2012 

Visible in southern hemisphere.

First solar eclipse in the sign of Scorpio since 1995. Here’s an excerpt from astrologer Eric Francis on the subject,

Beyond the Teasing Game

and it’s especially interesting, given the current widening sex and power scandal involving Petraeus and others. BTW: notice the way the women involved are described in the press. Like vixens, sirens, tantalizing, seductive. 


Seventeen years is a long time for there to be no solar eclipses in a sign — especially one as close to the core of human experience and consciousness as is Scorpio.

And now at long last we’re about to have one, which is sure to flush some of that rich silt up from the bottom of the river and out onto the flood plain, as well as fear, shadow material and anything else we may be hiding. When there are no solar eclipses in a sign for a long time, the feeling can be like pent-up energy behind a dam, which suddenly bursts when the eclipse happens.

With Scorpio, as mentioned above, this will include deeply personal material related to sex, death and the exchange of resources, including potentially the zones where all these things blend into one.

The eclipse is conjunct a point called Tantalus, an asteroid named for the Greek mythological figure. This is a complex myth, though the presence of this point in Scorpio essentially says to be conscious of anything that has a sexual tease. Tantalus is the source of the word tantalize, and the myth is a story of punishment through deprivation.


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Dana Mrkich – November 2012 Montly Visions – Supercharged Expanded Awareness



Dana Mrkich – November 2012 Montly Visions – Supercharged Expanded Awareness – 13November2012


Dana Mrkich

For YouTube version with Commentary please go here


This month we will see the continuing acceleration, with increasing intensity, of that which we have been witnessing and experiencing all year – extremes of actions, emotions, responses and revelations. The higher frequency energy flooding our planet, and our cells, is triggering and bringing to the surface everything within us that is in alignment with that energy.


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Jill Kelley FBI Contact Who Launched Petraeus Investigation Was Reportedly Dismissed From Case Over Conflict Of Interest


The Huffington Post  |  By Peter Finocchiaro

Posted: 11/13/2012 12:09 am EST Updated: 11/13/2012 12:20 pm EST



The David Petraeus scandal took another strange turn Monday night, this one involving topless photos.


The Wall Street Journal reports that the FBI agent who initially launched the investigation that led to the downfall of the former CIA director was removed from the case when the bureau became concerned that he was "obsessed with the matter."


To read the rest of the story visit Huffington Post


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Housecleaning 101 ~ A Message from Archangel Michael



 A Message from Archangel Michael/Ashtar Sheran ~ as received by Ariel DeAngelis

YES! Every now and then every space can use a good reaming! And speaking of holes, tearing new ones… in the fabric of space/time… has been a rather daunting and dirty task recently, BUT (and I know I’m breaking…  protocol… here [wink] because we ALL know what “buts” are for [smile]) someone’s got to do it! And so it is that we see fit that our task today is to reveal to you a new(old) way of “cleansing” and “purification” so as to establish a better groundwork for what is to come.
Some of you have been going through your own process of renaissance and renewal, and to you we say BRAVO! Well done!! Your New Day is on the Horizon and soon a whole New Earth will be Dawning in the light of that New Day!! The worst is really past you now!


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The Pleiadian High Council: Divine Calculations Determine Your Reality


- through Wes Annac-

[Note from Wes: Let us remember as well that our thoughts and feelings will determine our realities! Interesting synch. with the titles, eh?]


You dear souls are undergoing the most rapid of growth through the lower realms of Earth that has been achieved throughout the Earth’s history and as this final Life you are experiencing is setting the stage for the emergence of the higher realms within yourselves, it is important to note that you dear souls must emerge from the lower dimensional veils that have kept your perception of the higher realms under wraps, to find the prevalent higher dimensions that are truly all around you.

It simply takes opening your perspective to these realms to see that they are infallible and infinite in nature and scope, and you are able to connect with them now and find wonderful and unique upgrades in yourselves.


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Emails on 'coming and goings' of Petraeus, other military officials escalated FBI concerns


By Michael Isikoff and Bob Sullivan, NBC News, November 13, 2012

The FBI discovered that emails received by Jill Kelley, a close friend of the Petraeus family, were sent by Paula Broadwell. And as they dug deeper, the affair between Broadwell and Petraeus came to light. NBC's Andrea Mitchell reports.


New in this version: FBI search Paula Broadwell's home Monday night; officials say the FBI agent who worked with Jill Kelley, the Tampa, Fla. woman who received anonymous emails from Broadwell, was dismissed from case because he became obsessed with Kelley.


To watch the videos and read the rest of the story visit NBC News


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We will Be Magnifying these Energies, You Can Join US Live for a Love Meditation



The Exact Time Pacific for this eclipse will be at 12:38pm. A Meditation in the Room will Begin at 12:15pm Pacific.

You can Join us At this Link:


Love The Earth Allies




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As the old Zen story goes, the master was asked by his student about enlightenment, what it is like.

The master replied, “Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.”

What the master failed to mention is that after enlightenment, the wood burns brighter, and the water is sweeter.

Zen masters are unnecessarily mysterious.


It's hard to admit to the degree of despair and sadness, grief and disconnection I experienced this morning.


I am a lightworker, and lightworkers are not supposed to get discouraged, not supposed to feel fear, not supposed to dwell within the chambers of lower vibrational energy. Right?


It's naughty, perverted and wrong to give into victimhood, right?


After about four hours of agony, I decided it probably wouldn't hurt to meditate.



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Billy Graham Group, Catholic Bishops Come Under Scrutiny For Blurring Election Lines


Reuters  |  Posted: 11/12/2012 5:24 pm EST Via Huffington Post

Billy Graham Catholic Bishops

By Mary Wisniewski

CHICAGO, Nov 12 (Reuters) - Political watchdog and secularist groups are asking the U.S. government to investigate whether Catholic bishops and a Christian evangelical group headed by preacher Billy Graham should lose tax breaks for telling followers how to vote in this year's election.

Under constitutional protections of free speech and separation of church and state, churches are free to speak on any issue. But they risk losing tax breaks worth $145 billion in the past decade if they violate Internal Revenue Service rules by promoting or opposing any particular candidate. Other non-profits also have special tax status.


To read the rest of the story view Huffington Post


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President Obama's Diwali Message


The President extends holiday wishes for Diwali, or festival of lights. (public domain)


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My Results of Not Meditating and Cleansing


Today, during an appointment, I realized the need for cleansing and meditating. I was so disoriented after getting off the bus with so many spirits. I immediately became confused and upset.


During the appointment, I broke down and cried like a baby. I believe it was from all those energies off others, which I was so disoriented, I forgot about my flames of Light.  It was very uncomfortable, to say the least.


When I can, I will purchase me some crystals to ground my energy. I learned that from THE RED SHAMAN (crystals ground energy). Yes, we have to ground our energies or loose them like I did this morning. Whew, words cannot express what I felt and went thru this morning.


Im surely going to take the time to meditate and cleanse my energy field BEFORE I go around others. This is a never ending process, and you dont have to tell me that again, promise.


Thank you to the individual whom I had an appointment with this morning. He had so much compassion for me, he gave me a hug. I felt his positive energy and was able to make my way back home. I will be glad when this 3d is over. Im ready to go HOME. 


Love Nageeta


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Finding Love While the Skeletons Dance by Mark Borax



Finding Love While the Skeletons Dance by Mark Borax

Tonight's New Moon at 5:08 Eastern Time and Total Eclipse of the Sun will only be visible from Australia and the South Pacific, but it still affects the rest of us even if we can't see it. The 22nd degree of Scorpio, where the New Moon falls, is about life testing your truth to see what it's made of. Those of you who have been following my monthly Cosmic Weather Reports know that this theme of rigorous testing is very much up for our species on every level possible, and that Scorpio, at bottom, carries the purest and truest love of all. To get to a love that strong you gotta wade

through the bullshit of our time as well as your own delusions, until something unusual like an eclipse whams open a tunnel through the gunk and lets light in from the other side.

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Latest Earthquake Activity - November 14, 2012


Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.


10-degree map showing recent earthquakes

Map of the quake in Tonga

All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.


November 14


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Volcanic activity world-wide 13 November 2012


Source: Volcano Discovery - By T, 11/13/12

Paluweh volcano (Rokatenda)


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Freeing the Spirit



Freeing the Spirit

14th October 2012

By Trinity Bourne

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

When the soul speaks, we often feel an upwelling that compels us to do something out of the ordinary. Moments of vision take us into a realm of awe and wonder. Limitations dissolve. We melt into infinite possibility. Immortality of the soul dawns. We are boundless. We are free.


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Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

Please also read update from 21.8.12 

Watch on YouTube
My Dear Friends,
The 11.11.12 – how was that? Did you feel the new extreme high energies? This Bright Light? Well it was kind of heaven here on Gaia and it continues to be – frequency-wise. We have been saturated with great gifts and our cosmic  heritage and multidimensionality has been confirmed for many or remembered by many.
Our adventures continue and while I visited this time the Galactic Center (no, not the middle of it :)) but coming so close to It that I could feel a kind of absorption by it, I have been given some revelations and instructions.


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2MIN News November 14 2012



Pubblicato in data 14/nov/2012 da Suspicious0bservers


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We Want YOU to Become Peace Reporters!

 We want you to declare Peace on Earth! More than that, we want you to become Peace Reporters, too.


If you haven't already sent in a clip declaring Peace on Earth, please do so today.
If you've already done that, then please get out and start filming your friends, family, neighbors, and people you don't know yet!

It's simple. Just create a short clip like the one below

and then email it to


In case you've missed any of them, here is our series of World Peace videos to date -



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Wednesday, November 14, 2012



Wednesday, November 14, 2012


New Moon Phase - Moon in Sagittarius


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Visionkeeper – Pushing through the veils



Pushing through the veils

Posted on November 14, 2012

Our ship is close by now, pushing through the last of the veils off the coast line of third dimension. It has not been easy for it to find us here in this thick fog of illusion. Soon it will drop anchor and boarding will begin for the voyage to 5D. I hope we are all ready to climb aboard and set sail. We cannot bring baggage with us for this ship cannot be weighed down with unnecessary weight, but rather it must travel light, high atop the waves where the wind is strongest to push us along. The time is now for letting go of all that we no longer need to falsely define who we are. It is time to pare down to the core of all that is and discard the rest. It is a time also of releasing our need to control and hold on to everything out of fear that what we have is all there is. Scarcity thinking is self-limiting and our new life is all about expansion beyond where we are now. Think big and it shall be!

I think for many recently it has been a time of letting go of what we felt we needed to make us who we are. As if we aren’t everything we need to be just as we are! Holding on to and having control of are both born out of the same insecurity we call fear. In order to let go of those needs we need to dig deep within and ask ourselves what are we afraid of. I had a conversation with a friend yesterday about releasing our control over our children. That is a tough one to do! I was telling her about how I had to release my protection over my son. I used to hound him about the dangers of cell phones which irked him no end. I finally had to release my need to keep him safe and let him fly away into his own life. If he were to get a brain tumor from using his cell phone it was his choice and if he should die, it was his time to depart for he had obviously completed his mission he came to earth with to complete and it is his time to go. We give birth but then we must release so the child can grow into whomever they are meant to be.


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San Antonio Marathon Had Sweet Finish for Surprised Wife


Good News Network Tuesday, November 13, 2012



Jonathan Gillis likes surprises, the bigger and more elaborate, the better.

A Texas Army National Guard sergeant, he was supposed to be in Afghanistan on Sunday but instead was at the finish line of the Rock 'n' Roll Marathon waiting for his wife with flowers in hand.


This is a summary of a story posted at Good News Network which requires a subscription.


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Lucas – Love In Action – Unity In Oneness – Go For It – Manifest 5D Together – 14 November 2012



Lucas – Love In Action – Unity In Oneness – Go For It – Manifest 5D Together – 14 November 2012

Unity and Love in Action. Yes, a great and long wished for idea has come true and was lounged this week as Andrea (also known as Tan) and I have been shaping our visions together to become the working project it is now and it is called Unity in Oneness.  Now our first project is to get as many beings that pledge to unite from unconditional love and oneness to be in action and co-create, co-fund, co-crowd, co-visualize, c0-meditate,  and talent source for projects, co-help, co-create videos about how to do things. Just make things happen as we shape together in sharing our new world together.

(c) logo www.

We fly our logo flag Unity in Oneness and would love to see you also do it, on your FB pages, your websites, blogs after signing up with the project. This way we show we are all united and one and are really love in action.  No more looking back as that is over now,  the time is now to shape and create in the now. It is a non-profit project.  The project is also about helping each other make things work. That means also that the project soon will need funding to keep things running, like databases, servers, the groups, etc. All is an ongoing fluid and transparent creation based on the pledge you took by signing up.


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Clarity Are you at a cross-road, unsure where to go next?



Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Clarity

Are you at a cross-road, unsure where to go next?
Sometimes you need to take a little rest, revive yourself, and gain your footing so that you can clearly move forward, at other times you need to charge ahead and trust that the path ahead is clear, and other times you need to take the time to contemplate so you can confidently move forward. Whatever the case may be, it is important that you trust and feel confident in your choices.
Ask your angels to help guide your way. Ask that you clearly know by the light of love which is the next best step to take and that you can see a little bit of what each choice would like so you feel you are making the best decision for yourself. Then, release it and trust that it is so. It is not a race and each of you will get there, so just relax and enjoy the ride.
Affirmation: "I trust that I will clearly see the best path for me to take."
You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels
Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji,Kiitos
Article Copyright ©2012 by Sharon Taphorn
All rights reserved.

Medicine Is at An Impasse


Medicine as we know it is undergoing change. Patients are not wanting to experience the kind of trauma that is associated with conventional medical care. They seek elsewhere the love, respect, and consideration that was found back in the days of Kahunas and folk healers to treat their illness.


It is my estimate that Healthcare of the future is going to incorporate an Energy Healing approach to it. Think of it like the discovery of X-rays (previously unknown and unmeasured), which in turn have led to CT scanners, CT angiography, and Interventional Radiology procedures which increase the accuracy of diagnosis and treatment, sparing patients exploratory surgery that was used in the past.


The future of medicine will incorporate all facets of the healing professions, working as equals, working together side by side. This concept is expanded more here:



Reiki Doc



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Occupy Sandy: Onetime Protesters Excel in a New Cause


Good News Network Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Hurricane relief Occupy Sandy-SoclaPants Photo

Occupy Wall Street has become a lauded and effective relief organization for victims of Sandy.

The social media savvy that helped Occupy protesters create a grass-roots global movement last year is proving a strength as members fan out across New York to deliver aid including hot meals, medicine and blankets.


This is a summary of an article posted at Good News Network which requires a subscription 


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Guitar Hero: Rock Star Dave Navarro Replaces Musician’s Stolen Guitar


Good News Network Tuesday, November 13, 2012

guitar player in The Marrieds

When an Ontario band asked friends for help in recovering their stolen guitar, they had no idea a rock star would come to their rescue.

Last month Kevin Kennedy experienced a musician's worst nightmare after his white acoustic Yamaha Dave Navarro edition guitar was stolen at a local club. He shared the news on Twitter and Facebook and offered a $1,000 reward for its return.


To view the full article and video see Good News Network


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Third M-class solar flare in a row from Region 1613 – M2.0, M6.0, M2.5


Source: The Watchers - By Adonai, 11/13/12

50 UTC. A Type II Radio Emission was associated with first two events. Type II emissions occur in association with eruptions on the sun and typically indicate a coronal mass ejection is associated with a flare event. NOAA/SWPC issued Moderate R2 Radio Blackout level following an M6.0 flare at 02:04 UTC – possible limited blackout of HF radio...

Active Region 1613, located in southern hemisphere, produced three M-class solar flares in last 6 hours. At 23:28 UTC, November 12, 2012 it peaked with M2.0 solar flare, then on November 13, 2012 at 02:04 an impulsive M6.0 peaked followed by M2.5 at 05:50 UTC.



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Geomagnetic storm in progress (November 14, 2012)


Source: The Watchers - By Chillymanjaro, 11/14/12

Geomagnetic storm conditions are currently in progress in the wake of CME passage. A prolonged period of southward interplanetary magnetic field brought G2 (Moderate) Geomagnetic Storm conditions early on November 14 (UTC), evening hours November 13 (EST) according to report by NOAA/SWPC. G2 level conditions can cause power grid fluctuations and voltage alarms at high-latitude power systems, and even transformer damage in case of long-duration storms. Corrective actions to orientation for spacecrafts may be required by ground control and possible changes in drag can affect orbit predictions. HF radio propagation can fade at higher latitudes, and aurora could be seen as low as New York...

Geomagnetic storm conditions are currently in progress in the wake of CME passage. A prolonged period of southward interplanetary magnetic field brought G2 (Moderate) Geomagnetic Storm conditions early on November 14 (UTC), evening hours November 13 (EST) according to report by NOAA/SWPC. G2 level conditions can cause power grid fluctuations and voltage alarms at high-latitude power systems, and even transformer damage in case of long-duration storms.


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Reane's Rainbows


Reane's Rainbow Orb

Please enjoy and share this wonderful video from Reane.


In Reane's words: I just wanted to share it because it was such an incredible experience.  It was an affirmation that was so poweful!





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Rain and flooding hammer Italy; streets become canals


USA Today - 11/13/12, Eric J. Lyman

Venice, already known as a city of canals, is reporting its sixth-highest flood level since record-keeping began in 1872.


People sit at the table of a bar in flooded St. Mark's Square on Nov. 11.  Luigi Costantini, AP

6:10PM EST November 13. 2012 - ROME – Three days of heavy rains and winds have left large parts of northern and central Italy under water Tuesday, turning streets into canals and causing the collapse of a bridge as utility workers drove across.

The three employees of the utility company Enel were en route to reconnect power near Grosetto, in Tuscany, when the bridge they were driving over in Umbria collapsed into the fast-moving water below. Their car plunged into the water, and they were confirmed dead.


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Boomerang Seamount volcano (France) - shallow magnitude 4.8 earthquake


Source: Volcano Discovery - By T, 11/14/12


Amsterdam Island, location of Boomeerang Seamount and today's earthquake

Amsterdam Island, location of Boomeerang Seamount and today's earthquake



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Fish Oil Helped Save Boy in Coma


Good News Network Sunday, October 21, 2012



After a dramatic recovery from serious brain injury experienced by the first patient Dr. Michael Lewis treated with fish oil, the physician urged its use again, this time on a brain-dead Virginia boy in a coma.

Fish oil is composed of omega-3 essential fatty acids, and our brain itself is a fatty mass made up of 30% omega-3 fatty acids. So it is not surprising that the boy's brain responded to the treatment, which was likened to rebuilding a brick wall using bricks.


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Canadians Trade Guns for Cameras in Creative Anti-Violence Program


Good News Network Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Canon powershot

In addition to universal healthcare, Canada can now add swapping guns for cameras to its list of progressive policies.

The program to reduce gun violence by promoting photography is called 'Pixels for Pistols' and it aims to take guns off the streets by issuing a free Panasonic Lumix DMC-FH8 point-and-shoot camera to anyone who turns in a working firearm to the Winnipeg Police Service.


For the rest of the story visit Good News Network


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A rainy month in Haiti causes widespread death, loss of homes and crop damage


The Washington Post - AP, 11/13/12

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti — The rain has tapered off and floodwaters no longer claw at houses, but the situation across much of Haiti remained grim on Tuesday following an autumn of punishing rains that have killed scores of people and that threaten to cause even more hunger across the impoverished nation.

In places such as Croix-des-Missions, on the northeastern edge of the Haitian capital, the walls of dozens of homes along a pale brown river have been broken or ripped away, exposing clothes, bedding and everything else to the repeated downpours.

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Heart Song For November 14th 2012


The Heart Song for November 14th 2012 is ANGEL by Anita Baker. Smile




If I could, I'd give you the world

Wrap it all around you

Won't be satisfied with just a piece of this heart


My angel

oh, angel

Your my angel

oh, angel


Dreams are dreams, some dreams come true


Your so strong, but tender too


You're my angel

oh, angel

You're my angel

oh, angel


Love like yours is heaven sent

Each day a day to remember



You give me love, you keep right on givin'


When things get tough I can always turn to you


You're my angel

oh, angel

You're my angel


Love the way we touch, I love the way it feels


No doubt about it that this love i feel is real



Hold me near, hold me tight


Just let them know that I am special to you


My angel

Oh, angel

Your my angel


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Join US Live For A Morning Coffee Party Love's Style! Light Up and Be Happy!


You can Join us Live At this Link:


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Claude Lewenz talks about Community Living  - A Great Resource for those interested in building sustainable communities from the ground up:


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SALUSA ~ NOVEMBER 14, 2012 Love and Peace are Growing



The love and peace being established on Earth is growing exponentially, and as each day now passes it is encompassing the whole world. To a greater or lesser degree every soul is being affected by it, and some find it more easy to take into their being than others. So each soul is given the same opportunity for growth into the Light, and to take part in Ascension. However, knowledge of the Ascension process is not necessary to be assured of rising up with it. There are many, many souls that are kind, loving and compassionate who are also ready for such an upliftment. In fact they may have quite a different view of the future, but that does not matter as they will soon adapt to the coming changes.


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11-14-12 Bill Ballard ~ Solar Eclipse Certainly Shook Up the Energies ~ 3-4-5-6D All Here & Now


The 11-13-12 Solar Eclipse put the Snow-Globe Effect on everything! As it usually does bring a whole new experience with the energies that brings forth. All is shaken up at this time and its funny listening to some trying to rationalize it out rather than feeling whats going on bearing witness. All dimensional levels are being experienced on Earth now as so many persons are attuned to all these various levels. In the lower levels of vibration there is still much confusion with those in their head/ego... Shift to your heart/love/feeling to make this shift go much easier for you! LOVE!


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Common Seaweed May Provide an Important Cancer Cure



Common Seaweed May Provide an Important Cancer Cure

15th November 2012

By Tony Isaacs -

(The Best Years in Life)

The answer for cancers of the immune system and other forms of cancer may have been found in an extract of common brown seaweed according to research presented at the AACR Dead Sea International Conference on Advances in Cancer Research. At the conference, researchers from the Hashemite University in Jordan reported that brown seaweed contains the compound fucoidan which kills cancer tumors.


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Halt Infectious Disease, Cancer and Much More With a $3 Remedy



Halt Infectious Disease, Cancer and Much More With a $3 Remedy

9th November 2012

By Carolanne Wright

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is an extraordinary natural remedy. This economical and common powder has a wide range of healing possibilities: acne, cancer, colds, influenza, acid reflux — the list goes on and on. And don’t forget about all the great uses around the house as well. Priced around $3 for a large box, baking soda just might be that readily available and cost effective miracle everyone has been looking for.


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When drakness comes to Bring LIGHT


When drakness comes to Bring LIGHT

a sneak into the Solar Eclipse










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Canadian Researchers Create Wireless Charger for Electric Cars


Good News Network Monday, October 29, 2012

Electric car charging spot -CTV video snapshot

















Researchers at the University of British Columbia say they've found a way around the nuisance and potential danger of repeatedly having to plug in an electric car to get it moving again.

The university's physics department says it has developed a way to wirelessly recharge the vehicle using magnets to create a frequency 100 times lower than what's used now.


This is a summary of an article on Good News Network which requires a subscription.



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Springsteen, Bon Jovi and Sting to Star in Hurricane Benefit Concert Friday


 Good News Network Thursday, November 01, 2012



Superstar musicians born in the New York-New Jersey area will perform at Rockefeller Plaza Friday, part of a benefit concert for victims of Hurricane Sandy. New Jersey natives Bruce Springsteen and Jon Bon Jovi, along with Billy Joel from Long Island are joining Sting, Christina Aguilera and Jimmy Fallon for the show, to be broadcast on NBC at 8pm.

Funds raised from “Hurricane Sandy: Coming Together” will benefit the American Red Cross, which is providing shelter, food, and other assistance to those affected by the super-storm.


This is a summary of a story posted at Good News Network that requires a subscription.


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US Consumer Confidence Highest In Nearly Five Years as Economy Adds 171K Jobs


Good News Network Friday, November 02, 2012

Shopping bag pink londoninflames Flickr


In October, US consumer confidence hit the highest point since February 2008, and private sector businesses added more jobs than at any time in the last eight months.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the US economy added 171,000 jobs last month, 50,000 more than economists had expected.


This is a summary of a story posted at Good News Network which requires a subscription.


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