~ WOOHOOO~ High Energy DAY!

Lia's picture



Greetings Love Beings, So Much is occurring behind the scenes from all directions. For some It may feel not much is going on at the Moment, but WOW this could be farther from the Truth. WE are about to Burst! Every Month of March for The Past 5 Years there has been much movement for the Light and this Month of March 2013 will put the icing On the cake, however it unfolds. Proof of the Victory of the Light is Showing up everywhere. Because of the intense Energetic Movement, there is a Pressure Build up of Energy on the Planet which will have to be released. This will be a twofold energy. For those clinging to the old paradigm the unconsciousness, which are the frequencies not in alignment with the 5d Frequencies, will be is rising to the surface in these energies and for those Who are In The 5D Frequencies will Get an Intense Burst of Energy to Facilitate Your Connections to The Existing Higher Grid as We Prepare for the Next facet of the Divine Plan......   From The Update!!!   You can Join us Live today at this Link: http://tinychat.com/soundofheart    Love The Earth Allies

Higher dimensions how do they work?


Higher dimensions

Think of it this way, you are a multidimensional being, what this means is none other than your beingness as conscious energetics, able to perceive within and raise the torus flow to a resonance of mother earths core frequencie.

Now what is higher selves, it is yourself with multidimensional in thougts your torus flow inverts space time, your conscious ability to perceive is outer and of inner nature, from a heart space you experiance deepness in all that is.

Now again higher self is from higher dimensions, ok? So how you know is with your awareness.

Your awareness decrees what level of dimensional consciousness your interconected to. All that you know after awakening your higher self knows, you could say its you in your future lives.

Now spherical views are attained in states after waking up, you listen you read you experiance all that is with an open heart and mind, no judging is needed, what this does is gather as alignements within the brain what you can explain after you become one in multidimensional consciousness your higher self and spherical view comes to mind as cycles of an infinit array of possibilitys.

When your in reality with friends or anyone you are your regular self, once you reach in meditation a deepness with multidimensional perspectives, is a state gathering from awareness as one from all of time, my higher self is already conected I feel it now just by writting it brings a sence of peaceful nature and brilliance in all life viewed upon my eyes, within cycles from higher dimensions you can experiance light entering your being and the third eye can open and you feel it in back of your mind it is as if you are augmenting newer senses in your being, augmenting in many ways your interconectedness to all that is.


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Osho - The Long, the Short and the All - Chapter 3 - Religion and Education: Part One


This is a reprint of Will's story from January 2011. I think it is pertinent and interesting in view of the election of the new pope. I have broken it up into shorter parts to allow for more intimate understandings of the concepts presented herein.


Desert Gypsy




The Long, the Short and the All

Chapter 3 - Religion and Education


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Blue StarShip/UFO Report - March 13, 2013


Official photos at NASA: LASCO C2, LASCO C3, SOHO STEREO ahead & Behind EUVI 195.

Source: UFO Sightings Daily


Top Flying-Like Nebula Colors-ValPescara-Italy-11 3 2013



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Pope election: Vatican reveals truth behind colour of 'smoke'


MSN.com - 3/13/13, MSN UK News



Following criticism that the smoke looked unusually dark and distinct compared with that seen before, a spokesman has admitted that it is not made simply of incinerated ballot papers.



Instead, the smoke is a mixture of chemicals made by adding cartridges containing potassium perchlorate, anthracene (a component of coal tar), and sulphur to the burning ballots.The Rev. Federico Lombardi added that the white smoke signalling a pope has been elected will be produced by potassium chlorate, lactose and chloroform resin.



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Energy Update ~ 12 March 2013 by Multidimensional Ocean


1828_10151363408579023_743534930_nThe energies of the moment have been increasingly high and taxing on our bodies, emotions and nervous system. This is also seen in the international public arena, with the increased tensions on the political and confrontational front.

This affects human psyche on many levels. First people negative emotions are easily triggered for the past few days. Secondly as people become more and more irritable and lack patience, they also find it difficult to deal with each other, however this will help us see ourselves through the other person’s behaviour.

Many of us feel extra tense, sensitive and tender around the area of the heart. Many of us now feel misunderstood by those who we once loved, such as friends, lovers and family.

Some of us also are finally seeing the bigger picture concerning those we had considered friends for some time, but were not sincere in their affection for us.

In short: this is a time of many fold changes, some of which are dramatically perceived, as our emotions are heightened. However, it is best to have a clear picture of the situation, even if it is a painful one at first.


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An Ocean of Feeling by Mark Borax



In recent days seven out of fifteen planets have been in Pisces.  It's an unusual situation for seven planets to be in one sign, and for that sign to be the deepest of all twelve. Pisces is as deep as the sea, which in places can seem bottomless. When so many forces gather below they activate the hidden depths our lives are based on.



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Francis the new pope-


My son died, and on his rest was St francis words.  So this is good.


Imposters have come tome, speaking they have his soul. Yet their actions are not of love, so it is not.  


I tried to teach another of love and all that is. It never came to pass.  Ego ruled and money.


So this is good.  I somehow await to go now.  




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~ Wednesday Night Love Party In These Wild and Intense Energies~ Join us Live Right NOW



Greetings Love Beings~ This Evening We are Hosting a Love Party In these Wild and Intense Energies Going on today! You can Join Father God and I as We VideoDj Love FOR YOU ALL! You can Join us Live RIght Now 6:30pm Pacific until?   ...... At this Link:  http://tinychat.com/soundofheart


Upon Entering You WIll Be Effected by the Energies, as this is the Higher Grid! Come In and Experince the JOYFUL Energies of Pure Consciousness


Love The Earth Allies


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The Morning Blessing 03.14.13


"As we come into proper alignment with the awesome Power within, our Higher Nature, we are carried above the laws of the third-dimensional plane. We become a channel for the dynamic radiation of Will, Love, and Creative Intelligence that is tenaciously seeking an outlet through consciousness to reveal the New Reality of Heaven on Earth.  But the personality must surrender the little i - that symbol of dualism with its sepaated head and body - so that the Master I may express in all Its power and glory. The goal of every student of Wisdom is to transform individual identity from the self who can do
nothing to the Self Who is doing everything NOW. Once that shift takes place, the old life of emptiness, illness, and lack is transformed into a new stage of being that experiences only fulfillment, wholeness and abundance...

You are a spiritual bing embodying all of the Power of the Universe within you. Will you not accept this Truth and start living as the Light of the world that ou are? The Dawn is approacing.. .it is time to awaken to your Inheritance. "

Empowerment - John Randolph Price




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3MIN News March 14, 2013: CMEs to Strike Earth




Source: YouTube.com

By: Suspicious0bservers



Published on Mar 14, 2013


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Latest Earthquake Activity - March 14, 2013


Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.

Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.

10-degree map showing recent earthquakes

Map of the 5.6 mag quake in KAMCHATKA PENINSULA, RUSSIA

All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.

March 14




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The Heart Song for March 14th 2013


The Heart Song for March 14th 2013 is

Closet Freaks by Cee-Lo Green


Being that today is "Sexy Thursday" in TinyChat, I  channeled Stewie from family Guy for one of those "sexy parties", but, he was not in the mood, energy got him down. He suggested this song  instead. HAHAHAHAHAAAAH





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Aurora Borealis


Northern Lights Centre.ca - March 13, 2013





The bright dancing lights of the aurora are actually collisions between electrically charged particles from the sun that enter the earth's atmosphere. The lights are seen above the magnetic poles of the northern and southern hemispheres. They are known as 'Aurora borealis' in the north and 'Aurora australis' in the south.. 

Auroral displays appear in many colours although pale green and pink are the most common. Shades of red, yellow, green, blue, and violet have been reported. The lights appear in many forms from patches or scattered clouds of light to streamers, arcs, rippling curtains or shooting rays that light up the sky with an eerie glow.


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Being in chat tonight with the awesome Rainbow energies brought this quote back to my Being. Just wanted to share this with my Family. With Love, Belinda Patricio Dominguez, Pueblo 'spiritual adviser' from 'The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls' by Chris Morton and Ceri Louise Thomas 1997 'The ancestors said that... there would come a time when the Earth would become very sick. Because of this unrelenting greed of the new culture, the Earth would be filled with deadly liquids and metals, the air would be rendered foul with smoke and ash, and even the rains, which were intnded to cleanse the Earth, would plummet in poison drops. Birds would fall from the sky, fish and would turn belly up in the waters and whole forests would begin to die. 'When these things began to happen, the Indian people would be all but helpless. But then a new light would come from the east, and the Indians would beginto find their strength, their pride and their wisdom. The legend said they would also be joined by many of their light-skinned brothers and sisters, who would in fact be the reincarnate souls of the Indians who were killed or enslaved by the first light-skinned settlers. It was said that the dead souls of these first people would return in bodies of all different colours: red, white, yellow and black. Together and united, like the colours of the rainbow, these people would teach all of the peoples of the world how to have love and reverence for Mother Earth, of whose very stuff we human beings are also made. 'Under the symbol of the rainbow, all of the races and all of the religions of the world would band together to spread the great wisdom of living in harmony with each other and with all the creations of the Earth. Those who taught this way would come to be known as "the warriors of the rainbow".

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Is Music Slowly Disclosing The Truth of New Energy?




       The group ERB (Epic Rap Battles of History) has released a video on March 11th, 2013. This group recieves millions of views per a video they release. The record views on their top video is edging at 59 million views. A populare youtube group now all out of the blue release a rap video about Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison. They explain in the video about Nikola Tesla and how he got shut out because of a banker and Thomas Edison.

       The energies is getter so grand, people are changing. If they are aware of this or not, it's happening. This truth brings us one step closer to the true reality!






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Valerie Donner ~ The Ground Crew


ValerieDonnerNewDear Ground Crew,

How are you doing? Has your life been in a little intense lately? We have been dealing with some challenging energies with Mercury Retrograde in Pisces that is bringing up a lot of emotions. It looks like after Mercury goes direct on the 18h of March things should start heating up. Have any of you felt like it has been challenging to focus and get much accomplished? We are also coming out of three days of the Dark Moon energies.  

It has felt “funky” as one of my friends described it. Did any of you feel sadness in your heart around the end of last week March 6-8th? I have talked with other Lightworkers who felt similarly. It might have been something happening with the Earth that we don’t know about. As Lightworkers we are not only sensitive to the Earth but we are clearing energies for the entire planet. Don’t you agree that Mother Earth needs it?

Our Earth needs our love, support and healing. There are some hot spots that require intense focus. These include Syria, Egypt, Israel, Palestine and North and South Korea and any other place where you feel called to focus. Prayers, love and Light are necessary for us to create the peace that we believe is our future. The future is now so let’s get with it, ground crew.


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Pollution Scare: 6,600 Dead Pigs Pulled From River


Weather.com - 3/13/13, Associated Press



This is not only an environmental issue but also a public moral problem. What's been polluted is not only Shanghai's river water but also the spirit of our country people."


The surge in dumping of dead pigs — believed to be from swine farms in the upstream Jiaxing area of neighboring Zhejiang province — has followed police campaigns against the sale of pork products made from diseased pigs.


For more info on this story click: Pollution Scare


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Mystery light lifts truck while driving on freeway (Germany)


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Arctic Gets Greener As Climate Warms


Weather.com - 3/12/13, Live Science Staff


Of the 10 million square miles of northern vegetated


lands, 34 to 41 percent showed increases in plant


growth (green and blue), 3 to 5 percent decreases in



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Papal Conclave: Two Voting Cardinals Engulfed in Separate Scandals


The Aquarius Pardigm Posted by Wes Annac March 13


Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.

Cardinal Roger Mahony (LA) and Cardinal Angelo Scola (Milan)

Photo: Cardinal Roger Mahony (LA) and Cardinal Angelo Scola (Milan)


Stephen Cook: My, my it’s all coming to light as the papal conclave meets. No new Pope elected after what has now been three rounds of voting – but the conversations inside must be high octane.

Two cardinals – one from the US and one from Italy;  both possible papal candidates with one a frontrunner – are enveloped in separate scandals on the outside as they remain sequestered in the Vatican.


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The Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes: Releasing Preconceptions, the March Intensification and the Collective Lightworker Consciousness



-through Wes Annac-

The Hathors have given a message that is intended for this timeframe we are in. A plethora of circumstances (including a gnarly flood in our basement last night) have stopped me from getting the full message ready, so I offer the first half today.

The strides, both energetic and physical, being made by the collective of humanity are much larger than is being reported. Whilst your media of course does not yet possess much of an energetic perspective of events occurring on your world at present, in the new paradigm you are all establishing the understanding of energy work makes way for each one of you to perform it as you grow more fully into and begin to realize and understand your roles.

There are so many “sleepers” right now who will be drawn to their natural roles as Lightworkers and energy workers, and so many souls on your world at present who are steeped in unawareness will find enlightenment and with it, an understanding of their abilities and their specific role in your developing New Age.


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Tigris and Euphrates rivers losing water reserves at a rapid pace


The Watchers.com - 3/13/13,  CHILLYMANJARO

A large portion of the Middle East lost freshwater reserves rapidly during the past decade. New data revealed already an arid region of Tigris-Euphrates Basin, which grows even drier due to human consumption of water for drinking and agriculture. 



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Snow: hundreds stranded with more travel chaos to come


Telegraph.co.uk - 3/13/13, Haley Dixon



The Highways Agency said it had been working throughout the night with emergency services and local authorities to respond to "hundreds of incidents" which took place in heavy snow and strong winds on its network of roads in Kent and Sussex.


50mph winds created snow drifts of up to a metre in height, in many cases blowing snow back on to the carriageway as soon as it had been cleared, they added.

For more details click: Snow



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3-13-12 Bill Ballard ~ The Heros Of New Earth Are Being Made Right Now


All around, I see New Earth's Hero's Being Made, They ARE Everywhere! This turned out to be an emotional video for me, which I almost did not post because of that. It does show the depth of MY LOVE for Humanity, my Family, Friends and these Heroes I speak of from the past and also and especially in the here and now. I do not have that deep emotion I show in this video when it comes to physical pain, or my need to fight and war or in defense and protection of myself and/or others, but as anyone can see I have deep emotions when it comes to my expressions of LOVE. That runs VERY DEEP. There are so many New Earth heroes being made right now and I see them in every direction I look. People are dedicating their lives to standing up to the powers that were in order to bring them down and make a much better Earth for ALL OF US AS THE ONE BEING WE TRULY ARE.

I am so humbled and honored to be here with each of YOU whom I speak of here all as we complete this planetary shift into New Earth. I wish I could make a list of all those who have touched me so deeply by their commitment to humanity and releasing them from the bondage we have been living in these many thousands of years. I LOVE YOU ALL!

These heroes are all around for anyone who opens their eyes and chooses to see them. Here are 2 videos below of these New Earth HEROES I speak of... I am so humbled to be associated with all of them. These are 2 videos that were just posted. I hope you can see what I see in these wonderful souls.
A message to the truth Movement - One guy's thoughts on a possible scenario...03/12/13


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Argentine Jorge Bergoglio elected Pope Francis


Yahoo News By NICOLE WINFIELD | Associated Press

Pope Francis waves to the crowd from the central balcony of St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican, Wednesday, March 13, 2013. Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio who chose the name of Francis is the 266th pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)

VATICAN CITY (AP) — Jorge Bergoglio of Argentina was elected pope Wednesday and chose the name Francis, becoming the first pontiff from the Americas and the first from outside Europe in more than a millennium.


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Channeling as a Method for Self Discovery and Healing




Many people are searching at this time, for what they call the truth. They are seeking guidance in this arena from "higher" beings on other dimensions. Well, surprise, you are one of these beings. Everyone has a Higher Self that exists simultaneously on this dimension, as well as all others. The possibilities for life are limitless, and the great Spirit that you are wants to experience all the possibilities. You always have contact with your Higher Self, but it comes through more clearly when you focus your intent upon bringing Spirit into your life. So the phenomenon of channeling is really a simple concept: it is bringing in Spirit (not necessarily your own) and letting it communicate either to you or through you. Since your Higher Self is not limited by time or space, you can access the whole of your entire being, that is, your past, present, and future selves, as well as all aspects of it. Your Spirit is really greater and much more vast than you can imagine, because you are here on the physical plane, learning all about limitation, and don't have the "bird's eye view" that your multidimensional Self does.

Here is a simple technique you can use to channel your Higher Self, or Spirit. It is a very flexible method and you can always modify any of it to suit your own needs. Really anyone can do this.

Go somewhere that is quiet where you won't be disturbed, and where you can sit comfortably with your feet flat on the floor or ground, and your eyes closed. It may be helpful to keep a pen and paper handy to write your experiences as they go along. If you like, you can have a helper with you who can guide you through the initial meditation and ask questions of your Higher Self, and write your answers for you.


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THE HOPI PROPECY of the Blue & Red Star Kachina’s




The following is an excerpt from LAST CRY  Native American Prophecies & Tales of the End Times, by Dr. Robert Ghost Wolf © 1994-2004 It has appeared in numerous articles over the web, and in magazines all over the world.


Zeta Ophiuchi -- Runaway Star Plowing Through Space Dust



” The story of the Blue Kachina is a very old story, very old.  I have been aware of the story of the Blue Kachina since I was very young.  I was told this story by grandfathers who are now between 80 and 108 years of age. Frank Waters also wrote about Saquasohuh, the Blue Star  Kachina in The Book of the Hopi, The story came from Grandfather Dan, Oldest Hopi



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Just a Little Tease and a Shout Out To the Divine Biology We Are!!


acceleration energy


I started writing everything below here this morning when I woke up.  The more I wrote, the more I understood from the many readings of yesterday… all very much tied into the experience in my body last evening.  With the increasing downloads, I had to step away from writing, besides being married to my bathroom today… well, it was just the thing to do.  And the process continues even now.  So, I am going to tease you a bit today, and give you some high lights and then bring you the rest of the story tomorrow.

I am also taking a much needed soul day today.  The weather is too nice to sit inside so I am going to put my mud boots on and cross the river and get up close and personal to the Mesa,  I am also going to be looking for more mesa ash and rocks from the landslide too.  ….and other stuff.  So here is my tease until tomorrow.  Ohhh and I am not doing the Soul Gym today.  I am in a place I am not returning from until I have to (smile… this is a great thing lol.)  We will have the Soul Gym as scheduled Sunday at 8am MDT.



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Timeless space as Conscious energetics


Higher selves as experienced in contact


Timeless space as Conscious energetics


Timeless states are a meditative form, malleable to adaptations in space to interconnect are physical awareness by energetic planetary grids within our consciousness a bridge to multidimensional states after resonance brings higher selves into physical reality.

Our capability's are quarantine as Gaias core is by alignments to augment evolution within each individual selves.

Beyond is a vast network to universal star systems within consciousness interconnected by our multidimensional capability's.

Augmenting consciousness is a cycle of awareness within higher self to one of all time. Gatherings trough timeless states augments the constructs to one of all time and from there we can acquire trigger in creations on physical, trough multidimensional experiences the past, future and present, are one and experiences within multidimensional planes of consciousness are higher selves augmenting the awareness of the being within creational context.

Energetically superimposed consciousness is malleable trough triggers on physical reality by higher self experienced in creational cycles within and forms a context to expand and gather within timeless states higher dimensional alignments cohesive to infinity's.
Its a multidimensional experience.

Higher states are reached by the alignments of multidimensional awareness within creational context of the being from past events to triggered futuristic events bringing to the present moment of now.

The present moment of now is when one is all of time, in this era conscious awareness is decreed by higher states attain within creational contexting.


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I was doing some reading on a www.lightworkers.org, and came across a blog that really got my attention. The writer had been thinking a lot about past lives and how she had absolutely no recall, and then she had a spontaneous awareness, when listening to a song, of having just shot someone dead. She is left with this disembodied experience, sort of still clinging to her. A bleedthrough. And from her writing about it, it was a potent bleedthrough at that.


It got me thinking again about past lives, and my foray into three of them about four months ago. I had one regression, and the reverberations continued for weeks. Lately, I've been studying Seth, and his discussion of our true multidimensional nature has struck right to the heart of me.


Please let me tell you my thoughts. Oh, they are wonderful thoughts.


After the regression, I was spent. I didn't really give it much thought at first. I knew it was good, but I wasn't sure if it had been anything but an exercise in imagination.


Then the connections started flooding in.


And I began to see that these three lives, their themes, their struggles, were tied up in this one. My issues with insanity and reality, my profound love of and need to travel, my distrust and avoidance of anyone who does not act congruently, openly.



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Active volcanoes in the world: March 6 – March 12, 2013


The Watchers By Nix – Posted on March 14, 2013

This week, 8 volcanoes were noticed to have new activity, whereas ongoing activity was reported for 15 volcanoes. This report covers active volcanoes in the world recorded from February 27 – March 5, 2013 based on Smithsonian/USGS criteria. New activity/unrest: | Cleveland, Chuginadak Island | Descabezado Grande, Central Chile | Dieng Volcanic Complex, Central Java (Indonesia) | Etna, Sicily (Italy) | Fuego, Guatemala | Pacaya, Guatemala | Tangkubanparahu, Western Java (Indonesia) | Tungurahua, Ecuador Ongoing activity: | Aoba, Vanuatu (SW Pacific) | Batu Tara, Komba Island (Indonesia) | Chirpoi, Kuril Islands (Russia) | Karymsky, Eastern Kamchatka (Russia) | Kilauea, Hawaii (USA) | Kizimen, Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)...

This week, 8 volcanoes were noticed to have new activity, whereas ongoing activity was reported for 15 volcanoes. This report covers active volcanoes in the world recorded from February 27 – March 5, 2013 based on Smithsonian/USGS criteria.


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Visionkeeper - Blanketing the planet…


One World Rising Posted on March 14, 2013



Awareness and awakening are now covering the planet like a soft, flannel blanket. Everyday it spreads further outside the boundaries and warms everyone it touches. Hearts are springing open and the whole atmosphere of the planet it shifting. The old paradigm still remains for now, but it is quickly being pushed to the side by this new way of being. This awareness and awakening started off as a few blue flowers and has spread to the far reaches of the globe. It’s power cannot be denied nor stopped nor silenced. It is what it is and it is growing everyday. I hope you are choosing to be a part of this wave that is carrying us all into the new world. Do not fight the forward motion but rather open your heart and allow it to sweep you along to a better way of being. It’s time has come and we are fortunate enough to be one of the blue flowers that are creating this magical blanket.


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The Galactic Free Press Update: Much is Occurring Behind The Scenes~



Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~


5D FUN~~March 14, 2013









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‘Exploding’ meteorite seen in SA sky


iolscitech.com-3/13/13, Yolisa Tswanya


iol scitech feb 15 russia meteorite


Cape Town - Residents across Cape Town claimed to have sighted a meteorite on Tuesday after what appears to have been a fireball “exploded” in the sky.

It is said to have been sighted just after noon. Nicola Loaring, an outreach astronomer at the South African Astronomical Observatory, said they had received about four or five reports.




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Akashic Records


Akashic is Sanskrit for ‘’primary substance’’.

They have been referred to by different names such as: The Book of Life, the Cosmic Mind, the Universal Mind, the collective unconscious, the collective subconscious, and the Soul Records.


It is the past, present, and future knowledge of all things.

It is the universal filing system which records all thoughts, words, and action.

It is the repository of all human experience, a record of all events.

Some say the Akashic records are similar to a Cosmic or collective consciousness.

They are records of talents and knowledge.

They are not actual books or scrolls, though many people see them as such when they access them, but they are actually an energetic vibration. It is this energy vibration that translates into images, forms, symbols, imagery, and language that the mind can understand.

Every person can access their own records.

Access to others records is gained through access to the Higher Self of that person or by one’s Higher Self going to Higher levels of spirit for access )with permission.


Whatever your expectations are….

The Akashic Records Will closely resemble What it is you first Envision it to be.

How can you Access the Records?


There are many ways to access the Akashic Records.

Certain people go into subconscious states to read the records, such as the late American Mystic Edgar Cayce. Edgar Cayce did his readings while in a sleep state, or trance.

He also enlisted the help of spirit, a notable English Physician, who helped provide Edgar Cayce with many of the ‘Cayce Cures’.


Other ways that an individual can gain access to their records is by any of the following:


Creative Visualization


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The Divine Is Present Everywhere


I just watched the most beautiful reunion between a man and a gorilla in the wild. I feel compelled to share it with you, because it shows how intelligent and loving beings in nature can be. Warning! Have your hankies ready. It has a 10 hanky rating, lol.




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“Greetings Dear Ones,
We are the High Council of Orion.
It is good to speak with each and every one of you once again through this channel, and we will hit the ground running with a topic that we feel is close to the top of everyone's mind these days.
With all the changes that are seen and unseen felt and vaguely felt for some as a sense of disquietude or uneasiness, almost as if one is looking over their shoulder for some impending concern or disaster, because they seem to be so prevalent around.  Now is the time to stand in the place where you are and embrace your gifts and talents for who you are now, this is a time when many are feeling unsettled and insecure and in the midst of great changes.
And what we ask is that each one of you see and feel and know who you are in the moment, outside of the external reality that is perhaps real or perhaps your perceived reality.  What we mean by this is:
·  Who are you in the here and now?
·  What are the gifts that you can offer in any given day and any given moment?
For each of you are very abundant in the gifts you have to give, and while things could be different in your life, a better job a better relationship, more money different relationships with friends and family members, easier manifestation of what you believe to be your hearts desires. However in the here and now what are the gifts that you have? In the here and now, for without sounding like a cliché, that truly is all you have, in the here and now and now is your only reality.
·  What are the gifts that you can stand in now that you have?
·  Do you have a quick mind and compassionate heart?

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What Is Reality?” A Message From Archangel Metatron. By, Bella Capozzi. March 13, 2013.


As seen at pleiadedolphininfos Thursday, March 14, 2013




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Get Down, Baby! 7 Dancing Babies (Videos)


Your Tango.com by Amanda Green Posted on March 13, 2013

dancing baby

These babies have smooth moves!

Babies are small, flexible, and anything but shy. No wonder they're so good at dancing! Whether they're moving like Jagger or Elvis, these seven babies were born to boogie ... and you'll love watching them!


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The Earth Workers and The Sun Workers Uniting!



earth and sun


There is so much to share, finding a starting place is rather challenging.  I think I will start by describing the last reading I had and zig zag my way thru the profound understandings of yesterday and the rest of the readings that revealed their parts of our ongoing puzzle so brilliantly!

My daffodil lady!  The first thing I could see with her was her heart field.  It was so clear and so fluid it really took my breath away.  Directly in the center of her fluid heart was the most amazing flower stem, thick and sturdy like the stem of a sunflower that ran the length of her inner heart.  Directly at what I will call the top of the heart field was an opening that very much reminded me of a balloon, the part you blow into, but not tied.  This gentle, supportive opening allowed the growth of her flower head, a huge daffodil so brilliantly yellow.  And the part that surprised me more than anything was located at the very bottom of her heart field, at the bottom of her stock, was this fat root system that presented themselves as a rich maroon color.


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Re~Hearter. Chat Sessions This Afternoon ~ ALL are welcome. Join us!


Please join us this afternoon! ALL are welcome.







heartWelcome to The Fifth Dimension (With Rain)

Tuesdays and Thursdays -- 2 to 4 pm Eastern
(11am to 1 pm Pacific)

I welcome ALL LOVE BEings to join us as we talk about navigating the Fifth Dimension together, flowing in the River of the Oneness Energy. We can't get lost if we co-create with LOVE.

~ Love, Rain



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Updates on Comet PanSTARRS


Skyandtelescope.com,3/14/13, Alan MacRobert


Comet PanSTARRS and Moon, March 12, 2013

Greg Mort in Ashton, Maryland, was one of many who caught the comet and Moon on the evening of March 12th. He used a 100-mm lens and 2.5-second exposure.


March 14: A little star with a dim tail. Many, many people saw it last evening, aided by the crescent Moon, but many others failed. S&T's Tony Flanders writes: "I caught it from the balcony of my mother's apartment at 7:55, 54 minutes after sunset [at latitude 41° N]. I'm sure I would have spotted it much, much earlier except that I had been looking too high, too far left, and for a very different kind of object.

"I'm sure this comet will never be obvious to the unaided eye from our latitude, much less spectacular. But it sure is a beauty through my 10x30 image-stabilized binoculars. I was looking for something larger and more diffuse; in fact, it's tiny and intensely bright, with a nearly stellar head (at 10x) and a short, very bright tail."



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Suzanne Lie – Multidimensional News – Message From The Arcturians


pleiadedolphininfos Thursday, March 14, 2013


Creating Your New Reality

You are now in the process integrating the higher frequency light streaming from the Galactic Center into your earth vessels, emotions and neural synapses. Once integrated, this light will affect your every emotion, thought and action. Furthermore, this Higher Light is activating your 97% Ascension DNA, which is awakening your innate potential as the creator of your reality.
Therefore, we ask you to spent as much of your “time” as possible with Gaia’s planet Earth to more fully embrace the escalating electromagnetic fields of light that were bombarding our planet. The new synapses that are activated in your brains will allow you to absorb new information that was inaccessible to your formerly limited brain capacity.



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The Oracle Report Thursday, March 14, 2013


The Oracle Report

New Moon Phase - Moon in Aries/Taurus

The keyword for today is diversify.  This is in response to the dominant energy that is adjusting or shifting circumstances and relationships (see yesterday's report).  There's a "newness" to this energy that wants us to embrace possibilities we haven't considered or haven't given enough creedance.  Undeveloped or forgotten interests and talents are trying to come into awareness to be reborn in out lives.  We are still in the energy of the New Moon and the combination of astrological aspects today fosters strong development any intention that is made.


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Worthiness


Angel Wisdom Thursday, March 14, 2013


Trust that you are worthy


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Pleiadians Frequency of the Human Dimension




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Jayme Price Weekly Light Blast - Knowing


Weekly Light Blast March 14, 2013

Crystalline Soul Healing


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Heavenletter #4493 - The King Who Crowned Himself


Heaven Letters Published on: March 14, 2013

God said:

I crown you with My love. So I can crown you with My love is the reason why you bow your head. Of course, in Reality, no matter how tall you might be, I can reach.

So, if you are inclined to bow down to Me, realize that you are bowing down to your Self, that which you might call your Higher Self. The expression Higher Self seems to pall next to the word God or whatever I am called in your language. Of course, I am beyond language, and so are you. Language, as beautiful and as wonderful as it is, cannot say enough. Words just cannot express Oneness enough, fully enough, marvelously enough. Nor can a gasp express the depth and height of Love in a Universe of Love.

What We are worth to the seeming Each Other is beyond description. It is near and far. What We are to Each Other is emblazoned in the Sun, and it is reflected in the Moon. Of course, when you come down to it, We cast no shadow. There is no shadow to fall on Our Light.


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Gaia Currently Experiences Energetic Separation from all Previous Time Agendas


Gaia Portal March 14

gaia_energy1Gaia and all of her inhabitants currently experiences energetic separation from all previous time agendas. Light influx from Higher Source brings eventual illumination to underlying reasons for such. Yet not always visible until post-separation.

Gaia herself reminds all that these separations are accompanied by grand (and clean, energetically speaking) new beginnings. Gaia herself undergoes such separation and is poised to receive maximum resonant Illumination.

Such resonant Illumination has been requested by, and indeed is essential to, Gaia and humanity general.


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Blizzard Strikes Portions of Western Europe


 Wunderground - 14 March 2013 - Christopher C. Burt

Blizzard conditions enveloped Caen, France in Calvados Department near the English Channel on March 12th.Photographer not identified.

A blizzard dropped up to 60 cm (24”) of snow in northern France and the Channel Islands of England on Monday and Tuesday this week. It was said to have been the deepest snow since 1987 in the Channel Islands and since 1970 in Normandy and Picardy in France. Extreme cold followed the snow with the lowest mid-March temperatures since 1845 reported in Belgium.



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The manuscript of survival – part 282


aisha north March 14, 2013


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Stansbury Lake turning lime green


ABC4.com- 14 March 2013-Emily Clark


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Sananda's Eagles


Well...........Now I am watching marine and seal movies, as I am kaput today.  And I am now imgaining what it may be like to be a great warrior.  I think I enjoy that version more than JC and prophesising, as he was killed, no - I don't like that story.


So that's all for now.  I wonder what is going on in the real reality?  I betcha its really good.


now because of this mass mind control of aliens being evil and spaceships being evil. If I can imagine Sananda and his eagles in just fighter planes of love, i may just have a breakthrough.....


Ive done this girl bit for quite a time now, and anchored the divine feminine energies, well healed the false ones etc, but I AM more comfortable with my male aspect, mainly becauseof the life I have experienced.  


Silly sappy love movies, based on false love no thank you.  But today, yes for today, I shall be concentrating on these action movies, I wonder if I am preparing for something,  ?


Within the next week?


Having declared to myself that in this reality I am a little crazy(maybe a lot) I have found some inner peace.  


Maybe I am dreaming I AM   G I Jane.  Yes that is a good idea.  


Shame the poor old bod is a bit knackered these days, heads not much better.


Still the reason I AM here is my heart and the flame it holds........Gotta keep that burning bright.  


Nasty energy of the 13th now dealt with and gone - we made it . We should see an iimprovement now, as the history is completely rewritten, the heavenly catalyst now in place from the anti catalyst.


Abundance is quickening for ensnarement...of falsnenss, this to that.  


Wonder What Sananda and Eagles are doing now?  



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Q&A: When Will My Questions Be Answered? by Jennifer Hoffman


Enlightening Life by Jennifer March 13, 2013

about Jennifer Hoffman

Dear Jennifer:  If I have done all the healing then why do I hurt so much and why I am I still so confused? I am trying to take steps forward but find it goes slowly because these steps I need to take are either painfully difficult or painfully boring. Is there no other way around? I pray for motivation, to be connected to my passion again. I suppose I try so hard to understand the process because I fear getting it wrong somehow and that I will manifest what I don’t want particularly if I am no longer clear on what I do want. Maybe this is where blind faith comes in. Like I should stop trying to understand, just “do”, as painful as it is and hope for the best?


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Comet Holmes is the Hopi Blue Star Kachina?


All Voices.com - 3/14/13, Sofia Ambrosia



Comet Holmes, officially designated “17P/Holmes,” officially exploded on October 24, 2007 and started its new epoch on October 27, marking the beginning of what the Hopi call the “Blue Star Prophecy” which changes the world as we know it…



When Holmes burst in 2007, increasing in luminosity (bright crystal blue!) by a factor of half a million and the largest known outburst by any comet, it was bright enough so that it could be seen by the naked eye as a bright yellow star in Perseus and by October 25, it was the third brightest star in that constellation!



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Re~Hearter: Chat Sessions Starting NOW! Join us! ALL Are Welcome







heartWelcome to The Fifth Dimension (With Rain)

Tuesdays and Thursdays -- 2 to 4 pm Eastern
(11am to 1 pm Pacific)

I welcome ALL LOVE BEings to join us as we talk about navigating the Fifth Dimension together, flowing in the River of the Oneness Energy. We can't get lost if we co-create with LOVE.

~ Love, Rain



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UFO welcomes pope Francis 1


Aaron Owen Smith

Published on Mar 13, 2013

What do you think?



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Cyclone threatening Lord Howe Island


Weather Zone.com - 3/14/13, Brett Dutschke



Sandra first formed late last week over the Coral Sea, about 1000km northeast of Mackay. She then intensified into a severe category three system while travelling east, further away from mainland Australia. Early this week she turned more southerly, towards Lord Howe Island but had weakened into a category one cyclone.


During this morning Sandra intensified and is likely to continue to do so during the day while closing in on Lord Howe Island. At this stage the cyclone should travel just to the east of Lord Howe while staying well to the west of Norfolk Island. By tomorrow morning the system should weaken just to the south and by tomorrow evening should weaken into a tropical depression on its way to New Zealand.



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Space Muffin – The Pleiadians: Message to Ground Crew on Earth


As seen at pleiadedolphininfos March 14, 2013


Link to Original Message
(thanks to Aquarius paradigm)

The Pleiadians:  Message to Ground Crew on Earth
Channeld through Space Muffin


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Andy Bojarski: My Higher Self – Your Attitude Creates Your Reality


As seen at pleiadedolphininfos March 14, 2013



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Linda George ~ Awakening From The Wound Of Duality ~ 14 March 2013



“I have known good and evil,
Sin and virtue, right and wrong;
I have judged and been judged;
I have passed through birth and death,
Joy and sorrow, heaven and hell;
And in the end I realized
That I am in everything
And everything is in me.”

(Hazrat Inayat Khan)

The words above tell a tale of life in this place of duality – where everything has its opposite. There is a sound of freedom, in Khan’s realization that, in the end, ‘I am in all and everything is in me.’

His awakening to the truth of oneness beyond duality and separation is the uncluttered awareness that lies open to all of us. This awareness is our liberation from the ‘wound of duality’; from the heaven and hell of living in the mind and time ruled world.


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Severe droughts in Indian state of Maharashtra


The Watchers.com - 3/14/13, NIX



Maharashtra, an Indian state, is facing one of the worst droughts in the past 40 years. Reports say severe droughts have prompted people to migrate to Mumbai and neighboring states of Gujarat, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh from 3,905 villages in 12 districts of the state.


Districts of Ahmednagar, Aurangabad, Jalna, Beed and Osmanabad are reported to have only enough drinking water reserves to sustain through March. Impending summer will only worsen the situation and the state will have to transport water from neighboring districts and even by trains from other states, a high-ranking bureaucrat told Times of India.


For more details on this story click: Droughts


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