Public Discussion

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Peace Meditation

astrolenn's picture

Mother Mary has requested that we all join in on a Peace Meditation at 9pm local time. This could be the final push towards the event. Please gather as many people as you can for this meditation. For more information check out Golden Age of Gaia

Namaste and Blessings my friends



onica's picture

I just popped in to read the newsletter and it feels like a love bomb went off in the chat room and is spilling, well spiraling, out onto the website. Beautiful. I am on my phone or I would have joined... Thank you love beings, We are One!!


How you can tell when Someone is Lying's picture

How you can tell when Someone is Lying


People's voices contain a wealth of information, energy and hidden messages that we can instantly access. "There is a sense within us that can understand language spoken
without words."  Sufi Master, Hazrat Inayat Khan, advised that we can tell the evolution of a person with only one piece of information: the sound of his voice.




AthyrielLove's picture

We are one. I am that, I am. The hobo you just passed while walking down the street? He is a reflection of you. The rich man who you think has it all? He is a reflection of you. He is lonely on the inside. When you look at someone and see that separateness, it is only an illusion. All souls are part of one big soul. You are only experiencing this life because you were meant to learn from it and take those lessons back to yourself, the source, when you die on this plane. This is all an illusion. Life is truly what you make of it. Life is YOUR creation.


Synchronicity question

Feckle's picture



I have a question about synchronicity, does this only apply on numbers, or if i see like 2 butterfly's 4 times in a day (2222) is that also related? i rarely see equal numbers, but pretty often repetition in nature...


Hope someone can answer this for me, thank you in advance and i love all of you <3




Three Clues that we are influenced - from the Stars!'s picture

Three Clues that we are influenced - from the Stars!


The planets in motion create waves, and they influence us! This is indisputable science! The waves are below our hearing range, but are recorded from satellites. These waves correspond to the waves of our body, mind and emotions, and transfer energies through octave resonance – pushing and pulling us. Many would call this vibratory influence astrology!


How To PREVENT & CURE All Diseases

Gagan Polanki's picture

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1.            The Miracle of Earthing


The Loving Lady of Myraid Manifestations!

Anonymous's picture

The loving lady of the divine abundant life, is ever giving in the dance of life, giving prana to all that are open to receive.

The sky has no limit, for the sky is endless.  Her songs and voice move you closer to your Golden Mansion in the sky.  Eternal giving of blessings from the Creator.  To the Heavan’s we sing our songs of praise and gratitude to the most high God. In all that is and ever will be.

Blessed are those whose prayers have been heard.  Many Master’s hold the space and watch as the openings take place.



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