Public Discussion

Our Public chat room, discuss anything you like

Potted Plants

Wolf Hongo's picture

So Basically you're this potted plant right?

Now picture being dropped onto the ground in your home.

It's going to shatter and spill all over and you're going to freak out. 


The one who knows himself

The brotherhood of the law's picture

I created the site or the facebook/twitter page the brotherhood of the law because of my necessity to share my spiritual path and all I have learned about myself and the one law. I believe part of my mission in this planet is to be a bridge between that plane we call heaven and our planet earth. I consider that it will be selfish of me to know so much and not share that information with my brothers. This is my truth, my life, my mission. Just be open minded, use the information as an addition to your inner library.



Anonymous's picture

I have a question. Today I was in the chatroom and suddenly I was banned from the chatroom. Nobody gave me a warning. I didn't say anything at the time. I didn't do anything at the time. So why did this happen? :(


Intense negative energy

Aiia's picture

Hello lovely beings!

Wanted to ask you a question.

What is going on today? Everyone seems very angry and negative. Verbally fighting and i myself feel so depressed and down. My throat is very tight and pressure on the chest. 

I thought maybe after such big and powerful full moon the energy has changed somehow :(

Would be very grateful to hear your comments.

Love & light,




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