Creating is fun! Its easy to observe that an artist can paint a picture after years of study and have a technique that is so polished that creating seems natural. Its easy to observe how someone takes actions in a succession that have been proven to manifest something in the physical (like building a house or even something like a relationship).
What is not as easy to observe is how we begin to create subtle, unseen manifestation within our mental and emotional world. We are not taught this is valuable in our world.
COBRA on Gold and it's significance in human history
CS - Before I get into any specific questions, I'd like you in your own words to introduce yourself and what portal 2012 is all about and, you know, who exactly you're trying to reach.
COBRA -Ok, I was asked by the Resistance Movement to start this website in order to inform the general public about the coming changes because at that time, when I started it, this was at the end of March this year it was known already that the Light would be victorious. And the purpose of this blog is just to inform people about the changes as they happen. Later this developed also into a more active participation by many people in mass meditations, which turned out to be quite successful.
Heavenletter #4227 The Waves and the Ocean, June 21, 2012
God said:
How different life seems when you are with Me. What a difference it makes to you when you know you are with Me. When you do not know that you are with Me and do not know I am with you, it is like you are in a dark marsh. Life with conscious awareness of Me, however, is like being in a sunshine-filled glen. There is a world of difference between life in a marsh or in a sun-filled glen. There is a world of difference between emptiness and fullness. Of course, you are always living in fullness yet you also want to know you are. You want to experience it. Theory and experience are two different things. Come, stay with Me in My heart as I abide in yours.
There is no need to live without Me. There is blessing to knowingly live with Me. We share the same heart. We are like roommates. We co-habit. We do not depart. We are not apart from each other. We swing and sway. We go along hand in hand.
I notice myself germinating what seems to be a contradiction. While this contradiction makes me uncomfortable, I don’t view it as something I want to eliminate. With Walt Whitman, I declare: “I contradict myself? So I contradict myself. I am large. I contain multitudes.”
YES! Contradictions are growing points, forcing me to evolve beyond what I already know/feel/see/be. Contradictions are paradoxes, to be held in the mind and heart as equally true. As the great physicist Niel Bohr put it, “The opposite of one great truth is another great truth.”
BY GLR MICHAEL (MICAH) THE PLEADIAN, Guardian of the Divine Plan Commissioned by PRIME CREATOR
Dear ones, in regards to the arrest of the cabal and your sovereignty it seems you have a dilemma and we have noticed the following statement keeps popping up for you: "...what remains is to issue the legal warrants for their (THE CABAL) detainment." We, The Bringers of the Dawn and the Family of Light give you a universal decree to finish the battle for freedom you have been fighting for so long. We so love you and we are watching over you! We are here now very close, so many of us watching what you will do! The whole universe is talking today about EARTH! You your very, very important! What you are about to do has never been done! We want you to handle the URGENT situation on EARTH NOW before we have too! We are here on an urgent mission because the planet is going to heave and buckle if you do not ACT NOW!
WOW, We have Many Events Unfolding which we Will Share and Release this Information during our Very Special Council Meeting~ Solstice Love Party. All Time Lines are Merging with Love!
The Light is About to Get Very Bright On Planet Earth=Heart~~~
Join us Live At 10:30am Pacific till?...... Solstice Exact Moment will Be at 4:09 Pacific Time Zone.
DANIEL BROWER is founder and director of Circle of Sound. Since 2003 Daniel has traveled the globe with the singing bowls, inspiring others to participate in the Global Harmonization Ceremony 4 times a year, on the Solstices & Equinoxes, simultaneously worldwide at 5PM/GMT to create a global healing for the planet.
Lucas ~ Important Information! ~ Act NOW! ~ 20 June 2012
I have been reading Sheldan Nidle’s, Mike Quinsey’s and Cobra’s messages, along with listening to the radio interviews and programs of Drake and Cobra and others.
We see the ungoing progress in the things going to happen to free humanity. The only thing we must explicitly be warned for is the disinformation and rumours and news about false-flag operations. Use your utmost higher guidance in discerning all.
There is a lot going on that will never happen again as it is prevented and prohibited. No nuclear war or devices will explode ever again. Other false-flag operations are trying to instate fear again. The false flags have not been coming true. The threaths towards European Soccer Champignonships, the olympics, Iran, Syria as povocation towards war in the Middle East, all will not happen.
The levels of the light energy upon earth have been increased at this time to a level that turning back is impossible. The light is penetrating as told all spheres now and is felt also by the last dark ones on this earth. We can as asked do our part in joining in meditations and visualizations or make positive actions towards freeing humanity now.