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Summertime, and the Living is Easy

God said:

Beloved, make the most of life, of your life, and the gifts you are to give freely on Earth. You are deserving to give all you are worth to Earth and to all those who live on Earth with you as One. Sport around and abound on Earth for the joy of it. Blaze a path of joy in life. You are here – not for yourself – but to serve well on Earth as My devoted helpmeet. Have no other Gods before Me. My Will, not thine.

You are to be a friend to all and nothing less. Greet to Heaven all who cohabit the world with you. Move over a little and make life on Earth comfortable for everyone at the party. There is a welcoming required for you to give to all. Move over gladly. It is in service to Me that you welcome all to your door. You are My emissary on Earth. You are the One I have sent to make all welcome. Special courtesy is yours to hand out to your heart’s delight – and to Mine.

GFP Newsletter - 8/7/2018

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To know yourself as part of existence... and you will start living fully, without any fear of religions and the priests and all the anti-life teachings which want you to be, rather than rejoicing, renouncing life, escaping from life. Once you are free of your conditionings - and meditation is almost like fire which burns all the rubbish that the past has given you as heritage - you are born anew. And you will not need any art to learn. It will arise spontaneously within your being.


It's All Inclusive In Oneness

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Ignorance rules, love governs, big difference for sure, exclusiveness over inclusiveness.

It's all inclusive in Oneness.

The Kingdom of Heaven is a round, spherical place and it's around everything as energy, aka consciousness. How simple is that?

Awareness, well that's a whole new living universe, lol, of nows as far as the "eye" can see. The "eye" of being present as a consciously aware being, that is.

How many times does it take to live in now and be now, too?
Once, lol, and it's not upon a time.

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Release And Grow

Now that the roaring has subsided and there is a bit more peace and quiet in your world, it is time to get to work, dear one!  With this latest energy shift, your manifestation abilities have quadrupled, you are able to deeper into yourself and find those things that have been holding you back your whole life.  Yes, it may be a daunting and scary experience…some adventures can be, but you are worth it!  The more you release, the more you grow!  The Universe has always supported you and is applauding your efforts! ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday August 7, 2018

It is a great blessing that you have access to so much information. This is allowing accelerated growth and expansion in many of you, as you have so much knowledge at your fingertips. This is contributing greatly to your enlightenment process and the awakening of the planet.

And yet, with so much information there will be many different voices, opinions, and perspectives. It can seem chaotic when there is much conflicting information being presented. While we understand it can seem overwhelming, this is also a great gift for you, for it makes it necessary for you to hone your discernment, to connect within to see what resonates, to take what fits for you and simply leave the rest behind, and to ultimately know the greatest path to follow is the one led by your own wisdom and heart.

So rest easy with the noise and find the stillness within. The many, many options that are being presented to you are allowing you to discover your own truth like never before and that, Dear Ones, is empowerment. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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In God's Image

God said:

Beloved, you, who may protest changes in life that arrive when you did not personally ask for them, may not fully acknowledge all that you do request and all that you do receive fulsomely. You may accept this as a matter of course and forget about it and miss out on an opportunity to say: “Thank You, God.”

GFP Newsletter - 8/6/2018

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The art of life begins with meditation. And by meditation I mean silence of the mind, silence of the heart, reaching to the very center of your being and finding the treasure that is your reality. Once you have known it, you can radiate love, you can radiate life, you can radiate creativity. Your words will become poetic, your gestures will have grace; even your silence will have a song to it. Even if you are sitting unmoving, you will be in a dance. Each breath coming in, going out, will be a joy, each heartbeat so precious because it is the heart beat of the universe itself - you are part of it.


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Let It Be

Your spirituality, way of life and how you view your Earth plane existence is yours and yours alone.  How you choose to honor The Universe and those within it is unique, beautiful and as individual as you.  You may not agree with another person’s ideas on the subject and that is okay.  Acceptance is key!  This does not mean keeping your mouth shut if you witness something inherently wrong…it does mean allowing others to have their own beliefs systems without judgement.  You may not agree but, then again, it is not your life, correct? (Smiling) Let this be the beginnings of peace for yourself and everyone around you. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Monday August 6, 2018

A major aspect of co-creating is willingly embracing whatever the energies are supporting at any given time. It is trusting enough to rest when that is a priority which allows you to be far more efficient when the time for action comes. It is moving beyond the need for control into unfoldment. It is allowing yourself the freedom to proceed intuitively and by the heart rather than through the constrained structures of the mind. It is becoming one with the flow and actively harnessing all the benefits that exist within it. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Gather Ye Rosebuds While Ye May

God said:

Beloved, each day is a new day. Look at life in this way. Each day is a New Bounty to you. No day, as you know days, comes again. Of course, it’s possible to look at each day as a revolving door that you may enter anew. Today is a new day. Welcome it. This new day may not show up with Broadway lights and a drum roll. Nevertheless, something is up to you to see anew.

Rather than thinking of yourself as starting over, think of yourself as starting anew. You might like to live a new day rather than patch up an old one, yes?

GFP Newsletter - 8/5/2018

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You are asking me about the art of being fully alive. Start with meditation so that you can know the source of your life, and you can be at the source of your life... and it is an amazing experience. Suddenly you become aware that you have so much, such an abundance that if you want, you can love the whole world. You can fill the whole world with your love.

In your small body there is the seed that can create millions of flowers, that contains all the fragrance possible.


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Deep Releasing

It is time again for more deep releasing.  I know, I know, I can hear you saying, “Isn’t enough, enough?!”  And the Universal answer to that is, “When is enough, enough?”  Just like an onion, there are layers…some thin, some not so thin that may need to be pulled back to expose the next.  It is all part of the process of releasing.  During this time, be gentle and loving with yourself, do it in your own time at your own pace.  There is always support and encouragement around you, all you have to do is ask. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Sunday August 5, 2018

Dear Ones, be easy with yourselves. Know that you are loved. Do something you enjoy. Practice gratitude. Breathe. Trust. These basic principles will serve you well during times of discomfort or uncertainty until the energy shifts yet again and you have more clarity about how to proceed. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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A Commandment from God That Ye Shall Enjoy

God said:

Beloved, joy in life matters. Never do I ask you to take up suffering. Beloved, heed Me. You don’t want to heed the world before you take Me to heart. I refute suffering. Suffering isn’t good for you. It is by no means good enough for you. Suffering isn’t noble. It is ignoble. And it is not necessary. Phooey on suffering. Be done with suffering. Hold your heart high. It isn’t My desire that you suffer, not in silence or otherwise.

I charge you to dispense with suffering. With a little turn of the dial, give up suffering. Never were you made for it. Never were you destined for it. Suffering is not a cloak you are to wear. Never do I mean for you to be rag-tag. I mean for you to be enlightened.

If you are a child of God, you are meant to be led by the Light of God, not by shadow, not by dimness, not under heaviness or anything that is less than the light of day.

GFP Newsletter - 8/4/2018

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Love needs, as a base, a certain centering, a certain grounding in your own being, because unless you are centered in your being you will not know all the treasures that you are carrying within yourself. Love is only one of those treasures. There are even greater things - there is truth, there is ecstasy, and there is the experience of the divine. Unless one is deep in meditation he cannot love, and he cannot live.



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