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This Little Light…

As the energy and anticipation of the next phase begins to build, you may feel giddy and full of butterflies. (Smiling) No preparation is needed; these specific shifts and periods of growth have become ‘old hat’ for you.  What you are being asked to do this time around is to really feel into the changes, see what it has, has in store for you and put them to good use.  A kind, gentler world is emerging!  Amid the chaos on your Earth plane is a small light that, over the coming weeks, will continue to shine brighter and brighter every day.  Be sure to enjoy and nurture it in every way you can…it is your future! ~ Creator

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What World Is This We Ride On Anyway?

God said:

Beloved, at one time or another, life certainly seems madcap. How can anyone take life in the outer world so seriously any day of the week or year? The world seems like a TV series where laughs abound if only you could laugh and smile. As you watch the series, your life seems to be off in a distant cabbage patch obvious or oblivious before you, yet who can really say?

GFP Newsletter - 7/17/2018

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A person who lives in the present - neither bothering about the past, nor bothering about the future - is fresh, young; he is neither a child nor an old man. And one can remain young to the very last breath. The body may be old, but the consciousness remains fresh, just like a fresh breeze, cool, fragrant, in the early morning sun. The whole problem is that we are caught up with our past.


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The Real Truth…

A gentle yet very important reminder…when speaking your truth, take some time to think if your truth is coming from the highest source.  If you are speaking your truth to hurt, wound or unsettle others, then it is not from The Universe, but from ego.  Speaking ‘truth’ that harms is but a mere projection of what you need to work on or are hiding from yourself.  Divine truth springs from pure intent, pure thought and pure love.  Give yourself and others the chance to experience this beautiful gift. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday July 17, 2018

It is common during any large shift of energy to have emotions brought up to the surface to facilitate the next layer of healing available to you. For many of you, this means old deep wounds, the kind that you have gone out of your way to avoid, may be insisting upon your attention.

These energies are like balls of fear. Fear has kept them tamped down for so long, because it felt too daunting to look at them. Many of you have had the avoidance approach, not wanting to get too near them or disturb them in any way. Fear is at the bottom of any energy that is not healed. So fear is what drives these emotions, and more fear is what makes you not want to address them.

The problem with fear is that it is paralyzing – it keeps you from the freedom of realizing your highest expression of self. And that is why these issues are insistant upon getting your love and attention, so you can move on to the next exciting phase of your life unencumbered.

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The Difference between Confidence and Knowing It All

God said:

Beloved, there is a difference between lack of confidence and knowing little or nothing.

Lean against the ballast. Sit back in life. See from a distance. See from close up as well. In life, you walk back and forth just naturally in passing. You go away from home one way, and you come back home another way. You change your route tomorrow or the next day or from one day to another, or you change your gaze and gauge of things.

GFP Newsletter - 7/16/2018

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One thing has to be remembered, that the past is no more, and clinging to the past is clinging to the dead. It is very dangerous, because it hampers and hinders your life, in the present and for the future. One should always go on freeing himself of the dead past. That is one of the fundamentals of sannyas, to go on renewing yourself every moment, to die to the past and be born anew. That which is gone is gone - don't even look back. Looking back is not a good sign.


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Infinite Pathways

I can hear you asking, “Where do I go from here?  What now, what’s next?”  That, my wonderful child, is completely up to you.  With the great influx of energy and learning you have been and will be receiving, the choices have become infinite and quite amazing.  Allow yourself to see each and every one.  Do not worry about becoming overwhelmed by it…you know to move forward without fear now.  Each of those infinite paths offer an equal number of infinite futures and…they are all yours!  Take some time to day and play ‘mad scientist’! (Smiling) See which will be most rewarding for you.  If you do not care for a choice, go back to the beginning and start again.  The choice has always been yours! ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Monday July 16, 2018

As people become more uncomfortable, it is very common for them to become reactive. You are currently in a period where many people will be feeling challenged, and will be likelier to act out due to their frustration and discomfort.

It is never fun to have another take things out on you. It is important to remember that their behaviour is simply a demonstration of how uncomfortable they are. Can you remember a time when you took things out on another because you were deeply uncomfortable? Did you appreciate it when you were forgiven? Can you give that same grace to another?

You are all walking through this together. Some of you are just learning how to deal with energetic intensity. Others have more experience with how to navigate these times. Be kind to each other. Forgive easily. Do your best and if you get reactive apologize. Always find your way back to love, Dear Ones, for that is the stabilizer you all seek. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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We Sail the Highest Seas

God said:

Beloved, messages are sent out around the clock. That is, I send out messages on many frequencies out of the realm of time. Nevertheless, I am well-known for the depth of My Silence. You and I are One engaged in rapport. We also simply hold hands for the joy of it. We abound in friendship and exhilaration as the Sun meets the day. We love to engage in Oneness. We are inevitably One. As One, We hail from the same country of origin. Isn’t this beautiful! Who could have thought of such an idea and live it!

GFP Newsletter - 7/15/2018

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Unless you learn to be alone, you will never be an individual in your own right; and unless you learn to be alone you will never be able to enter within yourself, because the crowd cannot go there. Even your most intimate friend, your lover, your beloved, cannot go with you inside you; there you have to go alone. That path is absolutely private.

That is your privilege, nobody can interfere there, and that is where your source of life is. You can call it life, you can call it God, you can call it truth - names don't matter.


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It is time to explore your new ‘digs’.  Your space, without your conscious realization, has been expanding at a rapid rate and you have only had a moment to look around. Today, you are invited to take a tour of your new renovations!  See what is within and without, what has changed, what has stayed the same.  You may notice that ‘some of the furniture has been moved’, the colors changed, and extra art added.  (Laughing) The Universe created this redecoration and it was designed especially for you…enjoy it! ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Sunday July 15, 2018

The more you get to know yourself, love yourself, and accept yourself, the more you will be able to discern what is your truth. This means that if someone has something negative to say to you, you will be able to stay calm and balanced and very quickly be able to know whether there is any validity to what was said and use it as an opportunity to improve, or whether it was simply a projection onto you that isn’t a match to who you are at all.

If you find negative comments stay with you and are difficult to get over, it is not an indicator that you are bad or too sensitive, it is simply letting you know you need to get more secure with your own innate worthiness and truth. From there it will be much easier for you to know what has value for you and what to leave behind. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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To the Ends of the Earth

God said:

Beloved, there are no ends to the Earth, nor is there truly a beginning, yet there is indeed a purpose in the Creation of the world beyond speculation. Earth has something to the point. I, God, am true to the core. I am true from the get-go. Earth has something to the point, even within the trip of illusion that holds you in its thrall. Fiction is also a kind of journey, no matter how you may be fooled. There is a purpose in everything, even in fol-de-rol.


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