GFP Newsletter - 3/2/2018

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The heart is not just what the medical people say, or the physiologists say - a pumping station. The heart that the mystics and the poets talk about has nothing to do with the heart that medical science talks about. Behind almost every physical organ there is a parallel to it - just behind it, a spiritual receptivity.

Behind your eyes, there are eyes which see things, which these eyes cannot see. And behind your ears, there are ears which can hear music, that these ears cannot hear. And behind your physical heart, there is a spiritual heart which knows love - which this heart has no idea about - which knows joy.


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Symptoms You Might Experience After The March 1st/2nd Full Moon In Virgo

by Joe Martino, Collective Evolution

We just had a Full Moon in Virgo, which seems to many like a gasp of relief after what was an intense last half of 2017. These energies will continue to affect us for quite some time as well, so while I don’t normally write about astrological topics, I felt compelled to in this instance for a couple of reasons:

1. I want to touch on the importance of how to use things like astrology in a healthy way that doesn’t negate personal responsibility or agency.

2. I wanted to create greater awareness around how to turn within to reflect on what these various energetic times actually mean for us and how we can make the most of them.

Right after the last eclipse, I began seeing a lot of posts on social media about people feeling a number of different physical, mental, and spiritual symptoms. People were talking about feeling tired, dizzy, sick, and extremely emotional. Some people mentioned they were crying several times a day or feeling highly motivated to act on passions they suddenly felt immensely clear on.

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Daily Message ~ Friday March 2, 2018

One of the greatest things you can do for your relationships is to become self aware and self responsible. This means that you don’t depend on others for your happiness. It also means that you check in with yourself before you agree to do anything, and if you do agree to something you embrace it gracefully because you understand it was your choice.

If you take the time to do those two simple things, you will move beyond resentment. Since resentment creates anger, resistance, and separation between you and others, making choices that are in line with what you really wish to do helps you show up for others with an open heart from a place of love, safety, and connection, which can only support and heal your relationships. Further, being responsible for your own happiness and choices frees others from the pressure of trying to figure out how you really feel. Your self awareness and self responsibility opens the door for true communication, and for actions and responses to be based upon that truth.

The days of martyred service are over, Dear Ones. Making sure your efforts honour and empower everyone involved will pave the way for the new template of joyful service, which will serve everyone much better than ever before on your planet. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Deeper than Language

God said:

It could be said that We, you and I, the One of Us – isn’t it interesting how We navigate in language? – We speak, communicate, or We can say commune on a level deeper than language. In a sense, We can say that language of itself is “all talk.”

Deeper than language – the Source of Language -- We can perhaps call it pre-language. We can say that the Source of Language is Being, and Being is powerful in and of itself. The Power of Being may arise as a vibration, and so it can be said that vibration is the precursor of speech. Speech is a fill-in. Speech is written between the lines.

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Manifesting Time

And here it is again…the quiet.  The void between one change and another.  As you wait in anticipation you can hear The Universe whispering quietly to you, “Be patient, darling, be patient.  Some of the best things in your human existence come after your waiting time”.  Instead of attempting to fill the quiet with busy things, things of no consequence…fill it with thoughts of what you desire in your life.  This is prime manifesting time; use it to your best advantage. (Smiling) ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 3/1/2018

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This is the moment when trust is needed. Trust in existence, not in any belief system, not in any priest, not in any church, not in any holy book, but in existence. All around you the trees are so deeply trusting, the rivers are trusting, the mountains are trusting, the millions of stars are trusting.

The whole existence is a tremendous experiment of trust.

And this is the right moment for you to become part of this immense experiment of trust. Let life lead your way. Give your hand to existence without any doubt and without any question. And never ask where it is leading you - it always leads to your destiny, and it never fails.

Those who cannot trust, they fail, because they think themselves wiser than the whole world, the whole existence. What is your wisdom? What is your intelligence? Not even a dewdrop. And when the ocean has called you, trust it - take a jump and disappear into it.


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Drug-free Therapy Shows Potential to Heal Trauma, PTSD and Chronic Pain

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Some are calling energy psychology “the most impressive intervention,” with the ability to defuse emotions built up after years of trauma. Also called Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or just tapping, this practice is quickly making its way into the mainstream.

“EFT is on its way to being recognized as the treatment of choice for PTSD – quicker and more effective than anything else, with improvements not typically seen in standard medication or cognitive-behavioral therapy.” ~ Rick Leskowitz, Harvard Medical School psychiatrist director of the Integrative Medicine Project at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, and EFT practitioner (source, including quote excerpt in above paragraph)

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Daily Message ~ Thursday March 1, 2018

You have had a lot of energetic activity as you have stepped into the new year of 2018. There has been much shifting of energy, much integrating, and much change. It is common for it to take a while to get used to the energy of a new year, particularly one that is as markedly different as 2018 is compared to 2017.

We estimate it will take until the spring equinox for you to truly have a good feel for the unique energetic stamp of the energies of 2018 and how best to work with them. The equinox will help you anchor the energies more fully into a space of balance, and from there you will find it much easier to move into the full potential of what this year has to offer you, both individually and collectively.

To be clear, you will always be growing and evolving. You will go through times that support surges of obvious growth, and others that focus more on integration and energetic fine tuning, matching the natural flows and ebbs of the universe. 2018 is a year of flow, of big leaps and discoveries, and pioneering new, more empowered ways of doing things. Know that you are being supported in learning the best ways to use these energies.

Trust that your own inner wisdom knows how to lead the way, as well, if you allow it. You continue to surprise and delight us with your incredible tenacity and capability as we cheer you on in the creation of the new times on your planet. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Everything Is Concurrent

God said:

Nothing is forgotten. Everything that once was still is. Listen carefully. Your beloveds who have returned Home are still your beloveds, as you are theirs. No longer is the love you share so individualized, personal. When the breath of your loved ones no longer goes in and out, you realize this clearly. Death and life are talked about plenty, yet there exists only the vitality of Life, no matter what dimension you, the observer, may be in. Life still is in place.

From human perception, it may be that what once was vital is now said and done and over with Yes, of course, you can’t keep hanging on so tight to your loved ones who, as it is said, are departed.

From a certain reciprocity, however, it is possible to dance around the maypole as you used to. Even in terms of the past, nothing is lost. Only on the surface of Life is anything somewhere else.

If there is Infinity, there is also Eternity, and in certain frequencies, you can turn the dial.

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Joy Is Coming!

Hang onto your hats, here comes another piece of the beautiful puzzle of the shift you have been experiencing!  For some of you, the past few days have been an emotional roller-coaster with enough ups and downs to last you the remainder of your year.  However, the incoming wave of Unconditional Love will begin to smooth things out and make these changes easier to handle.  And, of course, your frame of mind will also play a big part in it.  Stay cool, stay calm and definitely stay collected.  Joy is coming! ~ Creator

March 1st 2018 – VIRGO FULL MOON

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AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey


This Virgo Full Moon….is quit the powerful one!  As we know….we are in a very intense time period!  The World seems a little confusing and quit chaotic right now.  Lots of conflicts, anger and accusations daily just about everywhere you turn.    Actually these energies, even though they can be disruptive and chaotic…are putting things right in our faces so that we have the opportunity to make decisions/choices……as to what we need to purge in our lives and in society, and what we need to keep.  We have just come out of 2 very powerful Eclipses…shaking up our psychic, our physical bodies, our communities, and the Earth itself.   There have been  Earthquakes, tornados, floods, lots of rain/snow and crazy swings in temperatures, over the last several weeks… is just a lot of energy for the Earth and everyone to handle.  Remember that the energy and activations from the 2 Eclipses last month will affect us for the next 6 months in many different ways.   We are also beginning to feel the shift in energies as we approach the arrival, in about 3 weeks, of the Spring Equinox.

With this Virgo Full Moon and Piscean Sun…there will be a blend of logic (Virgo) and Illusion (Pisces)…along with a pull between living good and temptation….with some wild and sudden responses.  One of the wonderful things that this Virgo Full Moon brings us….. is the many opportunities for releasing, shifting and Healing!

GFP Newsletter - 2/28/2018

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Every meditator has to remember it: One day you will be pregnant with God - whether you are man or woman does not matter - and the unknown will find its way. You are simply to relax and follow it.

You are not to become a guide, but you have to be guided by it. You have to become just a shadow. It becomes the reality and you become the shadow, and wherever the reality moves, the shadow moves.


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Sugar Recommendations are Based on '60 Years of Industry Manipulation of Science'

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Ahhhh, the sweet sugar industry, willing to fudge any numbers to make suckers out of us. All puns aside, this is exactly what the sugar industry did back in the 1960s. Specifically, the Sugar Research Foundation (SRF) secretly funded research at Harvard to downplay sugar’s possible link to coronary heart disease (CHD). The goal was to shift attention to fats as a greater hazard. In the end, the sugar industry succeeded.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday February 28, 2018

There are so many things you can do if you are not sure how to proceed in your life. You can simply be present and embrace the opportunity to get some rest and more clarity. You can practice gratitude, which is a wonderful energetic sorting and feedback tool. You can ask for signs or guidance on what the next steps are. You can practice self love and acceptance. You can play with the divine combination which is surrender, faith, flow, and trust.

You could ask yourself, “If I didn’t know one person on this planet, what would I do?” which is a wonderful way of getting in touch with your own preferences. You can stop and still yourself and connect with your own divine heart which is full of wisdom. Or you can simply shift into an activity that brings you joy, much like children will leap at the chance to play and enjoy free time if they suddenly get let out of school early.

Do you see? There are so many things you can do that support your forward movement, growth, expansion, and co-creation, regardless of where you are on your journey. Again we say you do not need to have all the answers, you simply must be willing to allow the unfoldment. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Another Gentle Reminder

Imagine you are a parent and a note from a teacher is sent home saying, “What do you want your child to get from this class?”
Some of you would pause and think about it, others would get right down to it and tell the teacher exactly what they want and still others would laugh out loud. (Smiling)
Now, think of yourself as the child bringing that note home.  What would you think?  Would you toss it and say, “I got this”, would you discuss it with a parent or let someone else do all the work?
Your existence is very much like that teacher, the note and a child’s reaction to it.  You can choose to let others decide where your life goes, you can co-create or go it alone.  That is the beauty of free-will…you get to choose!  *Just another gentle reminder from The Universe that loves and supports you* ~ Creator


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