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All Dreams Are Meant to Come True

God said:

Sometimes it seems endless to you all that can go wrong. You have seen it.

Again and again, I urge you to spend more time thinking about what can go right in Life. Take a second look. Steer your thoughts in an upward direction. What do you want to happen?? Who says that Greatness and Beauty must be out of sight for you while what you don’t want rushes in before your very eyes.

I say: Set yourself up for treasures.

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Daily Message ~ Friday February 9, 2018

The fastest way to experience your own innate worthiness is to start to play with the energies of surrender, faith, flow, and trust. There is no special preparation or initiation or level of attainment required in order to move into receiving the support and guidance of Source, just a pure, heartfelt declaration of surrender, which is the entry point of the Divine Combination.

It is through your openness to start to use those essential elements of surrender, faith, flow, and trust, that you will make the profound and moving discovery that there was nothing you ever needed to do but let yourself be led and loved. This will allow you to experience for yourself the complete unconditional love and acceptance we have for you exactly as you are. And you begin to understand your incredible power as a co-creator as you steer your flow with gratitude.

Do you see? There is not one reason for you to continue to wait or go it alone when you have an entire universe filled with beings who adore you and whose greatest joy and purpose is to serve and guide you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Getting Back Up

Dear one…many times you have been slammed to the ground by things and people who you thought you could trust.  Laying in the dust, you thought long and hard, ‘should I stay down or get up?” Nine times out of ten, you gathered your strength, pulled your human limbs under you, pushed yourself back up, dusted yourself off and began walking your path again.  There was no guarantee that the ‘huge knock-down’ would not come again, but you had faith!  You trusted the indomitable will within and the great guiding force of The Universe to show that you were always where you needed to be in that moment.  Today, focus on those amazing feats, the times when you refused to stay down and know that, no matter what, you will always be able to do it again because you are guided, gifted and loved! ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 2/8/2018

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People have remained concerned about their acts: Which act is right and which act is wrong? What is good and what is evil? My own understanding is that it is not a question of any particular act. The question is about your psychology.

When you are total, it is good; and when you are divided, it is evil. Divided you suffer; united, you dance, you sing, you celebrate.


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5 Cannabis Research Findings that Should’ve Been on the Front Page

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Scientists are continuously discovering new ways that cannabis can benefit human health. Typically, researchers publish these discoveries in peer-reviewed journals. Yet, most cannabis research never makes its way into mainstream news. In the public eye, these studies go unnoticed.

Here are five examples of cannabis research that warrant our attention.

1. Cannabis May be a Potential Alternative to Opioids

Opioids have recently received a fair share of scrutiny, and for a good reason. Thomas Gilson, the medical examiner for Cuyahoga County, Ohio, stated:

“If you look at how many people die in the country from opiate overdose, we’re looking at the same number of casualties as the entire Vietnam conflict.”

Could cannabis be a safer treatment for pain, without the high risk of overdose?

New cannabis research from Israel examined the safety of cannabis use among the elderly. The researchers administered cannabis treatment to 2,736 patients, with a median age of 74.5.

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08 Feb Daily Message ~ Thursday February 8, 2018

We wish to reiterate part of yesterday’s transmission (Feb 7, 2018) as we feel it deserves greater focus. We stated, “We want you to understand your level of monetary abundance is an alignment that you have created. It is not dependant upon any job or circumstance, it is your level of energetic allowing. It goes with you everywhere you go.”

Trying, forcing, efforting, or any other means of control, is not going to create alignment, Dear Ones, as all those tactics are often driven by feelings of separation, fear, and disempowerment. Moving into alignment and allowing is being willing to flow and accept.

Trying so hard is unlikely to get you where you wish to go, because trying hard indicates struggle. Ease is a necessary part of creation for it confidently moves with the natural flow of the universe. It may be helpful to ask yourself if you are trying or if you are flowing.

You have never needed to anything to prove your worthiness. You are part of the whole, and as such, have access to everything within the whole. The old system of having to work hard before you deserve anything is a faulty belief system and is ready for release.

So if you are struggling with your own abundance, we ask you to explore how well you accept and allow. If someone compliments you, do you gracefully receive that compliment or do you downplay it? If someone offers to help you, do you gratefully receive the help or do you tell them you’re ok on your own?

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Partake of This Day

God said:

Today is the Day I have made for you. Take it. It is yours. You want Me to fill your Day. Of course, you do. There are all possible kinds of Days to set before you. The Menu is Infinite. By all means, partake of this Day. Stroll as you choose. Your walking style depends on you.

Every day has a splendid Line-Up for you. Today is indeed yours for the asking. You are next in Line.

Every day is like a Day of New School Shoes for you. Every day is a Raffle never held before, and you are the Signer. You enlist in Today.

Come right up. Pick your ticket. Today is for you as no day has ever been before. The potential is enormous.

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Formidable Force

Be gentle with yourself, darling one. Many changes are in process, feelings of overwhelm may take up a large portion of your ‘brain power’ at the moment and even breathing may feel challenging. Remember, those feelings will pass! If you choose to stay centered and calm in the face of chaos, the less chance there will be for physical illness to find space within your body.  You are a formidable force for change, healing and light but you also need self-care and love. The Universe supports you in every way. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 2/7/2018

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People ask, is there a hell somewhere, or is there a heaven somewhere? - because all the religions have been talking about hell and heaven as if they are part of the geography of your universe. They are not geographical phenomena, they are in your psychology.

When your mind, when your heart, when your being, is pulled in two directions simultaneously, you are creating hell. And when you are total, one, an organic unity... in that very organic unity, the flowers of heaven start blossoming in you.


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Leading Consciousness Researcher Bridges the Gap Between Science and Real Magic

Dylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times

Those of us who have experienced true magic in our lives have been wondering when modern science will somehow bridge the gap between science and spirit, and wondering what will happen to the world when these forces finally unite. It’s coming.

Is magic real? Sure it is, which is why there’s such a long and storied history of it in every human civilization, and why so many people practice it everyday, whether they realize it or not.

“Magic is one of the most enduring legends of humanity. It’s at the core of the esoteric traditions, it saturates the literature of religion and science, and while it has been severely suppressed for millennia, fictional stories about magic are just as popular today as they’ve ever been.” [IONS]

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday February 7, 2018

Dear Ones, so many of you find yourselves in a situation where your employment is no longer an energetic match to you. It is becoming more and more uncomfortable for you to stay in that position, but you do because you are concerned that if you leave you will not have enough money.

The fact that you are becoming increasingly uncomfortable in any situation is a sign that there is something better available to you. Your discomfort serves the purpose of making you ready to let go of the old to embrace the new. If you felt comfortable whatever the circumstances, you would never consider change and expansion!

What we want you to know is that your next perfect energetic match will always have the full potential to support and serve you. But more than that, we want you to understand your level of montary abundance is an alignment that you have created. It is not dependant upon any job or circumstances, it is your level of energetic allowing. It goes with you everywhere you go.

What may choke out that stream of abundance is your fear that you won’t have enough, which constricts your flow and makes it difficult for you to receive or create in an empowered way. We urge you to think of a time when you had the greatest amount of ease and money in your life and fully understand if you created that alignment once, you can create it again. It did not come from externals, it came from you.

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Life Forevermore

God said:

What is all this pre and aft? What is this non-meaning of time as if time were marbles tossed before you? What is it exactly that you believe you must hold onto as if for Dear Life. There is nothing you have to keep and hold onto except as you say so. It is safe to say that there is nothing that you must hold onto.

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Answering The Call

Each person has their own perception of how others ‘should’ be.  This missing piece of this particular puzzle is that they forget how to apply it to themselves as well.  It is not necessary to point it out to them… they already know, even if it only exists on a subconscious level.  You are now being asked to be a guide, a light in the darkness, a beacon of what honesty and integrity truly is.  You, and your connection to The Universe, has been called into service.  It is your time to answer the call. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 2/6/2018

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To be total in your action brings joy. Even an ordinary, trivial action done with total intensity brings a glow to your being, a fulfillment, a fullness, a deep contentment. And anything done half- heartedly, howsoever good the thing may be, is going to bring misery.

Misery does not come from your actions, neither does joy come from your actions. Joy comes when you are total.


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Want To Know One Of The Strongest Predictors Of How Long You’ll Live? Read This

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

When it comes to our morality, there are many differing views. In terms of longevity people seem to either think that it is completely out of their control, that they will have the same fate as their parents because of their genes or, that there are factors including diet and lifestyle that play a role in how long we’ll live. But, which of these are correct? Or, are all of these correct? The fact of the matter is, that there are certain things that can predict a long and healthy life. But they are likely not what you’d expect.

When we think of health, we often think mostly of the physical, so if someone were to ask you, what shouldn’t you do if you want to live a long and healthy life? You might say something like, eat too much processed food, smoke cigarettes, drink too much, not get enough exercise etc. But what if, although those are still important factors for good health, they weren’t the most important and that there were some other factors that we likely don’t think about that play an even greater role in terms of how long we will live?


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