Adamu Clarifies and Expands His Remarks on Disclosure With commentary from Steve Beckow
Zingdad has asked Adamu for further clarification of the remarks he made earlier, which caused a reaction from readers. Adamu has in fact responded.
He says that life itself is a game. And, of course, it is. God created the game of life, which Hindus call a lila or divine play, so that He might meet himself in moments of our enlightenment, as Adamu confirms for us here.
He lays out for us the game that the service-to-others players and the service-to-self players are playing. If there is a place that I disagree with Adamu it is in his estimation of the service-to-others players in, say, the Galactic Federation only being a step or two ahead of us and not coming from unity consciousness. I think we would disagree there, but amicably, over a bowl of Pleiadian nectar perhaps.