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Baby Steps

Can you see?!  Can you see all the things The Universe sees in you?  The mistakes of the past do not matter, your insecurities will fade, the Unconditional Love you have longed for has always been there.  It is just a matter of believing.  Your mind and soul does not have to take one giant leap in that direction, baby steps will do…..just so long as you are moving.  (Smiling) ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 9/11/2017

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Yang Chu said to his disciples: Remember this - if you act nobly and banish from your mind the thought that you are noble, where can you go and not be loved?

-The Book of Lieh-tzu

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Toxic Chemicals in Tattoo Inks Linked to Chronic Health Conditions - Waking Times

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Tattoos are more popular now than ever before. While they tend to signify our rebellious nature, those who ink themselves up still may want to know the very real health risks involved in embedding potentially toxic chemicals under their skin. It is estimated that some 80 million people in the U.S. today are tattooed, and simultaneously, chronic autoimmune and inflammatory illnesses are also widespread.

There are a number of links between tattooing oneself and chronic health issues, and while many doctors may recognize this in their patients, there is little public awareness of this connection. Part of the problem is that tattooing is primarily unregulated, resulting in a wide-range of products being used, with little awareness by the consumer.

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In a Different Light

God said:

I am your Maker, and you are My Most Beloved. This is how it is. In common parlance, We Love. You and I – We Love. We Love, We Love, We Love and Love some more. There is no shortage of Love. No one has to teach you Love. You don’t have to extract Love nor to be taught Love. Love is a Natural Gift given to you and to the world.

Dear Ones, even when you persuade yourself that you’ve been wronged by something Life delivers to you because it is not what your heart desires, even then don’t question My Love, not for one minute.

Of course, no one dances up and down in joy when a truly loved one of yours leaves Earth for greener pastures. No one is looking to say Farewell, any more than you long for illness. No matter how wrong Life may strike you, withhold your judgment. Hold back. Don’t give into false conclusions.

No matter how let down or betrayed you may feel, no matter how grieved and grievous your heart, no matter how unforgivable a situation may seem to you, no matter what, no exceptions, know that I do not break My Faith with you. Never do I shirk Love. No matter how hidden or contrary you may feel about what you see as what I have wrought, no matter how unthinkable, unbelievable, and how unbearable it may seem, don’t toss away Our Love. Keep it. Treasure it. Keep it Holy.

Dear Ones, I do not test you. I do not experiment with you.

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Latest Research Explains Why a Low-Fat Diet Can Actually Kill You - Waking Times

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer
Waking Times

One of the great myths of the American diet has just been shattered. It’s one that prompted an explosion in the market for processed foods which substituted chemical concoctions for natural fats in processed foods. And now, finally, the fat-free craze can be safely put to rest.

A study of 135,000 adults, conducted by Lancet, overturns decades of conventional wisdom and warns us that a low-fat diet may actually be killing us. In short, the findings suggest that this type of diet could raise the risk of early death by almost 25%, a number significant enough to challenge current trends in dietary wisdom.

“The study, which has been published in The Lancet, found people with the highest 20 per cent intake of total fat – getting around a third of their calories from fate – had about 23 per cent reduced risk of death compared to those with the lowest 20 per cent of fat intake.

Consuming more fat, whether that was saturated, polyunsaturated or monounsaturated were all associated with lower mortality.

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Your Space

It is completely up to you whether you allow others into your life, your space, your energy field.  There will be those that approach connections with love and you will love and be loved in return.  However, there may be others that approach with ill-intended purposes.  In these moments, it is perfectly acceptable to say, “You shall not pass!”  Remember, beautiful child, your space is yours and deserves peace and respect! ~ Creator

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You Are a Rose in Bloom

God said:

Whither goest thou when you are Infinite and there is nowhere to go and only to be? There is nowhere and nothing. The individual circumference of you does not really exist as you believe it does and want it to. You throw yourself before the winds, and you insist on existing as if you, this personality of you, were True. In this case, dream a bigger Dream of you.

In every which way, you try hand over fist to convince yourself that you exist when you more than exist and yet you leave no footsteps in the sand. You are a thought in time. You try to memorialize yourself. You frame a portrait of yourself. You border yourself. Now, take yourself out of the frame and fly around the so-called world and begin to erase the gilded frame you wrapped yourself in. Disappear in order to reveal yourself to yourself. What seems like a disappearing act is the making of you.

3-D in color isn’t so spectacular as you may have thought. You had a thought of yourself and another and another. It is as if you smeared yourself across the Universe. You thought you were Big Man on Campus. You thought that your precise existence was everything when it is no great accomplishment at all, a mere repeated event to cover up your True Existence Which Is Mine.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday September 10, 2017

If you woke up every single day and surrendered to having the best day possible, it would take any second guessing out of your lives. You would know that everything that happened was divinely perfect, and it would allow you to experience acceptance in your life like never before. As acceptance is the by-product of faith and trust, and the anti-dote to resistance, you would experience far more comfort and peace on a daily basis than ever before.

Why not give it a try? Why not commit to surrendering into your highest life expression every day for the next 21 days and see how things change? Make it a grand surrender experiment and see what happens.

We are talking about surrendering every day into your highest good and making a conscious effort to stay surrendered to the flow, following the signs and synchronicities and the path of least resistance. We are willing to bet that you will quickly see that this new practice brings much more grace and ease to your lives. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 9/9/2017

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Those who know, they never demand, because the moment you become knowing what do you know? - you know nothing.

Existence is so vast, so mysterious, how can you know it? All claims to knowledge are egoistic, and only one who is not egoistic, who becomes completely unself-conscious, who does not know who he is enters into the mysteries.


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What Thinking You’re Ugly Does To Your Well-Being (VIDEO)

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

To start, if you’ve ever looked down upon yourself or spoken the words “I’m so ugly” to yourself, you’re not alone. You could be someone who has an immense amount of self love and still have some self doubt occasionally, and that’s perfectly understandable. We live in a society that perpetuates the belief that beauty is only skin deep, and it can be difficult to ignore that message every moment of every day.

However, it’s when you start to believe those thoughts fuelled by hate rather than those focused on self love that it becomes a deeper issue. If you feel like your inner thoughts are filled with more body shaming and negativity than they are with positivity and self love, ask yourself: Why do I feel this way, and when did I start to let my outer appearance determine my self worth?

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Life Is Just a Passerby

God said:

In effect, you sift through your Life. You sift with a sieve, Beloveds. There is a moral to the story here. Life once lived falls through the cracks. It is bye-bye.

You cannot hold onto everything or anything. How can you be sure that sifting through Life is a way for you to comprehend Life? Life will teach you without your trying to sort it out. Life already has occurred, and now you are in a new starting-off place.

If the past is the past, well, then, let it go. Verily, only Life Itself can teach Itself. It isn’t that Life is insoluble. It’s just that Life goes off the screen in the moment that it surfaces and happens, or, rather seems to happen. Life hops right along. Life doesn’t stay still. Life on Earth is not meant to be memorable. Life is in one moment, and then Life is off and running in the next.

Hail to Life. Greet it. Then Life swims away on to New Adventures. You know what? Life does not stand still, and nor are you to stand still.

You may feel you are off to the races! Rather, you are transported to the Present. To the best of your ability, you digest what just has occurred, though, at the same moment there is no whipping a past moment into shape. It is not for you to conjugate Life. A moment ago is not your bread and butter. It is a passing shadow you glimpse out of the corner of your eye. You don’t want to make too much of Life and so impede Life as it occurs. Life gives you a ride. Life contains you. Hmm, Life swerves ahead, and it is already passed. May your Life go beyond its past.


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