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'The Biggest Attack on the Amazon in 50 Years' Has Just Begun in Brazil

Vic Bishop, Staff Writer
Waking Times

In what is being called the biggest attack on the Amazon in fifty years, Brazil has just opened a massive area of the rainforest up to mining. A formerly protected national reserve twice the size of New Jersey, which is home to several indigenous tribes, has been officially abolished and will be turned over to mining interests.

Sadly, the decision wasn’t even made by a democratic body or informed vote, but by a presidential decree which changes rules, effectively abolishing a protected area known as the National Reserve of Copper and Associates (Renca). Brazilian President Michel Temer’s time in office has been marked by scandal and corruption, most notably for offering concessions to big business interests in exchange for money and votes.

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Daily Message ~ Saturday August 26, 2017

Dear Ones, we are always available to you.  Always.  As you will experience us most times as a subtle energy, your ability to sense our presence largely depends on your level of awareness.

Being psychic, more than anything else, starts with being self aware.  How can you tell if there are changes around you if you do not know how you feel in the first place?  Check in with yourself.  Are you warm or are you cold?  Do you have any sensations to note in your body?  Once you have made yourself aware of how you are feeling, then ask us to make our presence known to you.

What happens now?  Are there changes?  You may feel warm.  You may feel a breeze.  You may feel goosebumps.  You may feel tingling on top of your head.  You may simply feel loved or heart expansion.  You may feel a cool, mentholated sensation that is almost minty as you breathe in (this is called the breath or kiss of an angel).  Pay attention to the differences as this will become very recognizable as you consciously begin to work with us.

If there are no changes that you can discern, that is okay too!  Spirit energies are subtle energies.  So many of you have been taught to not pay attention to those types of energies, to dismiss them as “just your imagination”.  Be kind and gentle with yourself as you dust off those abilities that have been denied for so long and start to use them again.  It may take some practice until you start to really feel energy again.  You can always ask to receive energetic adjustment so that you can experience them more and more.

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Ruffling Feathers

Only you can allow someone to ‘ruffle your feathers’.  It is up to you whether you choose to respond to it.  Each of you sees truth in a different way…..your truth may not be the same as another’s, their truth not the same as yours.  It is about balance, listening to The Universe and doing what feels right in the highest and best for the highest and best.  As always, my beloved, you are guided, protected and loved throughout. ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 8/25/2017

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If you love somebody then you need not be self-conscious, and if you are self-conscious, you cannot love because the ego will become the barrier. If you are not self-conscious, only then is love possible.

That's why the more egoistic a person is, the less possibility is there of love. And when there is no love you are in a vicious circle: you think people don't love you because you don't appear beautiful, so you try to be more beautiful; you become more and more self-conscious - the more self- conscious you become, the less a possibility is there; and if you become absolutely self-conscious it is almost impossible - nobody can love you. You will simply put off anybody who comes near. You are a closed person, nobody can enter you.

An unself-conscious person is simply open. He doesn't expect much but much happens. If you expect too much then nothing happens.


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Will Medical Magic Mushrooms Make it on the Ballot Next?

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Oregon recently made international news for passing a state bill to decriminalize possession of some hard drugs like cocaine, meth and heroin, demonstrating a progressive option for an end to the disastrous war on drugs. The motivation for this is largely economic, as Oregon struggles with prison overcrowding, however, we do know that legalizing drugs has many positive benefits, as demonstrated in Portugal.

This is especially true when the emphasis shifts from looking at drugs as a criminal issue to seeing it as a health issue. The researched medical benefits of cannabis has even opened the door for legal recreational weed in several U.S. States, and society is benefitting in many ways.

Pushing the envelope in this regard, a group in Oregon is drafting state legislation for the 2020 ballot to legalize psilocybin mushrooms for use in mental health treatment context within a regulated clinical framework.

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To evolve spiritually is your earthly task, it always has been.

Within the human collective there is enormous creative ability which will be put forward in service to heal the damage to humanity, all life forms, and the planet herself.  These restorative procedures, which are long overdue, are now being initiated in many parts of the world as realization dawns and intensifies that you can no longer use and abuse the Earth and her inhabitants and expect to survive.  Of course your survival is never in question because you are divine creations enfolded in the LOVE That Is All That Exists for all eternity.  However, as humans on Earth, you must learn to live in harmony with all that is present in the earthly environment and put that learning into practice or you will self-destruct at that level.

Your divinely planned awakening from the illusion into Reality is by way of a pleasant dream in which there is no lack, pain, or suffering of any kind, it is akin to a state of Heaven on Earth where you further develop your spiritual awareness and abilities in order to prepare you for your full awakening back into the divine Presence which you have never left, but which you chose to become unaware of so that you could experience the sense or feeling of separation from Source.

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Life on the Comet of Itself

God said:

You came out of the mist. You came out of the mist of My Heart. You always existed. There never was a time you were not. We exist together. We never beach Ourselves.

We existed out of time. We were. Rather, We are. Time was not. Time is not. Infinity is. We are Infinity. Our Name is Infinity. We are the Essence of Infinity. We are Infinity.

If space existed, We would be space. As it is, We are Spaceless.

We are Timeless, for Timeless means Infinity.

We wear no clocks. There is no Tick-Tock.

There is the Silence of Infinity and naught else but Infinity. You are truly out of the imagined realm of time.

There is no noise except as We hear it on Earth. There is a loudspeaker in effect. A loudspeaker indicates decibels even as decibels are made-up. They are make-believe like everything else that is rattled off.

None of the stories told are True. Nothingness is True. Oneness is True. The Fullness of Nothingness and Everythingness is True.

Stories are plays on words.

From the forests, stories arose. They appeared to pass imagined time. Stories are like hand fans that are waved to cool down time as if time really existed. Time is a fake. You have been fooled. You continue to be fooled. To be fooled consoles you.

Yet, there is Life, and you are in and out of it, as if this play exists on a fabricated stage – as if this assemblage of a parody -- could be true when only the Essence of Being is True, so help Me God.

All the fussing and sirens amount to a stop gap.

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Daily Message ~ Friday August 25, 2017

So many human beings ask us, “Tell me what I should do.” Dear Ones, when you blindly follow the advice of another, you are abdicating your power. And you are on the planet to discover, experience, and embrace your authentic power.

Being in the body is being in the realm of experience and free will, which is sacred above all else. It is through your free will that you grow and expand and serve the whole through your own unique preferences.

We encourage you to pause on the question, “What should I do?” and instead ask yourself, “What feels right for me? What do I wish to experience? What would bring me joy?” and navigate from there.

So how do we help you? How does co-creation fit into the equation? It is simple, Dear Ones. You decide and we support you in your desires. For example, you may wish to experience more fun in your life. Surrender into that intention, and then the many systems of the universe will cooperate to match that desire.

One of the greatest joys we have is watching you grow from wanting to be told what to do into embracing your right and ability to express yourself in whatever way is right for you. That is how you expand and experience growth, freedom, and mastery, and that is an absolute delight to behold. ~Archangel Gabriel


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Masters Of Chaos

There will always be those in your life that create chaos just for the sake of it, sit back and watch their ‘work’ unfold.  How you choose to respond to it is completely up to you.  You can continue to allow these people influence your world, playing into their hands and plans……or…..you can send them Unconditional Love and release the toxicity to The Universe.
Your reaction to their actions is what will matter most in your existence.  It is all about boundaries.  How much and how often you allow others to ‘disturb your peace’ is completely up to you. ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 8/24/2017

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A young man tries not to let go and he fights. A young man tries to conquer. A young man is foolish; he does not know that the victory comes through let-go - he cannot know, it is difficult to know. He will have to pass through many frustrations, only then will he become aware that frustrations are the other aspect of expectations. He will have to pass through many defeats, only then will he come to know that victory belongs to those who don't fight, who give way, who don't fight against the current, who don't try to go upstream, who simply leave themselves wherever nature puts them.

Only those who have come to an inner harmony with nature are victorious. Now there is no fight, because how can the part fight the Whole? And how can the part be victorious against the Whole?

It is absurd, but a young man has to try.


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How Do Heavenletters Get Here?

God said:

You never know what is coming up in a Heavenletter as it appears before you. Heavenletters are up for grabs, as it were. It is as if you reach into My Heart. You pluck My Heart from Me. It isn’t that you wrest My Heart from Me. My Heart is more like a ripe plum that falls into your hand.

We can imagine that there are infinite numbers of Heavenletters, unending numbers of Heavenletters not exactly stored yet available at any moment, and no two Heavenletters repeated, yet each Heavenletter an echo of itself.

In a manner of speaking, there could be one Diamond of a Heavenletter whose seeds are blown everywhere.

Or, it could be said that seeds of Heavenletters assemble and disassemble and reassemble themselves.

It could be said that each Heavenletter comes by happenstance. It could be said that every Presence of a Heavenletter is a foregone conclusion.

There are also in this world an infinite number of attuning Hearts and Souls also available to hear Me, each in his or her own flavor, each to pull up particular shades of messages from Me and set them down again or leave them in the air.

Heavenletters are ever rising and setting like the Sun, and each is its own, and yet what mortal can exactly say how a Heavenletter reaches Earth? You can know I give it.

What a pattern each Heavenletter conceives. Each Heavenletter is new, and each has always been. There was never a time there was not a Heavenletter by whatever name it is held in.

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Studies Show What Happens To The Human Body When We Walk Barefoot On Earth

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

The picture above represents Improved facial circulation (right image) after 20 minutes of grounding, as documented by a Speckle Contrast Laser Imager (dark blue=lowest circulation; dark red=highest circulation). Image Source: Scientific Research Publishing

Grounding, or ‘earthing,’ as some people call it, involves placing your feet directly on the ground without shoes or socks as a barrier. The logic behind this practice relates to the intense negative charge carried by the Earth. This charge is electron-rich, theoretically serving as a good supply of antioxidants and free-radical destroying electrons.

Dr. James Oschman, a PhD in biology from the University of Pittsburgh and an expert in the field of energy medicine, notes:

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Daily Message ~ Thursday August 24, 2017

Dear Ones, we wish for you to know that these energies are taking you somewhere. There is purpose and movement that you are all willingly participating in by being in the body at this time. Your job is to move with the energies – to ride the wave, if you will, until you arrive in your new vistas.

How you ride that wave is up to you. Some people are expert swimmers and love to slice through the water with nothing more than their skill to keep them afloat. Others might prefer to use a prop such as a surf board. And still others might need several floatation devices before they feel safe enough to surrender to that movement.

It does not matter what method you use to find your comfort zone in the flow, it just matters that allow it to move you. In fact, in big energies such as you are currently experiencing, you can resist right up to the last second until the wave picks you up and sweeps you along. But that is a much rougher means of movement when there are so many other options available to you.

You get to choose how you do it. But we would say to you, if you are going to go anyways, why not have the most fun with it? Why not invent your own style of surrender and flow that allows you to fully embrace the joy and excitement of big movement that matches what your soul wishes to experience? ~Archangel Gabriel


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The changes you are going through now may seems overwhelming.  The emotions you are experiencing can certainly be overpowering.  One of the most loving things you can do for yourself is to give yourself space and time to release in a safe way.  Ask for assistance if you need it, know that there is support and help available and remember to keep breathing.  This will pass away soon enough and you will be a better version of you than you ever thought possible! ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 8/23/2017

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If the life has been lived according to nature, TAO, DHAMMA, if it has followed an inner discipline, not forced; if you have loved, if you have been aware, if you have been meditative, then every day you become more and more beautiful. And an old man who has passed through all the turmoils, all the ups and downs of life, who has known maturity, who is now seasoned, will have a beauty which nobody else can have.

In the East it has happened, that's why the East worships the old, not the young, because the young is still incomplete. The young has to pass through many things yet, and there is a possibility that something may go wrong. When an old man is beautiful, now there is no possibility of his falling down; he has known all, he has passed through all the experiences, all the anguish of existence, all the miseries, all the blessings. He has seen nights and days, he has moved to the peaks and to the valleys, and he has attained an inner integrity through all these experiences. Now he is balanced, now there is no right or left, now there are no extremes; now he neither longs for peaks nor avoids the valley - she simply accepts. Life has prepared him for this acceptance. Life has prepared him not to fight but to let go. And when you can let go, you have attained.



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