God said:
It’s fun when We, you and I, get together. It is always Sunshine when We move in the Universe. Do you feel it? What can rub you the wrong way when We are One together? Look how good We can be together. Look how adventurous we are. And how inevitable.
Today, Life is like the best day of the year. Rather, it is the best year in Life so far until this upcoming moment, and there is another day ascending the horizon, as the Smooth-Running Wheels of the Rich Universe roll. Nothing ever goes on without Our Say-So. You and I, the Myriads of Oneness in this World of Earth go on together, silently undisputed. I am saying that We are well-met in Life.
Never are you stuck in the Universe. You and I, We are the undisputed Guides of the Universe. We toss it up in the air, and We catch it with the Grace of a Ballerina all in Good Time.
I give you the world. You inherit it. You are in the process of inheritance. Hallowed be thy Name, you whom I always chose. The Creation Process continues. You have been discovered, and you dance around in this jaunt you have always been on.
Who has discovered you? You discovered and discover you. You uncover you. You open up the package. You know how to wrap yourself. What happened to the days that once upon a time startled you?
Now you lay them out on the carpet, and you tremble with joy. You have an expectation, and you see it through even as you go off-stage. There is never an ending to this that is called Life.