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We’re Another Step Closer to Growing Replacement Body Organs

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

According to the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network, every ten minutes, someone is added to the national transplant waiting list. OPTN also reports that 22 people die each day waiting for a transplant.

With the supply of organs available for transplantation already far smaller than the demand, the need for technologies to step in is imperative.

Scientists have now made a major step forward in the goal of growing replacement organs, having identified a protein called Meox1 found in stem cells. The protein drives muscle growth.

The team of researchers, from Monash University in Australia, found the link studying zebrafish. Zebrafish are native to Southeast Asia, and are important and widely used vertebrate as a model organism in scientific research.

Like humans, zebrafish have two eyes, a mouth, brain, muscles, blood, bones, teeth, as well as a kidney and heart, among other of the same organs. Zebrafish also contain 70 percent human genes. Such closeness is incredibly hopeful given the results of the study.

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Banks Are Scheming to Dominate a Future Cashless Society

by Shaun Bradley, The Anti-Media

Visa recently announced its new Cashless Challenge program, which offers $10,000 to restaurants willing to transition into accepting only digital payments.  As the largest credit card processor in the U.S., it’s no surprise Visa is spearheading this campaign. Under the guise of increasing transparency and efficiency, they’ve partnered with governments around the world to help convert financial systems into cashless models, but their real incentive is the billions of dollars in extra transaction fees it would generate.

“We are declaring war on cash,” Visa spokesman Andy Gerlt proudly proclaimed after the program was announced.

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Daily Message ~ Monday July 24, 2017

Dear Ones, grounding in each step of the unfoldment with your acceptance and gratitude is what makes the next vital step possible. Do not see having gratitude for the now moment as choosing to stay put, or accepting less than your desire if your creation is not yet complete because the universe will always seek and support your expansion and growth.

Grounding each step into your reality is wisely and methodically allowing each piece to be set in place and a beautiful demonstration of your faith and trust. See each piece as a wonderful sign of creation in progress, for in reality, each stepping stone is just as important as the end result. ~Archangel Gabriel


GFP Newsletter - 7/23/2017

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The ego is a plastic flower - dead. It just looks like a flower, it is not a flower. You cannot really call it a flower. Even linguistically, to call it a flower is wrong, because a flower is something which flowers.

And this plastic thing is just a thing, not a flowering. It is dead. There is no life in it.

You have a flowering center within. That's why Hindus call it a lotus - it is a flowering. They call it the one-thousand-petalled lotus. One thousand' means infinite petals. And it goes on flowering, it never stops, it never dies.

But you are satisfied with a plastic ego. There are some reasons why you are satisfied. With a dead thing, there are many conveniences. One is that a dead thing never dies. It cannot - it was never alive. So you can have plastic flowers, they are good in a way. They are permanent; they are not eternal, but they are permanent. The real flower outside in the garden is eternal, but not permanent.


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When You Are in a Field of Daisies

God said:

You already are above all the world. You don’t have to set yourself above the world. I speak to everyone. Wherever you may be, you are My Child, thus, you are My Child of the Universe. You can even be happy. You can even be happy where you may not have chosen to be. No doubt, Life is a School.

In terms of the world, you are unique. You don’t have to put forth effort. You fulfill without exertion. What is exertion but fighting something? Come from a different position. You can do it.

Is it effort for you to love? Sometimes or even often, it may seem so. Effort to perform is not quite the same as simply Being and from Being, get into action. Rise to action.

If you are an actor, you learn your lines. You get no applause for learning your lines. Get into the spirit of those lines, and enjoy learning them for their sake.

Come from Love, and where is the need for Effort of Will? No need to force yourself. No need for strain. No cause for strain. When your heart sings, there is no effort in singing.

When you are in a field of daisies, what effort is required to lie on your back and look up at the sky? What effort is needed in picking a handful of daisies?

Tell Me, Dear Ones, what effort is needed in Being? Being doesn’t have to be in great contrast to doing. You do not do doing. Doing evokes itself. Do you understand Me?

Being doesn’t require thinking. Being doesn’t require figuring out. Doing naturally issues from Being, the same way that leaves of trees are green.

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New Moon In Leo: Taking Creative Action

by Carmen Di Luccio, Collective Evolution

We are having a New Moon in Leo on July 23rd at 9:46am Universal Time. New Moons are the beginning of a new wave of energy influencing the upcoming month. However, the astrological configurations at this time have a stronger influence over the following two weeks.

Mercury is slowing down before going retrograde on August 12th. The weeks leading up to the retrograde is known as the ‘pre-shadow’ period and you may even start to notice some of the common retrograde difficulties as it gets closer. During this period, some of the new decisions, ideas, initiatives, and actions that take place will go through a ‘sorting out’ process during the retrograde and in the weeks following after it finishes on September 5th.

Some things may need to be tweaked, while other things may not work out due to new insights or changes that could come up. Keep that all in mind if you are initiating anything new between now and August 12th, and pay attention to what Mercury retrograde is trying to showing you after it starts.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday July 23, 2017

The act of gratitude, along with the practice of grounding, both work to anchor energy. The two together are absolutely integral for successful manifestation. So connect with the essence of what you would like to create for yourself, give thanks for its existence, and then ground it into your reality by inviting it in and anchoring it energetically. It does not need to be more complicated than that. ~Archangel Gabriel


GFP Newsletter - 7/22/2017

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One has to be daring, courageous. One has to take a step into the Unknown. For a while all boundaries will be lost. For a while you will feel dizzy. For a while, you will feel very afraid and shaken, as if an earthquake has happened. But if you are courageous and you don't go backwards, if you don't fall back to the ego and you go on and on, there is a hidden center within you that you have been carrying for many lives. That is your soul, the atma, the Self. Once you come near it, everything changes, everything settles again. But now this settling is not done by the society. Now everything becomes a cosmos, not a chaos; a new order arises. But this is no longer the order of the society - it is the very order of existence itself.

It is what Buddha calls dhamma, Lao Tzu calls tao, Heraclitus calls logos. It is not man-made. It is the very order of existence itself.


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Synchronization of Autonomic Nervous System Rhythms With Geomagnetic Activity Found In Human Subjects

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Over the past few years, a number of publications have emerged from scientists and researchers all over the world regarding the human magnetic field. Not only have they been studying the human magnetic field, they’ve also been studying the magnetic field of the planet, and how all these fields, including our own, can impact ourselves and the people around us. It’s similar to quantum entanglement, in that both show that everybody and every living thing is “connected” in ways we have yet to fully understand.

Leading the charge are the brilliant scientists over at the HearthMath Institute. An internationally recognized nonprofit research and education organization, it dedicates itself to helping people reduce stress, self-regulate emotions, and build energy and resilience for healthy, happy lives.

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A Stranger in a Strange Land

God said:

When you first arrived here on Earth this time around, consciously, you didn’t know anything. Everything changed somewhat since your last time, and you seek to know the script all over again.

Even so, at the same time, you know deeper than time. You know deeper than all that you relearn so precociously, and, yet, Life on Earth is also old hat for you. Life on Earth recurs to you the way an old tune runs through your mind and heart, seemingly from out of nowhere. From where you remember this, how you know this, how your awareness arrives, you cannot say, yet a recollection slips out from somewhere, seemingly far away, or, seemingly, not even here at all.

We can say you are a genius who remembers that one and one makes two. Some kind of reconnection is made even as if it were not from within you, as if you had never seen it before. It couldn’t really be true.

You seem to be here right now as if you are diving into the present, as if you have no past and no future anyway, as if you ride an elevator that you have no idea of how you got on and how you get off, if ever.

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Canadian Study Gives More Evidence Cancer is a Lifestyle Disease Largely Caused by Food - Waking Times

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Shockingly, worldwide cancer rates are predicted to rise even further, and that by the year 2020, 1-in-2 women and 1-in-3 men will be diagnosed with some form of cancer. It is so common already, in fact, that it getting cancer is more common than getting married or having a first baby.

The cancer industrial complex is negligent in warning people who chemotherapy is now known to actually make some cancers spread and make some tumors more aggressive. Government and its myriad regulatory agencies work diligently to prevent access to natural or alternative cancer treatments, and doctors and the mainstream media give the impression that the causes of cancer are a mystery.

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There is only Source, Father/Mother/God, and that is what you are, each and everyone of you.

As all the channels are reiterating, enormous changes are happening right now, right as you are typing this!  They are essential aspects of humanity’s awakening into the awareness that all are one, that there is only ONE and that all are at one with That.  The idea of separation would be an enormous joke if only you had not convinced yourselves so firmly that separation is REALITY!  It’s not!  There is only Source, Father/Mother/God, and that is what you are, each and everyone of you, without any exceptions.  How could there be exceptions when there is only the ONE?

Many of you are now awakening to this knowing, this realization, and as you do your energy fields change vastly as Love flows through you abundantly instead of in the dribs and drabs to which you have all become accustomed.  Consequently others, many, many others, are feeling, sensing, that enormous change is in the air, as it most definitely is.  Those of you who read these messages, and many other beautifully channeled messages, have been holding the Light on high for decades to bring the awakening into the lives of all around you and to extend it to all on Earth.


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