GFP Newsletter - 5/31/2017

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Zen is a perfect balance. A Zen Master meditates, but then he also goes to the woods to cut wood because winter is approaching. He does many things just like an ordinary man. He is nothing special. Nansen is one of the very few rare human beings who attained to the highest, like a Buddha, Mohammed, Jesus, and continued cutting wood.

When Nansen was very old somebody asked: How are you? He said: Perfect. Cutting wood, carrying water to the ashram, preparing food, working in the garden; it is so beautiful.

Look... cutting wood he remains himself. Activity is there, but the mind is absolutely silent. Carrying water to the ashram, he carries water, but there is nobody inside.

If you can act without somebody there inside you will enter a realm of tremendous beauty, because activity releases energy and silence enjoys the release. With activity, you spread out; you become a vast sky, and deep inside - nobody, a silence. The silence spreads with your activity. Nansen carrying water to the ashram is silence carrying water to the ashram. Nansen cutting wood, is silence cutting wood.


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What Flower Are You?

God said:

The whole Universe is opening up, and it is opening up to you. The burden you may have felt under is about to lift.

Once again, you will be Light of Heart. There will be nothing for you to bear but Joy.

If you have felt you have been in the center of a maelstrom, such feelings will be lifted and no longer get in your way. Your heart will be re-enlivened. Your heart will become young. Your heart will restore itself.

You have given yourself much criticism. No longer remark to yourself how down in the mouth you feel. You have done this enough. No more.

Speak well to yourself. Hearten yourself. Make music, Beloveds.

You are not destined to be dolorous.

You are destined to sing. You are destined to live in Joy. Take a new look at your Destiny. Start now. Rise above the niggling thoughts that have pulled you down and held you in reserve. Change the words you tell yourself. Add to your Sense of Self.

When you feel you are surrounded in heartache, move your heart into the Light. Look up at the Sun. Surround yourself in Light. Take off the shroud of hurt you may have wrapped yourself in. You have the ability to turn your feelings around. Use your ability.

Here’s something you can do to lighten your heart:

Choose a flower today. Choose it in your heart. If you want, and it is feasible, put that flower on your table. There is a scent and meaning in each flower. Look beyond the surface.

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The Woman That’s Changing The Lives Of Melbourne’s Homeless By Buying Them Houses

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

When you grow up with so much privilege, and are surrounded by people within the same or similar social class as you, it can be easy to take things for granted. We get so stressed out and consumed by our daily lives that we often forget to express gratitude for the little things in life. We take so much for granted, especially the smaller things that create the foundations of our lives: the food on our tables, the beds we sleep in, the people we surround ourselves with, and the list goes on. It’s ironic that many of us even refer to these things as “small,” because they could literally change someone’s entire world.

Can you imagine not living in a home, never experiencing the comfort of your own bed, or being stripped of enjoying your own living space? Well, the sad reality is that over a billion people lack adequate housing. While we’re deciding whether or not to lay down carpet or hardwood on our floors, millions of people are struggling without a place to call home. This sobering fact can really put things into perspective.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday May 31, 2017

There are times for movement and times to stay still. That is the natural ebb and flow of the universe. Because human beings have been taught to glorify doing, they often will do anything rather than understand the value of being.

Don't be afraid to stop for a moment, Dear Ones. It is ok to take a moment to rest, to catch your breath, to feel into what is being energetically supported, and to assess where you have been and where you would like to go next.

A lull creates a space for assessment and clarity, the flow brings new movement based on the awareness the lull offered. Both will serve you well if you embrace moving with what the energies support, and use your wisdom to fully harness the benefits of each phase. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Keep Singing

There will be times in your life when others ‘cut your sound and lights’ thinking it is appropriate for the circumstances.  They have ‘rules’, they may have a certain way of being and your song is not one they want to hear.  What do you do?!  Keep singing and shining bright!  Each human has their own way of going about life and just because yours is not what others want to see/hear, does not mean you should stop.  Instead of seeing it as an admonishment, look at it as a time to change venues.  (Smiling) ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 5/30/2017

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You cannot find an image of any Zen Master just sitting with closed eyes - he is always doing something. That was the thing missing in Buddhism which was supplied by Taoism.

Life should be a balance between inactivity and activity. If you are completely active, you miss something - you miss the inner. If you are completely inactive, you again miss something - the outer. And the outer has its own beauty; nothing is wrong with it.


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Everything Under the Sun

God said:

My Children could use some cheer today, is this not so?

You have the entire world at your service, and still you can use some cheering up. When you come down to it, how can this be?

For one thing, you tend to look away from the concept that Life Is Beautiful. You may beat yourself up in the world, as the expression goes, yet it really means that you beat yourself down. Naturally, you don’t look forward to a down side.

Wherever you may walk, you tend to predict a pot hole that you are bound to trip over. You predict a “Boo” in the dark coming up. You predict some sort of fear within, perhaps even fear of everything, and, alas, you may build your Life on fear.

Come to see the world differently. Look for and see the Beauty. There is Air to breathe. There are Birds on the Wing. Apples grow on trees. Night and day are assured. There is a Big Yellow Sun, and there are Stars blinking on and off, and a Round White Moon close to the horizon loves you. You may almost feel that your hand could reach out and touch the Moon. Yes, the horizon is a hand’s reach away. Closer than that – the horizon is within you.

There are leaves on trees. There are branches and twigs. There is a tree trunk and roots that go deep.

What is there that the Earth Beneath Your Feet does not elicit for you to sparkle? What do you think is missing from this Beautiful Gift of the World that is yours to drink of?

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Aerospace Billionaire & NASA Partner Tells CBS About the ET Presence on Earth - Waking Times

Terence Newton, Staff Writer
Waking Times 

In a recent broadcast of CBS’ 60 Minutes, host Lara Logan sat down with billionaire Robert Bigelow, an entrepreneur and pioneer in the private sector aerospace industry. After giving his thoughts on the future of space exploration, Bigelow was asked if he believes in aliens, and given Bigelow’s partnership with NASA, SpaceX and other cutting edge companies, he is in a unique position to speak on this matter.

His company, Bigelow Aerospace is presently designing expendable space craft which can be used for a variety of purposes in outer space, and another company of his has for years been a consultant for NASA on reports of UFO’s and other unexplainable sightings and events. Bigelow has spent hundreds of millions of dollars of his own money to advance space exploration.

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday May 30, 2017

Dear Ones, for every time you can choose beyond fear, you allow your soul to discover even more of itself and your divine vastness. You get to see beyond the contraction and constraint, into expansion and freedom. Another word for expansion and freedom is love. So every time you choose to move beyond fear, you are moving further into love, and that is always what we wish for you – to move further into the experience of love. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daan Roosegaarde Introduces Smog-Sucking, Air-cleaning Bikes

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

Bikes have long been considered the eco-friendly version of transportation. In a day ruled by planes, trains, and automobiles, it’s nice to see someone biking to and from work or for doing errands. But what if bikes were more than just a method of environmentally-friendly transportation? What if they were environment enhancing, too?

The answer to that question lies in the hands of Daan Roosegaarde. The Dutch artist and innovator has, along with a team of experts, created new smog-sucking bicycles, the brainchild of the Smog Free Project. Already known for his Smog Free Tower, a smog-sucking vacuum tower in China that has been getting positive feedback, he has now created smog-sucking bicycles that could work similarly with the Smog Free Tower — absorbing dirty air, cleaning it, and then releasing it back out as fresh air.

GFP Newsletter - 5/29/2017

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If you realize that the ego is your house on fire, you drop it. You don't ask: What will I gain out of it? You simply become a nobody, an ordinary being. And once you are ordinary, everything starts happening.

Zen is ordinary - it makes people just nobodies, and this is the beauty of it. When you become a nobody, when you are ordinary, this is the most extraordinary phenomenon possible. Listen - everybody wants to be extraordinary. So the longing to be extraordinary is very ordinary because everybody wants it. And to become ordinary is absolutely extraordinary because nobody wants it; nobody longs for it - remember this. Only then can you understand Zen Masters.


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Godlight on Earth

God said:

The stars look like streetlights that light up the night sky. From star to star, you the Lamplighters, silently light up the sky and night. Actually, the stars stay lit day and night, only the light is not always perceivable. You can know that starlight coexists with the Light of the Sun.

The world is always lit up to say nothing of the Sun. What you see and what is do not always match. You, My Children, are Godlight on Earth. You may think that this is an exaggeration or an outright unTruth when this is the God Honest Truth. If only you saw as I do see. You will.

Everything is provided for, and your Clear Vision of True Reality is within you. You are not always the first to know. Sometimes you are the last.

Your beloved pets know the Truth of you as you are. They are attuned to you. They know the Love you are made of. They see you better than you see yourself.

In one sense, it doesn’t matter how you see yourself, your Self. In another sense, it matters tremendously, for you tend to act from how you see your Self. We are not speaking of ego here, not in the least.

If you think you are grounded, you act as if you are grounded. If you think you are capable of soaring beyond the world, you come from a higher place. From where you think you stand, you see. When you think you are solely grafted to Earth, you may hardly lift your head to see far at all.

It isn’t just that I desire you to fly High. It’s also that I know this is how it is. You will also come to this conclusion by and by, the sooner the better.

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Easy Steps To Keep Your Brain Healthy & Happy

by Katleen Brown, Collective Evolution

If you think that you are far too young to worry about keeping your brain healthy and happy, then you are wrong. It is never too early to start taking better care of your whole body in general, and if you think that you will have to invest in expensive products or treatments to keep your brain healthy, then you are wrong again. Keeping your brain healthy comprises a series of small yet efficient lifestyle changes. It is a process that requires commitment, patience, love, and support. And we are here to help you. You will not be alone at any step of the way. We are offering seven simple steps for a healthy brain, and now it is up to you to decide if you are willing to follow them and make your brain happy or not. And trust us – your brain deserves this.

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Daily Message ~ Monday May 29, 2017

Why not give your brain a holiday from worry? How do you do that? Get present. Do something you love that absorbs you. Have a new experience. Give your worries to your guides, angels or Source to take care of for you. Declare the day a vacation day for your mind, and gift it the experience of the Now moment, and you’ll be surprised how incredibly rejuvenating it is. In fact, you just might want to do it again tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that… ~Archangel Gabriel


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