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Sound of the Sun - The Voice of Universal Consciousness

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Most of us are familiar with the Sun as the main source of visible light and energy on our planet. There is another phenomenon of the Sun – it’s magnetic influence on us, and every living thing on the planet – which fewer are familiar with. The domain of the sun’s magnetic influence (also known as the “heliosphere”) extends billions of kilometers beyond Pluto. This magnetic field has profound effects on all living things on Earth and strongly affects human consciousness. You could say the sun is changing its tune, but we need to know how to listen so that we can harmonize with its music.

We can see this influence created by solar activity throughout certain periods of human history, often marked by social and psychological unrest.

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Daily Message ~ Monday May 8, 2017

Being a co-creator means having a dream but also being open and flexible to the universe showing you other options and outcomes that you may not be aware of. It is like having the seed of a wonderful idea and presenting it to a team of experts who know all the ways it can be tweaked and customized into your perfect match with the greatest amount of ease possible. Your willingness to trust and flow and allow the unfoldment is how you manifest magical and miraculous results beyond what you could ever imagine. That is the joy of co-creating and pioneering in unprecedented energies, and that wonder is absolutely available to each and every human being on the planet to play with and utilize whenever they choose. ~Archangel Gabriel


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On The Way Up

It is time again to ‘hold onto your hats’, to grab that bar in anticipation of the upward climb of the roller-coaster again…because the next wave is on its way. (Smiling) As always, you can treat times like these with fear and trepidation or the thrill of anticipation. Whatever you choose to feel, know that the changes have been perfectly designed, selected for you and will always be for your highest and best interest. There is beauty in these moments, embrace them! ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 5/7/2017

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Desire disappears; instead of desire - contentment, deep contentment comes to you, because desire is discontent. Anger disappears and instead of anger - compassion; the same energy becomes compassion. In anger you would like to destroy the other. In compassion, just the opposite; you would like to create, you would not like to destroy. Hate disappears without any trace; you simply cannot find it within you. You happen to be loving, and then love is not an affair; it is not falling in love with someone, it is simply the way you are.

If you touch a leaf there is love. If you carry a rock there is love. If you look at the sun there is love.

Whatsoever you do, it becomes a love act.

Meditation is not part, it is the whole, so one has to be constantly remembering, constantly aware.

You cannot afford to meditate in the morning and then forget about it.


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When You Require Love the Most…

God said:

Fear not. Stress not. Strain not.

Be at ease.

If you are going through a rough time, no need to emphasize your discomfort.

When you have a sore toe, for instance, you would put your foot up. Rest it. Take care of it. You don’t dance on it or put on tight shoes.

It is yourself you are being good to. You are connected to that foot of yours. It is part of you. You don’t badger your foot or rail at that foot for being sore. You are not sore at your toes at all. Quite naturally, you soothe your toes as much as possible.

When your hurt is a circumstance in your life, a heartache, let’s say, you may harass yourself over it. You may ask yourself pointed questions like:

“What is the matter with you? You numbskull!”

You may say: “How did you get yourself in this mess? Why were you so foolish? Now what are you going to do? How are you going to get yourself out of this?”

You may call yourself names. You give yourself a harder time than the situation calls for.

How can you be so rude to yourself who are your Life’s Companion? You are in constant contact with yourself. You are someone whom I tell you is One with Me. Come, change your tactics, Beloveds.

When you require love the most, give it to yourself. Hand it over. Be courteous. If you knew how to prevent world events and personal events, you would.

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If DNA Is Software, Who Wrote The Code?

by Tom Bunzel, Collective Evolution

Recently an article in SF Gate by Deepak Chopra and Pankaj S. Joshi, PhD – “Can There Be a Science of Consciousness?” — had this amazing quote: “By taking for granted the obvious fact that it takes a mind to do science, we’ve reached the point where science is leaving out the very component that might answer the questions that urgently need answering, not because philosophy demands it but because science does.”

As a longtime admirer of Deepak’s work, I had reached out to him on several occasions because I felt his most recent book, You Are the Universe, co-authored with Menas Kafatos, PhD, resonated with my own ideas about the significance of sequencing (or decoding) DNA.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday May 7, 2017

As the energies continue to encourage you to acknowledge and release what is looking to be healed, you are getting down to the deep emotions – the ones that have been tamped down and resisted for a very long time. The energetic theme a great many enlightening human beings are dealing with is unresolved grief.

For many of you over the course of your many lifetimes, grief was experienced time and again and merely stuffed down in order to soldier on, to do what was expected of you, to be brave, to be stoic, or to try to follow a martyred paradigm.

You have grief from the loss of loved ones, from being wrongfully accused, for making choices you haven’t forgiven yourselves for, for ways you have not loved or honoured yourselves, from not being honoured and accepted for who you really are, or choosing to stay in situations that you knew were not right for you because you felt afraid and disempowered.

There is much grief from the misuse of power, either from your own actions, or from being on the receiving end of the misuse of power from others. It is not an exaggeration to say many old souls have centuries of unresolved grief that is looking to be healed and released. But do not let that overwhelm you! The beauty of the shift on your planet is that it is helping you to heal and release all that old pain once and for all.

GFP Newsletter - 5/6/2017

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The body is just like the wheel. Breathing is necessary for the body and meditation is necessary, just as necessary, for the soul. Without breathing you will be dead; that means the body will be dead.

Without meditation you will be dead; that is, the soul will be dead.

Gurdjieff used to say: Don't believe that you already have got a soul. How can you have a soul unless you meditate? And he was right. When you meditate, for the first time the soul revives in you.

It has been waiting for you. And when the soul starts breathing within you, just like the body, when the soul starts beating within you just like the heart, then you have a different quality; that quality is the religiousness. It has nothing to do with rituals. Then you are a different, a totally different human being.


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The Chance and Dance of a Lifetime

God said:

There are many occasions when Life dazzles you, or stuns you, or outright interferes with your happiness. It often seems like this is how Life appears to you, does it not? As though Life turns out to be a thief who denies you your desires.

Life pulls switcheroos on you. Life is not taking advantage of you by showing you a different way. Dear Ones, you aren’t taking advantage of Life either. You aren’t competing with Life, nor are you playing unfair with Life when you keep going forward and perhaps dazzle it in one way or another? Give your best to Life.

Life doesn’t demand that it prevent you from giving Life the Chance and Dance of a Lifetime. Life is happy for you to give Life your best. It’s perfectly all right for you to show Life what you are made of. You don’t have to hold yourself back. Hey, strut your stuff and stand Life on its ear! Life likes to see you reveal your substance. Life may just have a different vision for what is to happen in Life than you. It’s all right for you to go for leading your own tour on Earth. It is more than all right for you to go for what you want, not in competition, but because this is who you are.

By no means, does Life say to you: “Hands off.” Not at all. Life is invested in you. Life has your interests at heart. This doesn’t mean that you are to stay still and not reach for what you want. Sure, smile at Life. Look at it kindly.

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IKEA Unveils Plan To Lift 200,000 People Out Of Poverty

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

What comes to mind when you think of IKEA?

For me, it’s that very affordable nightstand I purchased in college that I never figured out how to put together from the instructions. But the brand has made quite a name for itself, despite people like me having a bit of an intolerance for playing adult Legos, if you will.

Along with providing people major inspiration for their homes, and oh-so-many options to choose from, Ikea remains one of the few global companies to generate a billion dollars or more in annual revenue from products or services that have sustainability or social good at their core. Essentially, they’ve made sustainability profitable, and that’s a win-win for our future.

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Daily Message ~ Saturday May 6, 2017

If you are feeling particularly uncomfortable or reactive it is likely that a core wound or a fear about your safety has been activated. Instead of pushing back against the circumstances, which will only perpetuate that loop, why not stop and take an observant role?

Momentarily detaching and asking questions is an excellent way of gathering information and assuming the role of your own healer and guide. Ask, “Is this a reasonable response to the circumstances right now, or is this an indicator of an old wound crying out for my love and attention?”

Once you assess what is going on, you can step in and give yourself what is needed. Often acknowledgment and some soothing self love and nurturing is all that is required.

Dear Ones, your life is filled with opportunities to shift and show up for yourselves as the wise, capable, loving, healer, and leader of your life expression. Ascension is just that – being able to see yourself through the vantage point and wisdom of your higher self while loving and acknowledging your beautiful, tender human self at the same time. How glorious that the times you are in make it possible to play both roles so beautifully! ~Archangel Gabriel


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Your Life

You asked for and were given this particular life experience for a reason.  It may be challenging to understand the hows/whys of it all but, here you are, fully in and doing what you can.  It may not always be perfect, it may not always be sunshine and roses, but it is yours!  My beloved child…embrace it, learn from it and do your best.  That is all that has ever been asked of you.  The Universe is, of course, supporting and loving you every step of the way. ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 5/5/2017

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This has to be remembered - meditation cannot be a part. Either it is the whole or not. It is a twenty-four hour thing. You cannot do it and leave it. It is not a fragment like your going to the church or your going to the temple, meditating for a few minutes and being finished with it. It is not an act that you can do and be finished with. It is not an act, it is you. How can you do it and be finished? It is for twenty-four hours. Meditation is a way of life. It is not an activity, it is your very being. It has to be constant, it has to be continuous, it has to be, whether you are walking, eating, or even when you are sleeping, it has to be there. It must become a crystallized continuity. Only then Enlightenment happens, never before it.

Of course in the beginning you have to start. You do it in the morning, sometimes you do it in the evening, then you forget about it and even that helps. But it is not meditation yet, it is still an activity. It has not become part of your being. It is not yet like breathing. Can you do breathing in the morning and then leave it? It must become like breathing, continuously with you. And a moment comes when it becomes even deeper than breathing, because breathing is also not constant. It is not really constant. When you breathe in there is a moment when breathing stops. When you breathe out there is a moment, a fraction of a moment, when breathing stops. When you are very very silent, breathing stops - no breathing.

Meditation is deeper than breathing because breathing belongs to the body. Meditation doesn't belong to the body. Meditation belongs to the seed, to the very center around which body revolves.


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Pharma Company Threatens Shortages to Hike Up Cancer Drug Prices by 4000%

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer
Waking Times 

There is not lack of controversy in the pharmaceutical industry, particularly when it comes to drug prices. Unethical, profit-generating tactics used by Big Pharma have never been clearer than the recent actions taken by South African Aspen Pharmacare. This company tried to drive up the price of five different cancer drugs as much as 4,000 percent. Moreover, it threatened to stop supplying the much-needed medication if health authorities didn’t agree to the higher prices.

Foul Tactics Used to Increase Cancer Drug Prices

Aspen Pharmacare purchased the rights to five different cancer drugs from British firm GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) in 2009. As part of the deal, GSK became one of Aspen’s main investors. It received 16 percent stake in the company, which it sold off in 2013 and 2016.

In 2012, Aspen started to raise cancer drug prices in major European markets such as Britain, Spain and Italy. The Times reports:


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