God said:
Fear not. Stress not. Strain not.
Be at ease.
If you are going through a rough time, no need to emphasize your discomfort.
When you have a sore toe, for instance, you would put your foot up. Rest it. Take care of it. You don’t dance on it or put on tight shoes.
It is yourself you are being good to. You are connected to that foot of yours. It is part of you. You don’t badger your foot or rail at that foot for being sore. You are not sore at your toes at all. Quite naturally, you soothe your toes as much as possible.
When your hurt is a circumstance in your life, a heartache, let’s say, you may harass yourself over it. You may ask yourself pointed questions like:
“What is the matter with you? You numbskull!”
You may say: “How did you get yourself in this mess? Why were you so foolish? Now what are you going to do? How are you going to get yourself out of this?”
You may call yourself names. You give yourself a harder time than the situation calls for.
How can you be so rude to yourself who are your Life’s Companion? You are in constant contact with yourself. You are someone whom I tell you is One with Me. Come, change your tactics, Beloveds.
When you require love the most, give it to yourself. Hand it over. Be courteous. If you knew how to prevent world events and personal events, you would.