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Daily Message ~ Saturday April 8, 2017

Have you ever noticed how, when someone is upset, if another person stays in their own energy and simply offers reassurance or a hug, the other person can find their way back to greater balance? It is a beautiful example of how staying in your own energy, alignment, and truth is one of the best ways you can help others.

Dear Ones, no matter how much you are shifting at any given time, there are fundamental energies that have already been well integrated and grounded into your energy systems through your enlightenment process. They are always there, your constant energetic truths, to settle back into as your solid home base whenever you, or someone else, could use that added support.

You might think of it as the calming hug that is always available to you, others, and the world. ~Archangel Gabriel

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How Your Breath Is Your Brain's Remote Control, According To New Study

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

For centuries, yogis have been expressing the incredible benefits meditation can provide. More recently, meditation has become a more mainstream means of treating anxiety and stress, as deep breathing has been proven to calm the nervous system and reduce our heart rate. Avid meditators or individuals who practice breathing techniques typically report that such practices have the ability to silence or slow down the mind. This begs the question: How exactly does meditation and controlled breathing affect our brain?

We’ve all heard the saying “take a deep breath,” and there’s actually some merit to that. A new study published in the Journal of Neuroscience found that there’s a direct link between nasal breathing and our cognitive function.

GFP Newsletter - 4/7/2017

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Politics is only for idiots. Its day is finished. We have to begin a new history in which there will be no place for politics. We want to get rid of all this retardedness, this mediocrity. We want the earth to become really the very cream of the whole universe. It can become, it has the potential.

Unfortunately we have not used it. But the time has come - and I am preparing you to use it.


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Let Us Turn the Page Together

God said:

Despite knowing better, sometimes you find yourself mired in a world of tension. You have read a lot of uplifting words, including Heavenletters. You know better, and, still, there are days and weeks or longer that surround you in misery. In theory, you may accept responsibility for how you are feeling, yet, when you are feeling down, you may stay feeling down, and can’t seem to get out of it. Woe is you.

You are a good person, and yet, day after day, you may endure feelings that drag you down. In certain company, you may smile, laugh, and sometimes may even really enjoy, and then, when you return to yourself alone, dark feelings keep you in their thrall. This seems to happen to you, and you don’t know how you got here.

You know better. You know better than to soak in dismal thoughts and dismal feelings, yet, here you are, immersed in deep and lasting despair. Here you are, lacking appetite for Life, and you seem unable to conjure up Life as Beautiful any more. It is inconceivable that unhappiness is happening to you. You used to nip downhearted feelings in the bud, while now they seem to take over.

Life may feel hollow right now. No one seems to care how you feel or understand even if they might want to. You, yourself, do not know the cause of your heartache. It’s not like someone who matters to you has died recently. You haven’t lost your livelihood. You have no physical ailment. You have no good reason to feel down and out, and, yet, you find yourself – it seems like you find yourself – in a downward spiral of despair.

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Daily Message ~ Friday April 7, 2017

Dear Ones, when you have faith and trust, you align beyond what you already know and allow greater potentials and possibilities to become reality. That is the gift of expansion, and expansion is what you are all seeking, both for yourselves and your planet, during these times of change. Do you see? Aligning beyond makes room for miracles. ~Archangel Gabriel

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5 Signs the Justice System is Hopelessly Corrupt

Gary ‘Z’ McGee, Staff Writer
Waking Times

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” ~Martin Luther King Jr.

The entire statist system is beleaguered and reeling from inherent problems and issues that are grossly out of balance with natural order and cosmic law. The justice system is one aspect of the statist system that is especially corrupt. From the bottom-up/top-down from the lowly street cop at the bottom, counting quotas, to the entrenched supreme court judge at the top wielding absolute power (that tends to corrupt absolutely), the justice system has never been more oppressive and overreaching. One has to obsequiously walk on eggshells, staying within rigid lines like a good little statist-pawn/debt-slave/propaganda-puppet, just to get through the day without getting locked up for a petty crime. And all of this within a so-called “free” country.

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They Thought She Was Insane: Doctor Finds RFID Chip In Sex Trafficking Victim…

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

The International Labor Organization estimates that there are 20.9 million human trafficking victims worldwide and 4.5 million people trapped in forced sex trafficking around the globe. At least 100,000 children are prostituted annually in the U.S., adding to the $9.8 billion U.S. sex trafficking industry. This is an extremely lucrative business, as pimps typically make between $150K and $200K per child annually and exploit 4-6 girls, on average.

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Media Silent As U.S. Launched Over 20 Airstrikes Against Yemen Last Weekend

The Pentagon carried out over 70 airstrikes in March.


The Pentagon carried out over 70 airstrikes in March against targets inside Yemen, which was more than US forces carried out in all of 2016. That trend of escalation appears to be continuing into early April, with officials saying over 20 strikes were launched just in the first two days of April.

Officials say that the strikes, which were mostly launched by drones, targeted al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) targets around the Shabwa Province, focusing on “infrastructure” and “fighting positions.” They provided no indication on death tolls.

AQAP is considered a high priority for the Trump Administration, and Pentagon officials have been playing up the threat in trying to get approval for an escalation in the US involvement in the Saudi invasion of Yemen, even though the Saudi war is unrelated to AQAP, and the Saudis have largely ignored fighting with them.

Indeed, AQAP gained considerable territory after the Saudi invasion, because the focus of the invasion was on chasing the Shi’ites out of southern Yemen, and little effort was made to secure broad chunks of rural territory which has since been added to AQAP’s territory.

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The U.S. military has launched 59 missiles into Syria, an official has reportedly confirmed to NBC.

By: , AntiMedia

The U.S. military has launched 59 missiles into Syria, an official has reportedly confirmed to NBC. The target of the strikes was a Syrian government-controlled airfield in Homs, Syria.

According to a Statement from the Department of Defense:

“At the direction of the president, U.S. forces conducted a cruise missile strike against a Syrian Air Force airfield today at about 8:40 p.m. EDT (4:40 a.m., April 7, in Syria). The strike targeted Shayrat Airfield in Homs governorate, and was in response to the Syrian government’s chemical weapons attack April 4 in Khan Sheikhoun, which killed or injured hundreds of innocent Syrian people, including women and children.”

GFP Newsletter - 4/6/2017

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When I say religion I simply mean the religious consciousness: a certain quality - not a certain dogma, not a creed, not a cult, not something organized but something felt deep in the heart, something closer to when you see in the morning a beautiful sunrise .... You feel something, something is stirred in you. You cannot express it, you cannot tell anybody what you are feeling.

All you can do is, you can hold the other person, and with your finger you can show the sunrise without saying a single word.

If the man has any aesthetic sense, any sensibility, he may be able to feel it; otherwise there is no way. You cannot argue, you cannot make a statement, you cannot do a commentary. You can only point it out ... fingers pointing to the moon.

All religious sages have only pointed to the moon. And all organized religions have caught hold of the fingers, forgotten all about the moon, and are worshiping the fingers. Now, the fingers are not the moon - they never were.


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Think Thoughts You Never Thought Before

God said:

What is important after all? You have the say. You are the decider and determiner of what is important. If your being right is vital to you, you are the one who makes this decision. You proclaim it.

There are, of course, exceptions. In this world, in order to exist as a human Being, you must have food and water. A baby to survive must have the touch of human hands, must be picked up, must be hugged. And, of course, there is a range between surviving and thriving.

Not everyone has had ideal Love and understanding while growing up. Frankly, this is what many or most of the people in this land deal with. How do you now recoup the Love you did not have and that someone had unwittingly been stingy with?

One thing you mean to do is to give your children all the Love you did not have, to make it up to your children with the Love you give, and yet you may find yourself falling short as well. You would go back and change some things if you could.

The time is coming when the giving and receiving of Love will be without instruction and effort. It will not be a thought. It will be natural. It will be easy. It will be Love that comes of its own accord. The time will come when it will be impossible not to give love. No one will have to think of handing out love in the right proportions. There will be no measuring, no adding on and no restricting.

In Life in the World, Love will simply flower. Everyone will be an Adept of Love. Love will flourish and extend itself. It will be impossible for Love not to leap for joy.

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A Fasting Diet Could Reverse Diabetes & Repair The Pancreas, New Research Shows

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

According to a new study published in the journal Cell, a new fasting diet might be able to reboot the body.

The research explains that the diet triggers the pancreas to regenerate itself, which works to control blood sugar levels and reverse symptoms of diabetes.

The scientists put mice into an artificial fasting mode for four days a week over a period of several months to regenerate beta cells in the pancreas, which stores and releases insulin, and saw that working cells took the place of damaged ones. The team even experimented on pancreatic cell cultures from human donors affected by type I diabetes, and found that the diet generated additional insulin, as well as the Ngn3 protein needed to ensure the pancreas functions correctly.

Having been tested only on mice and on human cells in lab conditions, there is still a ways to go to prove its efficacy in the real world. Researchers also advise against trying it at home as a means for treating diabetes.


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