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New Jersey Passes Law Requiring Pet Stores To Only Sell Rescue Animals

by Amanda Froelich, True Activist

The bill aims to crack down on the cruel industry of puppy mills.

Earlier this year, New Jersey’s Senate passed a monumental bill requiring only dogs and cats obtained from shelters and animal rescue organizations to be sold in pet stores. The measure – which was a revision of the New Jersey Pet Protection act – went into effect January 12, 2016, and was passed to help crack down on the cruel industry of puppy mills.

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Eye Gazing: Science Reveals How It Affects Our Communication

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

Eye gazing is one of the most powerful practices on this planet, allowing us to experience a deeper connection to ourself and others. Many people, including myself, have had indescribable experiences while eye gazing, such as seeing auras, past lives, and other images. By simply looking into another person’s eyes, you can discover more about yourself, humanity as a collective, and our roles as spiritual beings.

What causes us to experience these intense feelings and visions by doing something as simple as eye gazing? Why does verbal communication all of a sudden become so difficult when we make eye contact? Scientists from Kyoto University decided to study this ever-growing phenomenon.

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Daily Message ~ Saturday December 3, 2016

Being of service allows you to experience your highest expression of self, which will always, always bring you joy. Your service does not need to be grandiose to make a difference. It can be powerfully expressed in the simplest ways, by intending to be of service however those opportunities may present themselves to you, and also allowing others the joy of serving you. If you understand that it brings you joy to give, receiving from another is also an act of service, for it allows them to experience their highest expression of self, as well. Do you see? By embracing the flow of give and take, serve and be served, love and be loved, you are offering the experience of joyful service for all. ~Archangel Gabriel


GFP Newsletter - 12/2/2016

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Meditation changes not your mind, but you, your consciousness.

And the change comes by your own awareness.

Nobody can fall from awareness. The greater the awareness, the less is the possibility of falling.

When awareness is complete, entire, then there is no way you can fall.

You have arrived.


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Do You See Life as a Great Trial?

God said:

You desire this, and you desire that, and what you desire may be at two ends of two different spectrums. You have conflicting desires. You want everything. You may ask yourself: “What do I want more than what I already have?”, and yet you aren’t sure how to choose between two wants that seem to cancel each other.

An example might be that you want a love relationship, and you also may prefer to live alone. If you could have a peaceful loving relationship, you would be glad, yet you fear to tread where you have trodden before where peace is not.

You want to fulfill all your responsibilities, and you would very much like plenty of free time as well.

This is how you are conflicted. You talk back and forth. You talk yourself into an idea, and, in the next breath, you talk yourself out of the idea. You convince yourself that you can't be or have everything. Therein lies the rub.

Come from the idea that you can indeed be and have everything you desire. Come also from the idea that you are not in need, definitely not in desperate need.

Focus on your desires and less on what you believe you may be denied.

Midway is not always the solution. There is always a solution. There is always a way to be found. A way will come to you. Know this: Maybe you don't have to walk both to the left and to the right. Maybe you don't have to figure everything out.

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Study: Single Session of Ayahuasca Can Defeat Depression

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), an estimated 250 million people of all ages suffer from depression, making it the leading cause of disability around the world and a significant contributor to the worldwide disease burden. More people are on antidepressant medication now than ever before, and the numbers keep rising.

Ayahuasca, the most powerful psychotropic known to man, is a brew of two different Amazonian plants, Banisteriopsis caapi and Psychotria viridis. This pairing has been used for centuries in healing ceremonies in the Amazon, but over the past decade or so, it has gained worldwide prominence, with thousands of people travelling across the globe to participate in indigenous healing ceremonies, typically in South America and most notably in Peru.

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Daily Message ~ Friday December 2, 2016

What a year many of you have had! If you are wondering why you had so much going on, we would say it was because you were focused on completion within a year of completion. You have accomplished more in one year in these accelerated energies than would normally achieve over the span of several lifetimes. Allow that last of the clearing to occur if you still have things coming up, and then look to the future.

What do you wish to create now that you are not hauling all that old junk with you? What do you wish to embody now that you have created so much space? Just like an artist will prepare the canvas in preparation for their next masterpiece, you are poised to create some of your greatest expressions of self moving forward. ~Archangel Gabriel


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My lovely one; it may seem as if you are surrounded by muck.  The everyday acts of living may make it feel as if you are dragging all of it with you.  There is a lesson in this!  Please remember that once you move past thoughts of being weighed down, there are great treasures to be found.  It may take some digging, but you will find them. ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 12/1/2016

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A cultured society need not throw a man like Timothy Leary in jail. You have so many scientists, let them prove what he is saying is wrong. There is no need for any court, for any law to come into it.

And if he is right then he should be accepted, then he should be received as a messiah because he is bringing a new way of transformation. If he is right, welcome him. If he is wrong, prove him wrong; that's enough.

This is very primitive, ugly, to throw him into jail because he is saying something which goes against the law. But who told you that the law is anything ultimate? You have made the law. Science goes on progressing. You will have to change your laws if they go against science; science is not to be prevented.


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The Cards of Life

God said:

Along with your long list of wonderful gifts you long for, add this one: Add that you grow to be humble and that you stay firmly so. You are not asking to be more humble than anyone else. You are not even admiring being humble.

When you are humble, you are basic. You appreciate what you are granted. You also are not outraged at what you see as Life not having granted you all your desires to date. You know that you are deserving. You know this as you know how to take breaths without counting or ordering yourself to take them. The ability to breathe without thinking about it is ordained. It is already yours, so no need to pant for it.

Humble, you don't get high and mighty. You are not perturbed. Humble, you take Life as it comes. You don't feel that Life must do this or that. You do not feel overlooked or misbegotten.

What you do is to take Life without affront. What a great talent you have when you do not take affront. When you do not take affront, you put the Cards of Life, as they are dealt to you, in their place. You do not harbor them in front of you. You do not take them amiss. Your feathers are not ruffled.

It may well be that you desire good for yourself and good for others. Good for all actually. That you deserve all is a given. If anyone deserves good, you know you do. Now, humbly, you know it is on its way.

When you are humble, what you gain is equanimity. Desire equanimity. Desire peace for yourself and give it to the Universe and all the throng.

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Over 2,000 U.S. Veterans To Form Human Shield At Dakota Pipeline Site

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

According to demonstration organizers, more than 2,000 U.S. military veterans plan to form a human shield to protect protesters against the North Dakota Access Pipeline, in response to a federal deadline that pressures peaceful activists to evacuate the camp they have been occupying.

Growing exhausted of the protests, North Dakota law enforcement has sought desperate measures to put the event to an end, while those occupying the site are determined to make change no matter how long or hard they have to fight. Law enforcement had previously tried to cut off supplies to the camp, but failed to follow through due to public outcry and a growing awareness of their unethical treatment of the protestors.

Protestors have been rallying for months to stop the $3.8 billion Dakota Access Pipeline from moving forward, as it would disrupt the lake near the Standing Rock Sioux reservation, harming water resources and sacred Native American sites.


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10 Life Changing Books That Have Resonated With Millions of People

by Mark DeNicola, Collective Evolution

Thousands upon thousands of personal development and spirituality books fill the shelves of your local book store. While they all offer wonderful food for thought, here are 10 in particular that you shouldn’t miss out on. 

The world of literature is a magical one. Despite being equipped with only words, books have the incredible ability to make us think, feel, and imagine new worlds.

As an avid reader, I can think of a number of books that changed my life for the better. While many of these were works of fiction, I’d like to instead focus upon 10 largely nonfictional works devoted to personal development.

While most that I will be listing have topped several best-seller lists at one point or another, an astonishing number of us have still never taken the time to read them.

Here are 10 books that I believe have life changing potential:

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Study Reveals Cannabis May Be the Much-Needed Breakthrough Treatment for Alzheimer’s

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer
Waking Times

A study out of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in California has demonstrated that the psychoactive compound in cannabis, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), removes clumps of proteins from nerve cells which are believed to kick-start Alzheimer’s disease.

Scientists continue to struggle when it comes to preventing and treating Alzheimer’s. The illness affects about 50 million people worldwide. It is believed to result from a build-up of two types of substances in the brain’s nerve tissue. The first are amyloid beta proteins that clump together between the neurons. The second are neurofibrillary tangles that form inside the neurons due to defective tau proteins that have clumped together.

The recent medical study now offers hope for a possible treatment of Alzheimer’s patients. It reveals that THC aides in the removal of amyloid beta proteins that have accumulated between the neurons.


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