GFP Newsletter - 11/21/2016

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Government is a game, the ugliest and the dirtiest game in the world.

But there are people in the lowest state of consciousness who enjoy it: these are the politicians. The only joy of a politician is to govern, to be in power, to enslave people The greatest desire of all those who have reached to the peaks of consciousness has been the dream that one day we can get rid of all governments. That day will be the greatest in the whole history - past, present, future - of man, because getting rid of all governments will mean destroying the ugliest game, the game the politicians have been playing for centuries.

They have made man just a chess piece, and they have created so much fear, fear that without government there will be anarchy, disorder, chaos ... everything will be destroyed. And the strangest thing is that we go on believing this nonsense.


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One Answer to All the Mysteries

God said:

You love a mystery. You love finding out what there is to find out. You are forever seeking more and more. You find the cherry on the top of the cake, and then there is another cake and another discovery to make – and another.

It is true you are never satisfied. You love to catch up, and you love to get ahead. It is yourself you chase. All that you search for is within you. You are the Finder, and you are the Found. You are the Treasure Who Seeks Your Self. You are the Treasure you are after. You are the discovery you make.

You are avid to bare your Soul. You want to know your Soul for your own Self. World fame is nothing next to the Reality of your hankering to know your Own Soul.

If Truth were known, you would know that you hold all knowledge within you, yet, as it is, you withhold your Grand Self from your little self. This is the skit you act in. Of course, you believe this heart and soul, yet it is, nevertheless, a trick you play on yourself as well as a trick you play on your audience. You are up to hi-jinks. You act as if you star in a play within a play, an actor within an actor.

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Let The Universe Handle It

There will be those that, no matter what you do or say, will actively choose to remain mired in their negativity.  They have been in that particular space for so long, they know nothing else and no amount of cajoling will make them see your world otherwise.  It is their safe space and they will steadfastly refuse to abandon it.  The world and all its inhabitants have done them wrong and, by God, they will make sure you know it! As challenging as it is, let them be.  If they have chosen to expend all their time and energy wrapped in their ‘security blanket’ of negative energy, it is their choice!  Continue to send them Unconditional Love and rest assured, dear one, you have done what you could.  Let The Universe handle the rest. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Monday November 21, 2016

You are in the process of wrapping up one of the most pivotal years you have ever experienced on your planet. You are markedly changed energetically from who you were at the beginning of this year of your time. Of course, because you are always shifting and evolving, you will continue to energetically tweak and refine through the end of this year but the bulk of the heavy work has been done.

How are you different now from the beginning of this year? What clarity have you acquired? What is still begging for your attention? What new vistas are available to you due to the tremendous amount of releasing and healing you have achieved? Now is an ideal time to ask yourself these questions before your winter solstice, the event that locks in your progress from the year and sets you up for what you would like to create in the coming year.

So we advise you to catch your breath, congratulate yourself for all that you have done and all you will continue to do, and to look at the future with fresh eyes that are full of potential and possibility. That is exactly what all the work you have done has been for. ~Archangel Gabriel

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BREAKING: Millions Watch As Water Cannons, Rubber Bullets, Tear Gas, Concussion Grenades Being Used On Peaceful Protectors

by Rajie Kabli, Collective Evolution

A situation is unfolding as you read this. A live feed with currently 60k people watching, 56k comments and 80k shares (and growing) is being shown on Facebook. Kevin Gilbert seems to be the only LIVE feed coming from Standing Rock at a police blockade on a bridge on HWY 1806. They are using extreme force on unarmed, peaceful water protectors. It is sub-zero temperatures right now at Standing Rock and police are using water cannons to spray the protectors. Tear-gas is also being used. In the LIVE feed, Kevin interviews a friend who was on the front lines providing blankets to people when she was heavily tear gassed and as a result, she vomited and peed herself.

According to UnicornRiot, this all started when protectors attempted to remove the blockade on the bridge to open up the HWY. There were also mentions of Dakota Access bringing in drills under the cover of night.

GFP Newsletter - 11/20/2016

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For us there is not heaven or hell. But there are heavenly moments, hellish moments - and they depend on you. They are not geographical. It is not that you enter hell or heaven; it is that you create hell or heaven for yourself. And it is up to you at anytime to change.


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You are Real, the illusion is not.

We are in the end times.  This does not mean the end!  It refers to the dispelling and disintegration of the illusion.  The illusion is a dream or nightmare in which humanity has been collectively enmeshed for eons.  It is an unreal state, an hallucination, something unreal but imagined – similar to the misdirection used by magicians – which is very convincing.  What you believe in you see!  The collective has seen and experienced the illusion for eons and thus it has become virtually impossible not to believe in its reality.  Until very recently your scientists were producing “evidence” that proved you lived in a physical universe, and everyday experience confirmed the illusion’s solid reality because objects cannot pass through other objects without becoming damaged.

However, at the forefront of modern physics it has finally been confirmed that nothing is solid, that forms of any kind – whether galaxies or ants – are all part of an immensely vast electro-magnetic energy field.  Everything is energy and is connected to everything else, there is no separation.  Nevertheless, within the illusion, life forms still experience themselves as individual, separated beings.  Consequently it is very difficult for you to understand and appreciate that you are beings of pure spirit, fields of consciousness, constantly interacting with and affecting one another.

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The Indweller of Your Heart

God said:

You murmur to yourself. You are so often chatting with yourself. You as speaker speak your heart, and you, as friend, listen to yourself. Naturally, I also listen to your murmurings. I hear you speak to Me:

"You are a God of Love Replete. Infinite God. You are a Miracle, and You tell us that we are miracles as well, although we are as if in two pieces, the Heart and Mind.

"The heart is my favorite, God. Fill my heart.

"Believe me, God, I am in awe of the Human Mind as well. We human beings are such a tour de force. It is amazing, all of it.

"We are so brave. We have no armor. We are defenseless, yet we defend. We block. We resist. We dig our feet in. We flounder for a sense of security, yet everything is moving under us. There is no solid ground. I have heard that we are made of atoms. We take a breath. We sigh.

"How good are we, after all, in managing life? It's like we were thrown onto a roulette wheel. We spin, and how we turn out, nobody knows. Well, ultimately, we know. You have told us. The route we don't know, even when we are sure we know.

"Maybe some people know, but I don't. I have never known. I am not at all sure who I am, where I am, where I have been, what is happening. So often I feel I am up a creek, God. I don't yet have my bearings. I muddle through."

Hear Me is what I say to you, dear child.

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The Beginning of Something Great

By Wes Annac, Editor, Culture of Awareness & Openhearted Rebel

Do you ever hear an old song from a favorite musician or band – a song from when they were just starting out – and notice that they were beginning to develop the sound you’ve come to recognize from them in later albums?

It’s like stepping back in time to a point when the artist knew they had something good but were still in the beginning stages of working it out. “If only they knew how far they’ll go”, you might think to yourself, “they would’ve been even more motivated”.

I see the same thing in the conscious community. Our community is flooded with great writers, researchers, filmmakers, musicians and organizers on the front lines and I get the sense that the best is yet to come.

This motivates me to pursue my own work with a sense of urgency and the desire to get better, knowing that something genuine can come of it if I refuse to give up. Does anyone else feel like by this point, pursuing your passion is no longer a desire but a need?

I don’t need to list all the people who’ve proven you can successfully follow your dreams if you keep at it despite failure or setbacks. A sense of urgency comes with the feeling that your work is in its beginning states and something much better will come if you pursue the path ahead wisely.

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Actress Jane Fonda Will Serve A Thanksgiving Feast To Standing Rock Protestors

by Amanda Froelich, True Activist

The two-time Academy Award winner will help serve a Wopila Feast to the activists at Standing Rock; in addition, she’s donating four Mongolian yurts.

Since spring 2016, supporters of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe have been protesting the construction of a four-state Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) near Cannon Ball, North Dakota. Despite being tased, beaten with batons, tear gassed, and even shot with rubber bullets, the ‘water protectors’ continue to camp out on private land which, according to tribal leaders, rightfully belongs to the Standing Rock Sioux tribe under an 1851 treaty.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday November 20, 2016

When you are wishing to create something, understand it is a process of unfoldment. You can adjust details as you go, by getting further clarity about what works for you and what does not as you have experiences, and then giving your feedback to the universe through your gratitude. Many of you will deny stepping into your flow of creation by waiting for what you desire to show up in a manner that you consider to be complete and perfect. Dear Ones, you deny yourself so much pleasure and experience by taking that approach!

You will never be done, you see. Your soul is always seeking to grow and expand and have new experiences. In fact, that is the true joy of being human -€“ the discovery and endless delight of the unfoldment. Simply put, you must stick your hands into the lump of clay to really learn what you can do with it. So see the elements that show up that are a glimmer of what you desire to be an invitation into that flow that will move you toward your dreams and open you to new and grand potentials in your life. That is where your soul is beckoning you to go and where your greatest discoveries of self happen. ~Archangel Gabriel

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The Stage Is Set

The stage is set, the actors have and are on their marks, the orchestra is poised and ready to begin the swell of music signaling the beginning of Act I.  Where are you?  Are you in the audience, sitting back and watching it all unfold before you? Or are you on stage participating and moving the story in a different direction?  In the coming weeks and months, you will have a very important decision to make.
It is your choice; you can remain stationary and quiet, complaining about how “it wasn’t like the book” or “it didn’t end the way you thought it would”….or…. you can add your voice to the chorus.  You chose to come into your history at this grand and pivotal moment in time to affect change.  Now is the time to jump into action, my child.  Do not let it pass you by! ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 11/19/2016

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The greatest thing about truth is that when you find it, you are simply amazed that it was hidden in the inquirer himself.



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